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  1. Just finished up Guardians of the Galaxy on the series X for the first time and really liked it. I feel like the studio did the right thing and focused on the story with Uncharted style gameplay and that was a good mix overall. Very solid fun experience. Also playing Grim Dawn on the series X and almost through AOM on the elite playthrough and really having a great time. Just love the game and the transition to console has been great. Started Crosscode over on the switch due to not having played in a long time and not knowing that was going on in game about 20 hours into it. Don't mind though as it's a really fun game with cool concept for the story. I just have the original V1 of the switch and not bothering to upgrade due to having a Steam Deck on preorder, and will more than likely only use it for exclusives moving forward. Just rumbling through the backlog now.
  2. Long time without a post, so may be winded lol. Due to time and place, I've mostly been playing my Switch. Have gone through Trine 1 and 2, Bastion, Transistor, Gris , a bunch of time spent with Slay the Spire, some Torchlight 2, a little of Blasphemous, and started a new game on Divinity Original Sin 2 (how did they get this on Switch and have it run so well). Honestly love this little machine with a busier life as of late. I have Witcher 3 preordered which I cannot wait for. I've beaten that a few times but its been a while and look forward to it on the go. I realize in some of these games, downgrades were made, but playing on a smaller screen, it hasn't really been too bad. Divinity has run superb and plays well on a controller. Loading times are surprisingly decent and overall really enjoying it on another playthrough. I know there's mixed feelings about DOS 2 on this forum, but the freedom and overall gameplay is what I've been enjoying most. As I said, really excited about Witcher 3, but also Ori and the Blind Forest and then Children of Morta. It's definitely a good time to be a gamer on the go.
  3. Started a new character for Grim Dawn. Am about level 33 and have it all invested in Oathkeeper at this point and think I’m at the end of the new expansion after having completed Act 1 previously. Really enjoy the new class and still trying to decide what to pair the class with at this point hard to decide as there seem to be some good synergy between a lot of the classes. Love the look of the expansion areas and excited to try some of the Shattered Realm soon enough. Love Crate.
  4. Plugging away at Dark Souls R. Taken down Angry looking bull, Capra demon, fancy moth, spider lady, molten fire slug, iron golem, gargoyle twins and so far feeling good but am at a point where not sure what weapon to invest in. Been using the Black Knight Sword and lightning spear but wondering with all the upgrades I do to a regular weapon, will it be better thank the black knight sword? I joke about the boss names but overall, having a good amount of fun and enjoying the game.
  5. Picked up Dark Souls Remastered on Switch....wish me luck Also, Very excited for the announced release date of the Grim Dawn expansion.
  6. Would this be from the recent release on the switch? If so, how does it play?
  7. Yeah. Waiting as well. Have you heard of the game Portal Knights? Decent enough game with a lot of the same mechanics you seem to enjoy about DQB.
  8. I kind of felt reminiscent of White Orchard with W3 as far as time and gameplay. Bumped up to level 16 so far and have just found out about the cult which I think is another good component of gameplay.
  9. I picked up AC Odyssey from steam with the sale which included the season pass. About 7-8 hours in and clearing everything I come across. I was someone who really enjoyed AC Origins due to the setting and this one for basically the same reasons. Enjoying the items/gear so far and the story has started off pretty decent. Overall pretty happy with it so far. On the switch, picked up my Skyrim character who is currently level 25 and like seeing the evolution and quality of life differences between the games that’s taken place over time. Have an inch to start a new game of Minecraft but honestly the switch has given me an itch to play a lot of games due to its handheld nature. I really would have loved it if they had released the streaming AC Odyssey here in the US like Japan. That would have been pretty interesting but excited to try out and play some more Dragons Dogma when it comes in April.
  10. Making my way through some more of my backlog on the switch, now through Celeste, Guacamelee, Ghost 1.0, Feudal Alloy, and Child of Light. Started up Axiom Verge for a few hours, then read someone's post on here about the latest Diablo 3 season and here I am with a Paragon level 54 Crusader already lol I know D3 is not considered the cream of the crop in this generation of ARPGs (my favorite has been Grim Dawn), it still has it's charm and fun burst experiences. We'll see how this playthrough of Axiom Verge goes. I know it's supposed to be a solid game, but as compared to other metrovania's, I feel like it'll be harder to come back to if I spend too much time away from it.
  11. Well, right now trying to keep the train of finishing games going..... Completed Celeste, Guacamelee, and Child of Light so far and am about 3/4 the way through Ghost 1.0, and having fun. Nice to get through some backlog. Also playing through Shadow of Mordor on PC. I think I beat the main game back on the PS4 when it came out, but after just getting done reading The Hobbit and moving on the Lord of the Rings books, I thought it'd be fun to go through Shadow of Mordor and War. I realize that the games I've beaten are shorter, but I figured I'd start with those because it's easier to keep the momentum going early on when I continue on to longer games. Of course, those three and Ghost 1.0 have been on the switch which does make it easier as someone (so sorry I forgot who) stated that sometimes it's hard to go back to the computer to play games when you spend a good part of your day on them for work. Looking at Guacamelee 2, Sundered, or that Feudal Alloy coming up. The bigger games coming up in February and March, I either really haven't looked at, or really, are not appealing to me lately. We'll see.
  12. Recently bought a couple games on Switch being Guacamelee and Child of Light. Have beaten both games years ago, but there was a nice say and thought it would be fun to play on the go when I have time. Looking towards Feudal Alloy coming out next week, hoping it turns out to be decent.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-hofu-rjfk I have to say, while in the past, I was mostly divided between playing the PC and PS4, since getting the switch last year in May, I've probably put the most time into that console. And this is just more good news. Yeah, I understand these are ports of old games, but man oh man, do I love playing all these games wherever, whenever I want. I've recently picked up Guacamelee (1st one) on switch and have just been having a ball. I previously beat it a couple years ago, but there's something about playing it handheld. Add to that all the other indies, like Dead Cells, Hollow Knight, Stardew Valley, Axiom Verge, Celeste, Mark of the Ninja, Darkest Dungeon, (I realize these are all on other platforms) etc, etc, plus titles like Diablo 3, Skyrim, or Zelda on the go, it's been a good time and a great purchase. I still enjoy the PC and PS4 for sure, however due to daily life and seeking fun, I've definitely gravitated towards the switch.
  14. They have another expansion called Forgotten Gods coming out in Q1 which adds a lot more content with an endless dungeon like D3’s rifts. Looks fantastic but I do look forward to a new game from them. They’re quite dedicated!
  15. Picked up Spider Man on the PS4 in the recent sale and must say, this is a fun game. Traversing the city is great fun and the different objectives have kept my interest. I find myself doing all the collectible tasks throughout the city and assume there's going to be a point where I just have main quest and side missions, however both of these have been good fun so far. Just a nice game to relax to relax to really with a fun combat system and nice upgrading system. Interested to see how the story pans out and then break into the available DLC.
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