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This game is going to have multiplayer? Well now I'm a bit worried. Multiplayer balancing can be the bane of singleplayer gameplay... Just browsed around for a bit of info and it looks like an hour of gameplay in this video? That's way too much spoiler for me, might be good for the undecided though...
You know about OpenTTD? It would be nice if Gog included OMF 2097 into their free games - it's freeawre already, so... Also the Discworld series is not on Gog, right? I haven't played those yet, so I might buy them.
I'm in the 'optimist crowd', I'm thinking about pre-ordering the game. The way I see it is that a lot of people either want an exact remake - just play the old one, sometimes I do - or didn't play the old game too much maybe..? But things like 'you'll have a single base', afaik in the original most people had one 'major' base mostly in Europe, and built the rest of the bases only for radar coverage and hangars - which is exactly how it will be in the new game, at least the last time I read. Or I either reserved TUs for shooting after moving, or if I wanted to move fast, I didn't - the TU-less mechanic they have is pretty similar in theory. Or I had someone with 100 sth accuracy crouching on top of the vessel with a rifle, so an aimed shot could hit any alien he has LoS of - but not necessarily see - so basically he was a sniper, while more 'raw' soldier were more assault guys, also 'rear commanders', specialized MCers... Also the old one isn't perfect either, screening for psy-strength was a chore, or the can't have more than 256 items or what limit. So the new mechanics make sense in a lot of ways even when compared to the old game, but we need to see them 'in practice' to really judge if they managed to nail the mood of the original... Like pacifist aliens throwing weapons away and pondering the values of life while turning their backs on you... Still I get the feeling I'll like this even if it's not a so called 'spiritual successor'.
It feels a lot less like a card game, and a lot more like an action game. Otherwise, what Hurl said. I basically missed this event, lot of irl things going down these past weeks... still aiming to be in the headstart though, as a sylvari ranger most likely.
I bought some stuff from my wishlist, DS3, Bloodlines and Galactic Civilizations II included - anyone played the last one recently? Last time I tried it, it had some serious crash to desktop problems under XP... Also played some Bastion in my limited free time - near the end of the story now, and it's a nice example of trying to bring out the best from a game engine despite it's limitations. The narrator is sometimes pretty funny, too. I don't like the character art though. Also, any 'recommended' things for a Bloodlines install?
So there was a stress test yesterday, I'll write a few words but first..! Launch date is Aug. 28th! Also there's a post on the blog about designing the game around it being fun, and while that sounds awfully PR-ish to me, the first word I think about when trying to describe it... is... fun. They brainwashed me and I didn't even notice?! Now about the few hours of test... I just tried a new character, nothing you can't find on the net by now, but surprisingly - even though this was said to be a 'stress' test - I got absolutely no hiccups or disconnects or anything save ONE time when the server didn't want to create a personal story instance for me. Some time later it could. The new thing to me however was when the test ended with an interesting twist, a sort of whole world event. I played in the Charr starting zone and some purple crystals popped up around certain waypoints sort of 'encasing' them. Around these spawned 'corrupted' creatures and some champions and the goal was to defeat these spawns. Now that's all nice and all, but the twist was that if you died while doing this you became corrupted as well and could spawn at these waypoints - while 'survivors' could not. Being corrupted got you a new skin for your race - roughly, something like husks in ME - and a completely new skill bar with lightning and 'crystal' skills. So this effectively turned the event into a kind of whole scale open world PvP thing, which supposedly would have culminated in a second phase that never happened - I guess because of the beta. Although this limited my understanding of the event, from my perspective it felt that maybe we were fighting for the waypoints - all 18 of them all around - and a progress bar showed how much of the world is 'corrupted'. Some waypoints failed to become corrupt so I don't know, maybe this was an insurance to prevent the 'phase' from completing. All in all, some level 80 champions showed up on both 'good' and the 'bad' side - they were practically invincible in a level 1-15 zone - and some time you could see a dragon circling around in the sky, sorry forgot to make screenshots... was quite a scene though. So it was a 'fun' experience, lot of 'dead' people embraced the corruption and tried to hunt down survivors, yet the preset skillbars gave the event a kind of unique, 'part PvE' feel. This is my first MMO so can't tell if similar things have been done before, but it was definitely interesting... at least for me.
So... did we get an answer why creating synthetics to kill you prevents synthetics from killing you?
This is possibly the coolest thread on the board! So you plan on doing a rockband with the family?
