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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. The Triumvirate pioneered a new type of warfare, one that the Jedi being totally dependent on the force could not combat, because it fed on the force and sensitives. Well that was the explanation I seemed to pick up from Atton and others. Their dependence made them vulnerable just as it did with Nihlus in the end. I assumed whether a light or dark side ending in KotOR the Jedi were extremely weakened and fragile. In point of fact I never thought that the Triumvirate were part of Revan's Sith army, I assumed they were waiting and watching on Malachor V.
  2. Yes angry and worse, I think all of the Witchers are extremely flawed as characters though, Geralt himself being no exception. Eskel seems to be the only one who's quite...normal, for wont of a better word.
  3. Now that's what you call a very fine bit of trolling.
  4. I thought all of the content on Revan in the Sith Lords was quite complimentary, they expanded on and made him a far more interesting character, as much as they could anyway.
  5. I think it was designed for the gamepad. Back at Kaer Morhen, so many nods to the novels and the first game, a real nostalgia fest. Even mentions of poor old Berengar. Edit: Just found Leo's grave, along with a number of ruins where the Witchers from Vesemir's youth were experimented upon. It really shows how much of a traumatic hit and miss process the Witcher Trials are, one has to pity the poor little children whom were subjected to all of that. You can see why the legend of Witchers being unfeeling golems can easily propogate, perhaps this is just a method of coping by the abused and tormented subjects of the Trials?
  6. Really strange isn't it, is it her right to self identify as a black woman? After all we have various newly made forms of gender that really do not exist biologically, and yet we respect their rights to believe that they are: Women when they have no womb, ovaries or chance of giving birth, or men when they have none of the male reproductive organs. This matter of self identity not based on physical reality is puzzling, and I for one have no idea what to think of it. Usually I would say that it is that persons choice and business, and none of mine, and leave it at that. However one can imagine black people resenting a white woman stealing yet more of their culture and pretending to be one, though i'm sure most will just laugh and not really care. It's an interesting topic sure enough.
  7. "Necromancer with a heart of gold." If this were Torment somebody would inevitably add: Small, hard and cold.
  8. Puts paid to all of the accussations that PC is a dead platform doesn't it? Just finished the Black Pearl quest, good Lord that is one bleak and harrowing resolution, no wailing, no blatant emotional moment, just a quiet acceptance that is stunning in its effectiveness.
  9. So basically you are saying that you are fine allowing a forum like this to operate even if its only purpose is to cause animosity and hurt towards fat people ? If you want answers from me then answer all the ones I have already posed you, along with the evidence needed to back them up. Nonek lets not worry about past debates, its counterproductive to a more progressive future Pathetic and exactly what I expected.
  10. So basically you are saying that you are fine allowing a forum like this to operate even if its only purpose is to cause animosity and hurt towards fat people ? If you want answers from me then answer all the ones I have already posed you, along with the evidence needed to back them up.
  11. Ron Moody, best known for his role as Fagin in the seminal Oliver Twist has also passed away at a ripe old age. Hopefully with Mr Pokrovsky and Mr Lee that is the last of the three for awhile.
  12. One of the best shooters i've played in recent years, glad to see that it was successful enough to warrant a sequel.
  13. Nice to see Mr Hotwheels standing up for free speech and the old motto, this is one of the strengths of the Internet in my view, the professionally outraged cannot stem anything they find "problematic" it just moves on. I find the negative discussion of the morbidly obese is hateful and pathetic, in the same vein as the unfounded villification of gamers, but would still defend the rights of the free to do so obviously.
  14. So I wonder how many alternate forums have opened their arms and welcomed Reddit's ejected membership?
  15. Such a shame, an old fashioned gentleman and an exemplary individual, the world is a poorer place for his passing. Rest in peace Lord Summerisle.
  16. Quite humorous is the fact that Odin is himself a manifestation of the trickster and the fool, the omni mythological and cultural figure whom dances the blurry line between the moral and the immoral, the civilised and the uncivilised, and casts a ridiculous mirror image of society back upon itself. A trait that the vanity of man has reduced and denied in the latest generations, but is in my eyes a still very important aspect of humanity: Laughter, ridicule and the tongue in cheek comedy that bursts the bubble of pomposity and self importance. The champion of the loner and artist whom mocks society, because it should be mocked and offended.
  17. I play with all the markers off and find it a better experience for doing so, however I wish that the game was designed around this playstyle with milestones, clear directions given and a map that was more clearly annotated with names for roads, rivers, villages and such before discovery. The places of interest I like stumbling upon, and have found quite a few that are not mentioned in any way. I'd aslo like to be able to make notes upon the map, like in Underworld twenty plus years ago, whose mapping system I have still not found an equal of.
  18. One has mixed feelings about the Brunnhild and Allfather illustration, chiefly because of the dissonance it creates in the varying artforms used within its composition, the winged helm, the Celtic jewellery, the unrealistic armour etcetera. However I would personally state that the nihilistic appreciation of art has risen in tandem with the standard appreciation of art, to the point where criticism has become the more revered art form in some places, while not really contributing much other than the nihilistic movement towards entropy. Now could one argue that this entropy is attractive and valid as an art form in its own right? I'm not sure and hardly think that I am suitable to answer that question. I will leave this dissection of art and the natural critical response to it in the hands of that revered critic and creator Mr Brooks, whom here studies the possible birth of art amongst early man and its possible reception:
  19. My last speculation: Lead designer on the new Kung Fury RPG? In all seriousness however it must be strange to be so obsessed over, and disturbing at times I imagine. At such a time as quitting a long held career position one would probably be quite repulsed by all this attention, and merely want a chance for self reflection, a few beers and a spot of long denied laziness. The quasi fame must be quite an unusual situation for anybody.
  20. You know in a way I think that the Witcher series, and the world it has brought to life, is somewhat wasted on Geralt. It's not that I dislike the character, as I know many do, but the world is just so grounded in its verisimilitude that a normal character would work better I think. There are so many great characters throughout the game, the Bloody Baron, Philippa, Roche, Iorveth, Zoltan, Yaevinn etcetera, and i'd play any of these without a moments hesitation. To be honest it wouldn't even need that many fantastical elements, as i'm quite happy without too many, they stand out all the more clearly when they are rare and only add to the internal consistency.
  21. Mr Avellone joining up with Crystal Dynamic to write and design a new Legacy of Kain game? A man can dream.
  22. There's quite a few methods of extending game life beyond the refundable period, especially for those whom cater to the more completionist sort of gamer: Unlockable difficulty levels, achievements, required repeat runs to assure the best ending, choice and consequence so that the game can be approached in different fashions, making a game good enough that the player wishes to keep it. For instance though my playthrough time of Volgarr the Viking is now quite short, I initially took a long time to master the game, and I know that i'll occasionally return to the game from time to time. I'd prefer that developers utilised some of these methods, rather than trying to overturn such a basic pro consumer right as Steam have finally implemented. Then again I expected nothing else from the anti consumer, pro corruption press.
  23. Ha, I imagine one of those has caused an enormous amount of aggravation to those whom want to have their cake and eat it.
  24. Hmmm, i'd have thought that there would be at least a difference in the ending slides, one of the reasons I pursued the Yennefer content. Trifle disappointed. Criticism: One, the journal needs re-arranging to something similar to the first game, as it is it's a mess. Two, the books need a notice like in the first game for when one has read them.
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