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About Morocius

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Well considering it's less then 20 bucks now i'd consider it a good buy. And worthy of a 3/5 hell if they drop the pricing to 5 bucks it might even get a 5/5.
  2. As lucas you simply don't (well not on hardcore anyway), just keep ressing your teammate and pray that he/she won't go into melee mode.
  3. Actually they do take foreign sites aswell it's happened more than once that i wanted to read the full review and it wasn't in english, i've seen some danish, turkish and spanish/portuguese.
  4. Don't take this as an insult but I seriously doubt you fully understood the plot or the themes behind it. No insult taken, like i said it probably is me. While i do think i have a decent grasp of what the intention was i feel like they missed the mark. There are quite a few more things that seem out of place or are just there and barely expanded on, which feels like a missed oppertunity.
  5. man, you better not post anything at all, than something like that. I feel insulted, "lacks depth" compared to what? and who defined "depth" in a video game in the first place? and what the hell is with that user handle? What user handle? There just isn't much depth , for example the combat stats, they could have explained this in game as opposed to adding some help list in the menu sure some stats are familiar but thinks like warding? The story half unfolds in what seems to be like some sort of powerpoint presentation. The plot is so straight forward i half expected some twists and turns but, no. Characters appear like soulless puppets (granted they really are) who can't move anything but their lips in a dialogue. It probably is just me, like i said i don't think it's a bad game in fact it's a good game, just not great.
  6. I thought it was more "average"; if this was painted as a triple A title game it would be low, true. Kinda makes the question; was it painted as an AAA title? If they expected a million sales i seriosuly doubt it, besides the game isn't that great don't get me wrong i do like it but it lacks depth.
  7. Usually i lure the enemies away from them and roll forwards to revive them, on bosses it can be somewhat tricky to time it correctly.
  8. So far Anjali, but i haven't played much with the other characters yet. I like her flexibility for both ranged and melee. But i haven't played much with the Reinhart and Lucas yet.
  9. I don't understand people why you'd belittle people about it, some people find hard(core) to easy others struggle with normal. If you think it's okay it's fine if they don't they can voice their complaints and apperantly it was a valid complaint as Obsidian is looking into it.
  10. I want a gateway hub that conects to every dungeon i have done, and being able to grind it for max level with: - atleast twice as many enemies - more random strong mobs - more -unique- loot. - tier 4 skills (last 10? levels are like standing still) - add X more levels, which require substantially more xp Then it would be interesting to bring my own char to a multiplayer game for all i care they could only allow it for 30+ levels if they are afraid about balance. Dungeon crawler, implied to me that i'd have to spend a substantial time in one, not 30 mins and be on my merry way. Hell you can even drop all the other requests, i'd just like a nightmare mode where i'm overwhelmed by the sheer number of enemies.
  11. So do you still need to turn the view with the keyboard?
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