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Everything posted by karka

  1. So why don't you like the InFamous 2 demo exactly? First game was great.
  2. Great! Another gimmick from Nintendo!
  3. Ok, so now that I've decided to play TES: Oblivion at last, which mods should I install? I don't want that absurd "feature" called level scaling and I also want to keep other things as vanilla as possible.
  4. Sorry but this game looks like an XBLA game. Not impressed by any means.
  5. Finished ICO
  6. Just finished: Batman: Arham Asylum, God of War 3 Playing: Ico, Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction Looking forward to: Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, Red Dead Redemption
  7. Otogi: Myth of Demons http://www.mobygames.com/game/otogi-myth-of-demons
  8. When she turns around can you see the top of her thong? The 'realism' of her shirt and jeans is pretty impressive. Nope, no thong
  9. This game looks fantastic.
  10. And too bad that they won't make a proper sequel.
  11. http://www.gametrailers.com/news/new-princ...rsia-title/1610
  12. Just beaten PoP: The Two Thrones. Great game! Next: Shenmue 2
  13. Just finished Machinarium.
  14. Finished Psychonauts. Next: PoP: The Two Thrones
  15. - Psychonauts. Nearing the end. Just beaten El Odio. - Risen. Managed to see Don at last.
  16. Also finished the third chapter of Tales of Monkey Island. It was fabulous. Especially the ending credits. Best chapter so far.
  17. Just completed Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 2. Not as good as the first one but still a good adventuring. Now heading to the Chapter 3. And also still playing Psychonauts. I've destroyed the tank blueprint (yeah, it's possible to destroy blueprints in this game). Too bad that, shooting elements are not as good as the rest of the game. Still, one of the best games I've ever played.
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