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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Just recieved a Kickstarter update from Larian, Mr Kirill Pokrovsky composer of all of the Larian games soundtracks and a truly talented individual, has passed away at the age of fifty. Commiserations to his friends and family. I'm going to download his soundtrack from GOG and have a drink, sometimes life is just not bloody fair. Pardon my language. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGjKP1UuqQQ
  2. There was a way to get there in the vanilla version that i've totally forgotten, but it was empty and rather crashy as I remember?
  3. Could you do this solo if balancing against a wall?
  4. Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, an alternate history set during the Napoleonic period that seems to have Britain undergoing a supernatural revolution, rather than an industrial one. Quite stylish and dramatic, with very good visual effects.
  5. No, the false dichotomy thing. There is none as far as I can see. Ironic that Hatred is now a top selling game thanks to game journalists false outrage, especially when considering that there have been far more violent and graphic games that have not achieved such status as to deserve Twitch bans, and such fevered debate. For instance the old Punisher game and its interrogation scenes, which I believe was far more shocking. Spoilered for graphic depiction of virtual violence:
  6. I've been playing without chest armour and weilding axes since sailing to Skellige, it's quite fun though a little dangerous.
  7. Taking facts and a recognised study over a few poorly made and researched videos? I suppose that's a different perspective on what constitutes constructive then.
  8. In fairness I'd rather believe this fact based study conducted by recognised PhD's than McIntosh and his sock puppets extremely poorly made and frequently factually inaccurate videos.
  9. What was that Twilight Zone with Burgess Meredith as a librarian? Set in some kind of totalitarian regime, very stark expressionist cinematography. Rather good if I remember correctly.
  10. Well Mr Ferguson's study chiefly deals with violence, and shows a marked decrease in violence while use of video games has increased. For sexism I suppose the recent study by Breuer, Kowert, Festl and Quandt is most appropriate, finding no link between sexism and gaming. Alltogether this paints a picture that reasonable adults are not affected by video games, and instead maintain and reinforce the attitudes that they bring to anything else. As for McIntosh's claims that sexism is caused by games it's purely based on cherry picked content, newly invented tropes, and a biased outlook. It's piffle, poorly made piffle.
  11. I think i've found the paper that I was confusing with the unheimliche studies, it's actually a work by Mr Rozin on disgust, and has very little to do with visual stimuli (other than the obvious.) Can't fathom why I mixed up the two. I'd still state that with all of the studies done disproving video games affecting players, such as Mr Ferguson's, and that like most media they are instead interpreted by what the individual brings to them, that Tropes vs Women is pointless. There is no danger or problem in tropes, other than what the viewer brings with them.
  12. You know i'm no longer sure, the law has been changed so many times that i'm uncertain. Personally i've nothing against it, but a time and a place and so on.
  13. Exactly my point. Moreover, the idea of children being disgusted by fantasy feels intuitively wrong to me; if that was the case, how could bedtime stories become a thing? I never said fantasy, I said the unreal and by that I mean the uncanny or the false, fantasy is a different thing and one I patently agree with introducing to development.
  14. It's not like I doubt your word on the issue (I'm absolutely willing to believe you've read a study reaching the conclusion you mentioned), more like "there's a significant body of research out there directly in opposition of your claim". I may well have mixed up certain studies i've read on infantile sensory revulsion with the revulsion expressed towards the unheimliche, i'm not sure as I have more than thirty years of studies mixed up in the old brain pan, I shall endeavour to find the two and compare.
  15. Nope, sorry your word isn't good enough Very well, I am sure to toss and turn with worry tonight that such an individual as yourself does not believe me, ha.
  16. Afraid i've still not got those papers on hand, checked my study and nothing, you'll have to take my word on this or not as you wish.
  17. Please explain this, i'm supposed to find papers I read years ago and no longer have on hand, and why is this my responsibility exactly, am I supposed to serve as an encyclopedia for any subject? Edit: Oh and please don't call me lazy, i'll not be judged by such as you, last warning.
