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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Umm, well I'd say nothing is balanced yet. Adam Brennecke stated recently that everything does way too much damage a few days ago, and there was supposed to have been a balance pass done the other day. There was a backer who posted that he just finished a playthrough of this build and liked the feel of the combat ... I had to raise my eyebrow a bit at that. I enjoy hard combat, but combat ends in about 10 seconds of unpaused gameplay, which isn't very fun.
  2. Sorry but, what? No it doesn't ... lol. I don't play on normal, but nothing about the pace and damage of anything feels IE.
  3. There are more beetles and due to the removal of DR, everything is doing more damage. Weapon damage has been reduced a bit, but creature damage was already too high even before the changes, now you'll notice it a lot more. Been doing some testing myself with Plate Mail on characters. Doesn't seem to make much difference in survivability. BB Fighter goes down to 4-5 (Regular) Lion attacks every time.
  4. Ever since Roby Atadero optimized the Area Map, it's been working pretty much perfectly. However in v392, there are now issues again when moving the camera in the area map.
  5. Here's another instance of it happening
  6. In this video, a Stone Beetle is Engaging my Wizard. When the Stone Beetle burrows, the engagement arrow persists through the burrow. Also when I pause, one of the Stone Beetles teleports to my Wizard. It did not burrow either.
  7. Actually it could just be the last corpse looted in player vision or something, always seems to happen when you loot the last body after a fight. Resting, save/reload fixes it.
  8. Unit tooltips now appear in the top left corner of the screen like Aarklash Legacy.
  9. This seems to occur when you change from the default character in the loot UI and then close the loot UI after you've looted all the items from a body. The body will then flicker endlessly.
  10. In this video I have recorded myself making a test character and spamming clicks on character creation buttons. You will notice that there is lag created when the game has to load something 3D related after a button is clicked, much like when you equip an item in the inventory (which I believe was optimized in v364, but Character Creation was not). There is also FPS drops on some of the other buttons (Attributes) but no noticeable delay, and very noticeable delay/game freeze when moving to the Voice Set option.
  11. I was also just making a test character. Nah, that feature was cut.
  12. Not all class talents are very good (at the moment).
  13. This has been the case since class specific Talents for Paladins and Priests were added, but when you select Kind Wayfarer for a Paladin, there is no class specific Talent for them.
  14. Below you can see that the Modal ability Reckless Assault's selection is doubled over another invisible / fake action slot
  15. In this image I skipped from Race selection straight across to Appearance, as you can see, Hair and Skin color options are greyed out. This becomes resolved after I have selected my class abilities. Expected Result is that you should be able to select hair and skin color regardless of whether you have chosen your class abilities yet.
  16. I'm uploading a video reporting stuttering issues with characters dropping, and I recorded the frame rate into the video, so you can see for yourself how poorly the game is running compared to previous versions. I'd say it's a combination of more creatures in areas (and since no 3D Optimization has been done, that makes the frame rate terrible) as well as code changes I suppose.
  17. They're there for me. He probably forgot to level up.
  18. The game lags horribly when a character gets knocked out, 6 FPS lol
  19. Tooltips are now transparent, like Icewind Dale. A good change in my opinion. Characters now start at level 4, which might mean that they've tweaked exactly when you can access the Dyrford in the game, not sure.
  20. For the record, I use Windows 7 x64 which by default parks the logical cores of i7 CPUs. I used a tool to disable Core Parking and it seems to have mostly alleviated the FPS drops when selecting characters, still get a little bit of a drop, but not nearly as much as before. Bearing in mind that basically no one else with Windows 7 and an i7 CPU will download a tool to disable Core Parking just to fix their FPS drops though.
  21. I'm not a huge fan of the blood FX for this game, I preferred the quick splash from the hit point of the weapon of the IE games rather than the style used for Pillars of Eternity, creates too much clutter on the screen.
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