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Darth Trethon

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Posts posted by Darth Trethon

  1. You know OP.....there's this road I know with really packed, high speed traffic that's going just about 24/7, it's perfect for you to play in.


    Also there's no withdrawing any pledge at this point, Kikstarter pledges can no longer be altered and have been collected and there never was any sort of taking back any paypal pledge.


    Oh and for the record there's no kind of ending I enjoy more than a gloriously awesome ending.....with much win in it.

  2. Big shield update:


    I've uploaded 75 new shields to the members section of the OOoE site!



    I hope you like them! :)


    Please contact me if you are not satisfied with your personal shield or if you miss your shield.

    Four shield requests are still in the pipeline since they need more work and I need more time (Raccoon, Raithe, Hertzila, SophosTheWise).... ;)


    Great job....thanks a lot for all the hard work you've put and continue to put into making these shields. I just placed mine in the signature....I'll likely end up playing with it some more(center, resize...etc.) later on but for now it's just great.

    • Like 2
  3. I'll say it would definitely be nice if P:E goes for general realistic body types and not being ridiculously stereotyped in any ways, including all the fat people being jolly, lazy, gluttonous, whatever. A more common issue is the female figures... please do not make them barbie dolls in chainmail bikinis. Realistic proportions and armor/outfits that actually seem functional, for everybody, please. Not saying their shouldn't be attractive characters, just that they not look like they were designed by a 14-year old boy.


    Realistic for what setting? Realistic for what you're likely to see in a WallMart full of people that have never faced hardship beyond paperwork? The modern generations think that a fantasy setting has to reflect real life when that makes no sense at all....people in a semi-medieval setting such as PE's where the industrial revolution hasn't even started that never knew of the comforts of electricity, AC and television that always had to be prepared to fight for their lives not just physically but also mentally and spiritually against forces of magic would be a lot more fit than your "realistic" couch potato that is all too common these days.


    So....fat people....yeah they're easy prey for the wilderness and bandits and such. Barbie dolls in chainmail bikinis....they can probably deliver a stronger punch than you this since they're actually fit so they are more than welcome in PE.

    • Like 1
  4. Character creation gets tricky when the character has a predetermined age....it kind of leaves it up to you to create a character that looks the age. Beyond that I don't see why you're asking for 21 specifically because if you despise 20 is one year really going to make a difference? It'd be more reasonable if you were asking for 25 or 30 or something but +1?

  5. With as popular as COD is, I'm betting there's a ton of fans of that game who are also excited about PE, and even backers.


    The idea that PE should be "like" CoD is a pretty dramatic stretch (to put in very mildly), but I see no reason why fans of that game necessarily wouldn't be interested in this game.


    Not really.....COD is for a completely different audience than RPGs not made to accommodate them and this one certainly doesn't. The ADD shooter-spaz genre doesn't really mix with the RPG genre.....attempted mixtures result in catastrophe(see ME3 and DA2).

  6. I imagine that Arcanum isn't in the poll because Obsidian does not intend to make a game like Arcanum this time around. So there's no point in asking fans if we want a game like it, because they're not planning to make that game anyway. Just a hunch.

    then why is COD3 in there?

    That would be Obsidian's sense of humor.


    lol, I can't believe someone actually failed to realize that. It's clearly not meant to be taken seriously. :thumbsup:


    I can only imagine how horrible life must be around here for the one COD superfan that somehow got lost and wound up here somehow(and I promise you that from ~80k backers there's at least one...there's always one)....maybe even as a backer. If life has taught me one thing it's never underestimate people.....they will always surprise you in both works of greatness and depths of dumbness. :getlost:

  7. I play games purely for the story...a well implemented band of companions with solid stories and interactions are a great addition to that. Other things like gameplay and loot and such I also enjoy but not in the way that people who play for those things do. For example, the more overpowered my character is the more I enjoy the gameplay, I'm all for feeling omnipotent and invincible and godlike....which is not to say I can't handle insane difficulties(I can and have) I just don't enjoy them as much.

  8. Any amazing story should have a plot twist that the player never sees coming....something so surprising, shocking and amazing in a good way that makes sense and is coherent with the plot that it forces you to essentially reset all your beliefs about the characters and factions you've dealt with and sort of leave you in a no-man's-land where you just stop, stare in disbelief but pleasantly amazed, maybe reload a previous save to replay the scene to ensure your mind wasn't playing tricks on you and then just ask yourself "well, what the hell am I supposed to do now?" Then you continue playing but a bit more slowly as you rationalize what happened, consider your options and the confront the issue and all related to it in the game in a new light.


    So you might almost say that every great story not only can have but should have some amount of conspiracy tied into it....something that makes perfect sense and in hindsight you probably should have seen coming but at the same time so carefully planned out and hidden by the protagonists and/or antagonists that no reasonable person would have thought of and if it had occurred to them they'd have dismissed it as crazy.


    So yes they should have conspiracy on an epic scale as part of the main story....and it has to be awesome.

    • Like 1
  9. Now get him back to OEI damnit!


    Meh....I'd rather not....he decided to go to a complete sellout company that only cared about money and screwing the fans. I say leave him....Obsidian can do amazing things without such people....and good riddance.




    First off, he's talking about Kevin Saunders (completly different guy).


    Secondly, how can you even say such a thing? Do you even know who Tony is. That's a horrible thing to say, dude.


    (Not to mention Tony was the Lead Designer of SOZ which basically is the opposite of what you describe)


    Yes....who also left for BioWare, did he not? He consciously and deliberately betrayed Obsidian to work for EA.

  10. Now get him back to OEI damnit!


    Meh....I'd rather not....he decided to go to a complete sellout company that only cared about money and screwing the fans. I say leave him....Obsidian can do amazing things without such people....and good riddance.


