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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Okay guys I've figured out what I'm going to do. I'm going to make a mod that changes some of the PE class abilities into the ones I describe. Might take me a while to figure out, but I'll come back with a Paladin slow aura and some similar stuff like that with removed Engagement, and demonstrate how much more fun it is. Will probably write something about it too (already am) but yeah, that looks to be the best non-pessimistic way of doing it, like how I got recovery time pause while moving removed.
  2. Might do a comparison between them a bit later, see what the difference are - ending is noticeably different. The last one kind of fizzled out a bit.
  3. I have never done this against either of these opponents either. To beat the Ogre I found out that Imoen for some reason never dies to him in one hit (this is vanilla BG, btw) so I always send her in to take the single hit that he gets off and kill him with PC, Khalid and Jaheira. If I send my PC in first he/she always dies in one hit every time haha
  4. Was the same music as the previous trailer but it has been worked on a bit more yeah?
  5. PE isn't a cover/environmental interaction game though, think Warcraft 3 or something instead. Mountain King -> Storm Bolt, surround, gg.
  6. I don't think I liked the look of it, although it's possible I reconsidered my position since then. I am fine with it as long as it is implemented well, looks good and can be disabled. If recovery time is ever given a diff animation than combat idle I'm turning those things off straight away. Anything that gets those Combat HUDs off the screen is fine by me.
  7. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69199-possible-spoilers-modding-thread-a-simple-mod-and-console-commands/?do=findComment&comment=1530388
  8. Ideally classes would have some things that can stop you or slow you down. Rogues have a Crippling Strike, that hobbles you. Druid AI already casts CC stuff that hobbles you as well. Ciphers could have a ranged stun/knockdown ability (actually they already natively have truckloads of CC). Paladins could have an AoE slow aura, that would allow them and their allies to catch up to you (and would actually make you cast movement speed increasing spells to counter it). There's lots of possibilities, all you have to do is look at non-RPG real-time games for the answers.
  9. If it helps, you can download a mod that gives you the ability to summon items and give them some clothing. I did that for some of my Beetles videos.
  10. With disables. Stun the guy that's baiting, problem solved. That's exactly what I want - no Engagement, but abilities that give CC that you can use in order to be sticky. All that's required is to look at what other real-time games do to prevent this situation, and the answer is disables and cc. Then that actually forces you to react, oh crap my guy got stunned, I need to suppress the Affliction! - it promotes a reaction from the player, and they have to use tactics.
  11. Never did that to either the Ogre or Sarevok. For the Ogre I found out that in vanilla BG he *never* kills Imoen outright for some reason, I always send her in to bait his attack, and then take him down with the PC, Khalid and Jaheira. If I use my PC to tank the Ogre, he/she gets killed in one hit every time, but for some reason Imoen can withstand a Flail to the face pretty well
  12. Isn't it standard Paradox game price? Backers can still buy additional keys, I've bought for 6 other people so far. Pretty good at 3 keys for $60 usd
  13. Sounds like most of Obsidian's games actually. The story is always pretty good. Combat is never really that good.
  14. Passive means you pick abilities and talents that do not require you to do anything for them to work. Playing passively means that you do not need to use as many abilities and spells and you can just sit there auto-attacking. The Paladin is fairly passive because the bread and butter of their class is their auras. You might pick Flames of Devotion or Lay on Hands, but other than that, the Paladin won't really do much else other than attack people. More active classes are like WIzards, Priests and Ciphers where you need to constantly queue up spells/abilities for best effectiveness. Passive and Active speaks about the player input, requires less input = more passive. Requires more = more active.
  15. Oh right, I don't think I've done Trials of the Luremaster before, need to get around to that sometime. There's Spectral Guards in IWD though - In Joril's Cave. Nope, they're Black Ice Knights.
  16. It should be the opposite - if you want to control combat you should use status effect abilities. Disengaging in PE is pointless because it's simply not worth it. It's far better to just deal raw damage to the enemy or heal the frontliner every single time than it is to do anything else. It is so boring. That one of my and Cubiq and other people's problems with it.
  17. The conversation was longer than that, there were 3 or so replies and they may be of interest to some people. He had some pretty good answers for some of my concerns (but not all). Either way I won't be following up on anything in that thread for the moment.
  18. They took the ability to do it out in the last patch, but I made a mod that adds it back and unlocks the level cap. Also heaps of other things as well. Bester and mutonizer have also made mods that do various minor things. I don't use mods to report bugs though.
  19. I have already. All or most of the replies are in here If not they're here That would be a programming and UI nightmare. I'm not complaining about the difficulty though. I can add any item from the game I want to. I've rolled through with a party of level 12 characters before. I am complaining about the pathfinding.
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