  18. [citation needed] The studies I read existed before Gamergate so I don't believe i'm allowed to cite them, however if that is not the case i'm afraid to say I no longer have them on hand, but you're free to look for them.
  19. Had three interviewees this morning, two were totally unsuitable academically and the third had perfect credentials and a fine resume but upon meeting the young lady she stank of weed. Seemed extremely upset that I even pointed this out and ended the interview with her, but what would anyone expect? Her excuse that she suffered from nerves was hardly a logical defence, was she expecting to smoke in the office when deadlines threatened and stress abounds? Full day of appointments tomorrow, hopefully i'll find somebody suitable and professional.
  20. On Death March and have no problem appying blade oils, though I miss the old animation for that task, along with whetstones and whatnot.
  21. Well in that case you would be wrong. Everything affects everything. In this instance videogames are subject to the same ideological biases as all media and thus will reinforce certain ideological views, be it consciously or unconsciously (for an explicit example there is a reason why the American military funds billions into the COD or Battlefield series or why the U.S. government dictates how things be presented in superhero movies and whatnot) This of course doesn’t mean videogames are the sole or primary cause of such views but neither are they free from them. Aside from perhaps the age of the average GGer I’m not sure why they get so butthurt about these criticisms, it’s hardly something uniquely targeted at videogames. Is it? I’ve only actually seen people quote it maybe once or twice since the thing started. It’s popularity, be it positive or negative, is not because of its quality (or lack thereof) but its symbolic value. Like I said before she only really became a thing b/c of the massive backlash against her. No, humans can tell reality from the false, even babies are capable of doing this, and actually show disgust for the unreal and are made uncomfortable by it. The virtual does not affect the real. What a person brings to a medium, that is allready present and cannot be accounted for by that artform, or controlled by it. The individual will choose whether certain information reinforces his point or not, and still nobody can predict this. Thus there is no point to the Tropes vs Women series, it is just cherry picked content reinforcing the idiot McIntosh's biases, and does not apply to anyone but himself. I've seen it quoted numerous times in the crusade against gaming, and McIntosh's sock puppet has leveraged quite some publicity out of her alleged victimhood, and the manufactured false narrative that Gamergate is behind it. Edit: I agree that the backlash against McIntosh's idiocy was one of the only things that gave it prominence, as it certainly holds no scholarly value, that and the game journalists championing it.
  22. That's quite an absolute statement. Nevertheless, have you actually watched her series? All it does is point out sexist tropes in videogames and explain why they're sexist. Honestly, from what I recall, I didn't think she went far enough i.e. examining the how's and whys such tropes manifest and continue and the societal implications there of. Given the butthurt it's probably for the best she didn't. Yes it is absolute. I've watched a few, as many as I could stomach, as i've stated before they're poorly made, factually inaccurate, cherry pick content and arrive at conclusions so riven with logical inconsistencies as to render them laughable. Thus i'm in the same boat as Amentep, in that I can't for the life of me understand why it is so popular, or quoted. Obviously I can understand the corrupt press championing this, as it propogates their crusade against gamers, but it was still shocking to see that any number of people could easily dismantle McIntosh's idiocy, and yet the media would not even try to, and held McIntosh's words to be sacrosanct and not worthy of any criticism. Indeed the ferocity with which they defended the pampered little morons tripe was astounding.
  23. What's this? Feminism has been "scientifically and statistically" disproven? On Philippa not really, she holds a grudge for Radovid enacting revenge upon her and mostly for outplaying her in the game of politics, her ego has been bruised. She reacts quite appropriately. I've never mentioned anything about Feminism, I was stating that McIntosh's Feminist Frequencies main raison d'etre has been disproven, games do not and never have had a negative effect upon those playing them, numerous studies have proven this. Therefore whatever trope they are inventing this week, or worrying over has no effect on the audience, and will not cause sexism or anything else as virtual constructs are not real and have no impact, as everyone should know.
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