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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. It beats my dad's method of teaching algebra. He would make his own home made algebra/calculus problems, assign them to me as extra homework and expect them to be done before he came home from work. It wasn't my favorite thing in the world, but I never had to pay attention in math class until I got to college. 


    I do think repetition is important. My father used to scoff when he saw me just reading a math book trying to understand it. "You have to practice again and again, then understanding will come." He had me draw things out, recreate functions by hand etc. I think he was right to an extent. I used to have many EUREKA! moments while mindlessly solving problems. 


    It would have been more interesting if I had cool dragon art and video game mechanics behind it though.

  2. I also am not that excited for item durability. If it must be included, restrict it to non-magical items only. 


    Crafting in general is something I don't usually bother with, but I understand why people enjoy it. I just hope the best crafted items in the game don't overshadow any unique magical items looted from enemies and dungeons. I really miss the stories behind a lot of the IE magical items and hope to see more of that in PE. 


    I prefer the BG2 crafting system, where legendary weapons are forged and upgraded by a master smith after the player runs into the unique parts. Forging 100 regular swords so I can forge a sword +1 and so on, is not my idea of a fun time. Though I doubt this will be the crafting system in PE.  I don't like playing packrat, holding onto every crafting item possible in hopes that it is a part for something. 

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  3. You'll start dropping subtle hints if you think it's bad or good right Alan?


    I remain pretty optimistic. I think Bioware is putting more time into this one and I am usually entertained by their games. I'm curious about the whole Maker, Old Gods, Flemeth, Morrigan, Fade backstory that's going on. 

  4. I was expecting more Jeff Daniels and John Goodman. 


    Anyways, I like spiders. My parents used to plant sunflowers in our backyard and these big spiders would make nests across the flowers. As a kid, it was simultaneously creepy and fascinating.

  5. Watched Man of Steel. I was looking forward to it, but it was surprisingly underwhelming. The pacing felt all over the place, and I was actually nodding off during the latter half because it was just one long fight scene with the same stuff happening over and over again.

  6. I actually didn't watch any E3 presentations and just read various articles, so you probably have a better sense of it. Yes, I do prefer what Sony is offering over MS. I let friends borrow and play my PS3 games all the time. What MS is offering just sounds too restrictive.

  7. Seems like Sony made a splash at E3. It seems like when the time comes, I'll purchase a PS4. I mainly play on PC, but do enjoy some action game franchises on console. I usually buy used games for console, so it looks like PS4 is the way to go for now. 

  8. After viewing the two trailers, I would have to say I'm looking forward to the Witcher 3 more. I really enjoyed the previous game except for the combat which felt more like rolling around and running in circles than what I'd imagine a true master swordsman with magical abilities would fight like. The blocking and parrying felt very laggy and unresponsive and I would usually just spam magical attacks to get a lot of the fighting done. But that's really my only complaint. I loved everything else about the game and I'm curious how Geralt's personal quest with Yennefer and The Great Hunt will relate to the overall political scene and war.


    If CDP can give me the freedom and atmosphere of Skyrim along with a good plot and better combat, I'll be happy. 


    DA3, I can't really say. The trailer didn't excite me all that much. While I thought DA2 was a good game, it was also entirely forgettable. From the trailer it looks like you'll be gathering different forces in order to stop the big bad that warps in from the Fade or something. I hope its really not that generic and there's actually an interesting story behind Flemeth, Morrigan, The Maker and the Old gods. 


    Gameplay wise, I hope they bring back the wider tactical view again. The one in DA2 was awkward and it seemed like the 'improved' something that was already good. I would even prefer they implement something like SWTOR, where the player can determine how much the camera pulls back and up. However the DA1 camera was perfectly fine imo. 


    There are some aspects of of DA2 combat that I liked, such as the various cross class combos and the various options for tactical control. I didn't like the weightless feel of combat, PC parties and enemy parties having totally different skills, and especially HP bloat on certain enemies, the latter two making combat repetitive and dull. 


    Please make the overall world feel believable. Kirkwall was really the worst. I would murder people in the Chantry building on a regular basis (why did so many of your enemies want to meet in the Chantry?), the city didn't change at all during the 10 year period, and of course all the reused areas and ugly low res NPCs standing still, doing nothing. Make me want to invest emotionally in the world please. 

  9. I wish you luck in getting to sleep. Have you tried reading an accounting textbook? Always worked for me. :)


    Now I listen to audiobooks. The narrators usually have nice soothing voices that lull me into slumber. 

  10. Today weight training felt kind of dull so I tried something new, I don't know the correct English term for this kind of exercise, its all about decreasing weight during each set and totally exhausting the muscle, the pump I got was unbelievable.


    Tried it with the french press exercise (triceps curls), first I made my usual 12 reps with 92 lbs (42kg), but instead of making a break I put the barbell down, quickly decreased the weight by 10lbs (5kg), and  did another 10 reps, again decreased weight by 10lbs and did 8 reps followed by a 5 minute break.

    My triceps got so huge my arms almost looked like of some sort of comic action figure, I did not know that this was possible without roids or supplements. 

    Highly recommendable!

    The closest term I can think of is reverse pyramid training.


    I bought a pair of  these





    and am anxiously awaiting their arrival. Currently doing Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 rountine, but I eventually want to transition into a olympic lifting centric program by the end of this year and I'm hoping the shoes will give me better balance at the bottom position of the squat.


    Other than that, working a nice job and generally having a good time.

  11. I questioned the whole dimension hopping thing too. I couldn't imagine why Booker would think the original deal in another alternate would hold, once they went into another alternate. The whole point seemed to be they would snag the gunmaker in the alternate dimension, bring him back to their timeline and get going. Elizabeth even mentions that she isn't sure whether she can bring them back, which shows their intent, but once they crossover, they seem to stop caring. 

  12. @ Amentep,


    I understand where you're coming from.

    However, I still don't understand why the Booker you play throughout the game dying can solve anything. That Booker is the Booker who already rejected the baptism, and sold Elizabeth to Comstock. He is not the Booker that needed to die as killing him doesn't change anything. Elizabeth and your Booker, should have gone back in time to the point of the Baptism where the original Booker, pre-baptism, should have been confronted and killed. The end battle literally is you battling your megalomaniac alter ego at the Baptism site. We know that different version of yourselves can exist in the same timeline and you can kill your alternate self, so that's what I thought should have happened. This would have as you said erased all the Comstock timelines. This makes more sense to me which was why I was confused at the ending. I didn't think it really solved anything.


  13. FInished it and enjoyed the story and atmosphere more than the gameplay. I found most of the special abilities redundant and only ever used shock + headshots while on an advantageous perch throughout most of the game. 


    I'm not sure I quite understand the ending.

    I understand that Booker DeWitt needed to die, but if there are an infinite number of universes and an infinite number of Bookers, how will killing that specific Booker fix anything? Actually my head hurts trying to think of all the possibilities and there probably isn't a good answer so I'll leave it at that.



    Great game though. I enjoyed it as much as Dishonored. 

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