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Everything posted by bleakcabaler

  1. For non min-maxing, NPC party playthrough which would be better? I didn't play the game since the release and only got to Act 3, will be restarting now. Will Hard be too easy outside of boss battles after Act 1? Anything got changed? Also is melee wizard in heavy armor any good? One that uses a normal melee weapon while not casting spells.
  2. They define the market and market defines the game. So yes, players do in fact define the game.
  3. If you buy it then install the mod which removes backer content, it's some of the worst fan-fiction I've ever had the displeasure of seeing.
  4. Enchanting is the worst. I'm halfway through the game and already have such amazing items (uniques enchanted by me) that I wonder why do I even bother checking the loot, I already know I have the best items available. It should be completely removed and uniques should be reworked. BG2 had a good itemization or did Sawyer hate it too? Also some crafting recipies (Scroll of Paralysis) are trivializing the encounters. Arcanum and New Vegas were the only RPGs with good crafting, just dont do it at all if you cant make it right.
  5. How is a Warrior in light/cloth armor, rapier, single handed style and arquebus not a musketeer?
  6. That's choices & consequences and this design (reputation and quests locking you out) was implemented for a reason.
  7. Not for people who can differentiate between real life and a fantasy role-playing game taking place in a fictional setting where some races are outright killed when born.
  8. If they actually cared one way or another about the little war you are trying to instigate here, they would lock this thread. They locked like 5 of these threads if not more, if anything they realized its kind of pointless by now. So yes, of course they care or at least cared. THey will lock this one eventually too.
  9. I hope you're entertained Obsidian. You've literally invited this war into your very doorstep, just because ignoring one person on Twitter was too hard for you. I hope Obsidian management realizes that you've basically turned your company into a battleground and every party will be now looking at your hands through a microscope. If you pick one side you will antagonize the other, it's a lose-lose situation. These threads will come and go and they will keep popping up here and there and nobody will forget. I'd pity you Obsidian if it wasn't your own fault.
  10. Yes, racism sucks. So? What does this have to do with the game? Currently, there was more racial recognition in Icewind Dale 2.
  11. Bow doesnt have a reload time, only recovery time, so with this exploit and 2 bows you can shoot every 0.5 sec. Yeah, this is clearly a bug.
  12. Prostitutes in Ondra's Gift give me back my money (propably because of my high Dex/Per stats) after sleeping with them. Why would my rogue ever leave the brothel now? Didn't even finish the Defiance Bay and already got what I consider a happy ending (more than one). Most OP build in the game.
  13. But this allows to completely skip the weapon's Recovery Time which I thought was a major balancing tool for high damage weps like guns? E.g you can switch between 2 arqeubuses endlessly and have no Recovery Time, only shoot and reload, which pretty much doubles your damage output. Anyway, if it's an intended strategy and not an exploit I'm completely fine with that, though it should propably be mentioned in Quick Switch description.
  14. Switching weapons right after shooting with ranged weapons allows player to skip the Recovery Time of ranged weapons. 1. Get the Quick Switch talent 2. Enter combat. 3. Shoot with the ranged weapon and pause immediately afterwards before Recovery Time activates. 4. Switch weapon. Result: Recovery Time gets skipped and you only have to wait 0.5 sec for weapon switch.
  15. inb4 Cucksidian delets this thread too "Obsidian today has committed a terrible sin And let the real terrorists win. What people thought was mild and tame The monsters censored a video game. Now they changed what was used to be said. And their reputation is completely dead."
  16. Just letting you know that I couldn't care less about these politics, nor about the actual joke. The only thing that matters to me is that Obsidian has proven today to be a company with NO INTEGRITY. This characteristic is very important to me and to every customer who cares about what happens with his money. I've been buying every Obsidian's game ever since it was created (yes, even DS3) because of your incredible potential and passion for games. Hell, I've been rooting for a lot of you guys ever since Fallout and Planescape and Arcanum. But unfortunately talent means nothing without integrity. If you had it you wouldn't have pressured the backer into changing his 500$ worth input into the game. It was a fun ride guys but I will not give my money to a company with no integrity, a company who is more interested in the opinion of a bully than their loyal customer. It is simply a matter of principle. And because of this principle PoE was the last Obsidian's product I have ever bought. Good Luck to you all.
  17. Conking someone on the back of the head with a five-pound steel club is anti-climactic? " five-pound steel club" That kinda answers your question. When one is trying to play a dextrous , dual wield assassin I would indeed argue that smashing things with maces like some raging barbarian feels anti-climatic.
  18. It feels viable (if you can get past the fact your rogue is using a two hander). Stilletos have a MUCH lower base damage (its more important than DR penetration) and only -3 DR which is not enough for lots of armored opponents where its much better to just use an Estoc or even a Two Handed Sword. Dual wielding Maces might be ok but its even more anti-climatic than an Estoc imo. I'm switching between Dagger/Dagger and an Estoc but end up using Estoc 80% of the time.
  19. 1. You can use Backstab only two times per rest while invisible (not stealth), without it you won't even get close to the enemy or die 2 secs into the combat. No, I don't want to initiate every combat with arbalest/gun, I want to play a melee assassin. 2. Actually dangerous enemies who won't die in a few seconds of auto-attacking have at least 8 DR, which makes your damage output with sneak attacks laughable. Deep down you know you should be just using that shiny Estoc, because thats how the game is designed. Dual wield is good only against unarmored casters type, but you wont even get in their range because of how stealth works (only possible with invisibility) 3. Escape ability is bugged and takes too long to actually execute, you get hit in the meantime. It's not like fixing this bug will actually change anything though. Unless rogues get single stealth and DR redesign dual wield rogue will always feel like a fifth wheel.
  20. no, if an enemy is hitting you, it means you'll be dead in few seconds unless you use invisibility which are 2x/rest
  21. and dies 2 seconds later, in any kind of challenging fight when backstabbing a key enemy would actually matter Endless Paths are a nightmare with a rogue, unless you make it ranged, not to mention dual wield (staple rogueish combat style) is terrible compared to two handed because most enemies who dont die from one hit have a high DR
  22. i just gave Kana this skill and i dont even have to use any other abilities anymore, just spam auto attack (i have 2 gun users in party),yawn and loot, rinse and repeat, it's ridiculous playing on hard btw and I'm seriously thinking about killing Kana since all challenge is gone from the game because of this stupid skill, i hope he isnt too important for the plot P.S. wondering how this game-breaking ability made it past beta in its current form, propably not many people played chanters. It should be 1.2x reload speed, not 2x
  23. I've been wanting to make a dagger rogue but the longer I play the more obvious it is I should be using a two hander for a huge backstab damage. There is literally no reason to use daggers at all, backstabs or not. I'm very dissapointed with this design choice.
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