    I'm gonna rock your world and shatter your reality but... Chris Avellone.. is David Gaider's friend!


    He hasn't left to go to BioWare......I don't care if he's friends with David.


    @Darth Trethon : Also stop writing like a stoner speaks. It's annoying.


    I wouldn't know about stoners, never been one and never hanged out with any, but I see you must be quite familiar with stoners so let me change how I write.....NOT. Petty insults, that's sad.

  11. Can you give me a good example of where Violin Dubstep would be placed within the game...


    Parties, certain fights depending on pacing, cut-scenes with more up-beat story bits. PE should be a fully fleshed living world with just as many up-beat bits as doom and gloom bits. Walk into a tavern and the atmosphere should reflect it. Why not even have some quests(optional) where you help children go about their happy play instead of just slaying monsters at every corner?

    I in no way shape or form endorse dubstep for Project Eternity. I only showed that video as evidence for Lindsey being awesome without it being about gaming.


    Why not? I endorse creativity and risk taking....especially with awesome things. You can't go wrong when you have game masters like Obsidian mixing awesome with more awesome.


    Don't be a pansy....take a risk for once in your life. It's good for the spirit. :getlost:


    There's a certain expectation with the type of music that will be included in a game of this type, it may be, "safe", but that doesn't mean it can't be good. Very few people find the traditional music usually included in these games, "offensive, just noise, migraine inducing, etc". It should stay that way.


    Again, if you want specific music you can always play yours in the background and mute the in-game music, or there will potentially be mods.


    Expectations? By whom? It's near impossible to find two people with matching expectations. Not to mention that the newer generations(which have to be accounted for, like it or not...plenty donated because they were more familiar with Obsidian's newer games..FONV, AP and so on) are almost nothing like the old that grew up playing IE games.

  13. Can you give me a good example of where Violin Dubstep would be placed within the game...


    Parties, certain fights depending on pacing, cut-scenes with more up-beat story bits. PE should be a fully fleshed living world with just as many up-beat bits as doom and gloom bits. Walk into a tavern and the atmosphere should reflect it.


    So where do we fit in the Country, Hard Rock, Alt Rock, Techno, Screamo, Death Metal, Metal, Power Metal, etc?


    I won't start listing but there are places for all of them too.....and why not? Bring it on Obsidian....it's party time... :dancing:

  14. Can you give me a good example of where Violin Dubstep would be placed within the game...


    Parties, certain fights depending on pacing, cut-scenes with more up-beat story bits. PE should be a fully fleshed living world with just as many up-beat bits as doom and gloom bits. Walk into a tavern and the atmosphere should reflect it. Why not even have some quests(optional) where you help children go about their happy play instead of just slaying monsters at every corner?

  15. If you want very wet gorgeous woman go to REDTUBE... Leave the music to musicians, who are pro at that and have their own track record of really good pieces...


    Shush....nobody is a more pro musician than that woman. You're the one thinking of redtube here, not me. I am merely thinking of what's best for PE.


    Assuming you aren't trolling, I actually like some of her music and yet I still know having Violin Dubstep in PE would be ****ing stupid. Almost as bad as having screamo or death metal.


    If you want to listen to her so much, turn down the music and then run a secondary program in the background with the music you want.


    No I'm not trolling. I also don't think it's stupid for the game.....not everywhere all the time mind you but there are certain to be bits where it fits quite nicely.

  16. There is a huge amount of hypocrisy to human beings. Everyone enjoys looking at the opposite sex but then when others get to look at them they start screaming bloody murder.


    There's a difference, though, between enjoying looking at the opposite sex (or even enjoying being looked at by the opposite sex) and being required to dress a character in a game in skimpy clothes because that's the only option you've been given.


    Note I'd say the same about ridiculously spiky armor that would have you spiking yourself in the head if you tried to raise your arm slightly; given that there is a limit to how much they can design I'd rather them look at the stuff that's the most utilitarian, which would be reasonable looking clothes and armor.


    For the PC yeah...have options(including bulky and skimpy and in-between), but for NPCs there should be a mixture of styles from across all levels. I am really not into the whole "ban skimpy battle dresses from the game".

    • Like 1
  17. There is a huge amount of hypocrisy to human beings. Everyone enjoys looking at the opposite sex but then when others get to look at them they start screaming bloody murder. All these popular things in the game industry like boob plate and steel panties are popular and have been popular for quite a long time among both genders and both genders contributed to that popularity. The reason male characters are more dressed is simply because women were responding better to other things than a lot of skin showing.....that's it. So yes, things are perfectly fair as they are.....both sides are being shown what they respond to best. It's not universal, impossible to please everyone regardless but this pleases most. The politics nonsense has no place here. In a world of magic with wizards and ciphers a pair of magically enchanted cloth panties can be a lot more powerful and protective than a full suit of plate mail. If there was no magic in the world then yeah, ok it would not make sense but as things are it makes perfect sense.

  18. Basically what we're learning form this thread is that people have a strong aversion to everything that's popular. Nothing new here in the world of elitism.

    That's because they are not so special. They are just good looking girls who covered some game music, which then made nerds go crazy about them. OMG GAMERRR GURRLLZZZ!! There are much more talented people out there who have something more to show for themselves than 100,000 YouTube subscribers.

    Lindsey doesn't need to do gaming covers to be awesome. Most of her stuff isn't gaming covers actually. For example:




    That's a very wet gorgeous woman who knows how to play violin really well while moving all over the place (yes, I've seen her do it live in front of a crowd).


    You're argument is invalid. :-P


    THIS!!! PE needs A LOT of this right here.

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