This is what you said. It speaks for itself, you're making a correlation. What? No matter how many time I read the part you quoted I always interpret it as a general statement, and unsurprisingly did so too when I wrote it. It's similar to this one: 'Indie is down-to-earth, the work of tireless blue collar DIY craftsmanship.' It's from that irrelevant article - except I'm not a native English speaker, and in no way could have wrote it like that. Sorry. I could say the very same thing about Minecraft - and I like Minecraft... well mostly anyways. Or perhaps you have a problem with the 10
Implying? So maybe I'm not so good in trying to express myself in English, if so mea culpa. I felt it was important to include my view on the game exactly as to point out my potential bias - and also this is a discussion board, not some news site where I have to adhere to some kind of journalistic pseudo-political-correctness - but I still don't think it somehow bars me from making my point. Which once again is that I see several games with similar 'production value' - and fyi no, I don't know how many people wrote this or that game - and ONE of them gets hyped on steam. Yes, you can argue that it was unfortunate that I saw it plastered all over the place to the point I'm using it as an example of 'indie-overhype', but it won't invalidate my experience even if others didn't notice or care. It seems mildly strange that you're arguing a point I was trying to clarify in my previous post, and rather amusing that instead of giving me the benefit of doubt or asking me to be more clear, you simply dismiss the article I linked exactly because I think it makes my point a lot better than I ever could - only because it contradicts you ad hominem argument. All this while telling me what I was thinking. Great job! EDIT: And just to be clear, this has nothing to do with how many people liked it or bought it, it's about how it was presented in my experience.
I think it's safe to assume that the majority of people buy games for the main mechanic, but it's also true that sex and violence is part of today's 'culture' and not just any particular game or videogames in general.
Right so once again I'm late posting my experience here, which is exactly that, my experience. So I continued a level 19 ranger from the previous beta, playing as a greatsword melee with a longbow alternative. (PvE only.) I rarely had any problems with knowing what I'm doing in melee, though figuring out the skills and their practical use takes some time. When starting out, the healing spells felt weaker then previously and pets seemed to die on me a bit too much, however spending 3 trait points on the healing+pet health trait gradually solved this, and from there the class felt pretty balanced (in PvE) just like in beta 1. There were times when certain skills filled the screen, especially elementalist and necromancer spells and it was indeed hard to navigate or dodge properly, but it wasn't confusing just 'as a melee', it was confusing overall with my bow too... aside from that I felt the difficulty was fine, but I had 'undeserved' deaths, which came mostly from overpowered events and out-of-nowhere respawning enemies. This last thing was pretty annoying at places. I also reached level 30 late in the beta, but still managed to try one elite skill and from their description and that one skill I got they do seem to be just that much better - but luckily no 'I WIN' skills. This time I already completed the personal story available in the beta (@ level 20 I think) and spent time running around the Norn and Charr zones (started out as a Human). The overall detail both in visuals and events seemed similar in all places, with enough variety to still feel distinct. Also I dabbled in some crafting, and while leatherworking (medium armor) seemed to level at an acceptable pace - making a full set of armor for myself I leveled enough to near the next 'tier' of stuff - weaponsmithing (for the greatsword) was a grind, in part as there are less components but also I only needed one weapon in contrast with 4-5 armor pieces. This grinding aspect really stood out as I was pleasantly surprised that I hardly-if-ever grinded for character levels in games. (Personal story is not enough though, but a handful of events will effortlessly give you the difference in my experience...) Also you can buy anything at the trading post, but you can craft pretty good stuff for yourself, and NPCs do sell usable weapons and stuff, especially the... uh... favor? merchants. But levels restrict you anyway. I didn't see anything surprising in the gem store when compared to GW1, and from the prices it seemed you could realistically buy slot expansions and similar stuff for in-game gold. Remains to be seen though. My final impression was that this game really is a multiplayer game, those hoping to play it strictly as a singleplayer - while manageable - will hit some walls here and there, especially with crafting and materials or some harder events. However with the help of a few friends these problems seemed to be easily mitigated for now - and surely this beats facebook. Anyway, feel free to ask and see you in the next one!
Yes! And I didn't! ... So? You seem to miss the point... I played free indie flash games that I enjoyed and they were even more simple than Limbo, and even if they were rated high on the respective sites they weren't front page steam news and the 'next best thing' in indie gaming you know. Yes, I may be biased, because when I see any game which is a side-scrolling physics puzzle with limited palette, the first thing I think is 'man, the dev really didn't want to complicate things', but I don't think that invalidates the point which apparently[RPS] I'm not the only one trying to make.
QFT Generally I have a hard time calling anything 'sport' which is an interface to an API... And no problem with people having fun for sure, but the expression 'professional gaming' always makes me lol so hard.