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About FaceGoober

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  1. Don't worry, their just doing what everyone does on these forums and are trying to find any way they can to poke holes in what people are saying... Its quite obvious he was meaning in-regards to the dialog wheel/animation part of the game since there isn't really much else that this game relates to ME from, but he just wanted to try and make a big deal over nothing... Just ignore him, its for the best
  2. I'm not really one to ask for a refund but I really wish I didn't buy this game. It was a fleeting single player with no real multi-player and no continual game play. I've had it for maybe a week or so and now it's just sitting on the shelve, it was so short lived!!!! If a games focused on Multi-player (which is what I was lead to believe by reviews with devs and even on the homepage for this game) they make it so you can keep on playing over and over with friends or randoms, if its a single player game then it has a campaign that takes 30 - 50+ hours to finish and a decent story and large world to explore... This game has neither. MP is total crap, sluggish with 4 people, terrible camera, we all know the issues with it... Single player is not continuous, quick, easy, no different story/starting for all the different characters (which was something I was expecting at least) so if you want to go through with different characters you get the same experience every time... As I've said many times before I do enjoy this game, the concept and game play is pretty good. I really liked going through and listening to all the dialog and getting the story, but after that there's nothing, you go through a second time and there's nothing new, you make a couple of different choices and that's it... no new starting area for the different characters, no new events, nothing... You know EXACTLY where mobs are as there is no random spawns at all, the decent loot is even in the same places and the only thing different is the character your playing or how you build them... People are going to say "no its not, I really enjoy this game etc. etc..." but give it a week and see how into this game you still are. DLC won't fix this as it would be maybe an hour or 2 more play time and then boring again. The only thing they could do is make some random generating dungeons, continuous play and porting of heroes from single to multi IMO...
  3. Its annoys the crap out of me jumping into forums and seeing people do nothing but try to shoot down other peoples posts... Its mostly fanboys trying to shoot down people with legitimate complaints and I find them very annoying and pathetic. This game has very short single player, no extended play and bad MP... there is PLENTY to complain about and the benefits of this game do, in no way, out shine the flaws... Even you fan boys will be done with this game after 2 weeks id say... This game is fun for a short period but it gets very dull, very fast with nothing to keep you going....
  4. its sad to say but people are going to stop playing this game after MAYBE a month... There is going to be a 'no this is a great game bla ba bla...' reaction from the fanboys, but fact is there's just not enough to keep anyone going in this game... it takes no time at all to blitz through this game, I've gone through with all toons (I keep changing though as I get bored) and there's no difficulty that's a real challenge, heroic is easy once you get an idea how the game work but very hard online due to nothing more than the games camera.... I've pretty much stopped playing and gone back to playing other games as starting over and over again but doing the same stuff just doesn't stimulate me due to no reward for ur time u put in and no viable online play thanks to just leveling up other peoples toons which is a waste of time... In 2 weeks if many/any of the people who brought this game when it was released are still playing it I'll be surprised... Sorry fanboys but its the truth... Btw DLC wont be worth it... it took no time at all to go through the whole game start to finish and DLC would have to pretty much be a whole new story... just adding in 1 area is going to give you maybe an hour or 2 of fun and then its just going to be a bore again.... We all know what will make this game be a winner (continued game play, fix online play and such) but at the moment its just a very short time filler and nothing more. Its a pity because I do like this game but there's just nothing to keep you going.
  5. Im quite keen for doing what the op mentioned with someone.... I play on PS3 usually from 4pm on wards (times are randomish after 4pm) GMT +12 NZ time Heroic difficulty for sure
  6. Seriously? Their planning on fixing it? I would love to see that thread says they are... I've been looking for something from them explaining their plans for patches and fixes are but only found the sticky on this forum \
  7. Thanks for the build, im trying it out now... A cool build I made myself for Kat was a full on life stealing build. You pretty much always use duel wield and max out her aoe ability to do dmg and get as much vamp and will as you can, and any ability that can be talented to heal you you max out... Pretty fun getting a couple of ppl trapped against a wall and putting 3 of her aoe ability down to make them trapped between the wall and ur aoe so thy can't move. You end up just sucking life out of them like no bodies business, stagger is also pretty handy to have as its effect transfers to the aoe as well so u have a whole heap of stunned enemies with their life getting sucked out for you, and if you use ur curses and ur dog u get alot of life back making it really hard to die )
  8. I think this game is pretty good... it has alot of good points but also quite a few bad points which kills the games longevity.. Good points 1. Fun and exciting fighting style 2. Very nice looking effects and world 3. Interesting story line 4. Entertaining boss fights 5. Many varied ways to build characters Bad points 1. Multi player in general (camera, no carrying across your own online toon, no continuated play option) 2. Very short single player campagin 3. Absolutely no challenge on normal but heroic is abit more challenging (especially some high end boss fights) So in summary very fun and good looking game but too short with bad co op and no longevity for the game.
  9. Well they could just say ' we are currently working on...' or 'we are planning to make the following changes...' if they at least gave some sort of reply it would calm down a lot of the rage IMO because ppl would at least know their working on something for us and the constant complaints about MP would calm down... At the moment its just like their ignoring everyone and dont plan to fix or change anything... I don't know why the hell you guys are trolling on this.... in essence all im asking for is some feedbak from them with what their plans are to address the complaints that have been coming up in regards to the multi player and there is ALOT of them...
  10. .... why do people just accept something that's crap? I've given this game love as well but I want to know what is going to be done about the things everyone wants changed... I wish I could change the topic name...
  11. Oooookay, they put that out on the 16th of june.... the release date...with no mention of PS3 OR XBOX..... OR any mention about fixing the things the entire community has been complaining about which is the MP issues... please don't put something as stupid as that up and think ur being smart... The games been out for 9 days and there is just MASSES of complaints about the MP and me, yourself , and hundreds of other people wnt to know what they plan to do...
  12. I am just curious if obsidian are planning on making any kind of announcement on the HUGE amount of outrage that has come from from the community? It would be nice to have some sort of feed back to all the requests and concerns that have been produced from the people who have purchased this game and also to know what their plans are for fixing these issues that have been brought to light? At the moment its just ppl speculating on what MIGHT get fixed and how, it would be nice to know what is ACTUALLY going to get done for us with some kind of time line...
  13. K thanks dude, I'll raise a ticket there then...
  14. Okay... Still only able to get into a small amount of games... I've completed the game and done all the things I've said above and still the same problem.. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL MY WHY THE HELL THIS IS LIKE THIS? Or at least that their looking into it FFS... this is frustrating as hell... I posted this 3 days ago and all I've had is a tip from the Moderator saying to update the game... Is it a port forwarding issue? Is there something I'm missing? I mean seriously, throw me a bone here Tech Support!
  15. Totally agree... You guys NEED to put in sometime with the multiplayer on this game... You have officially said in reviews and interviews that this game was geared towards Co-Op but all we've got is a BS tack on top of the single player with no real thought put into it... SORT IT OUT! You've got plenty of fans on this website giving you the ideas to fix it now implement them and DO IT RIGHT!
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