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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. I'm still worried it will have an asymmetric combat system like DA2 which effectively broke friendly fire. I can't really tell from the gameplay videos whether this is the case or not. 


    I'm not sure what the positives of such a combat system are in a party based RPG as it made combat quite rote and boring in DA2, while the absence of friendly fire took away a lot of fun strategic elements. 

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  2. The new gameplay video doesn't encourage me. 


    - There doesn't seem to be any friendly fire, unless it is implemented like DA2, which was horrible. 

    - They talk about tactical positioning, but most of the time I see the archer NPC standing in the middle of melee shooting arrows. Hopefully the demo was just easy mode. 

    - Tactical camera just seems like moving the camera around the battlefield rather than zooming out to get a better view of everything. I do like how you could position Iron Bull at the chokepoint with a defend option.

    - Boss battle with the mage seemed gimmicky. Again, enemies seem to have a whole different set of spells and skills from the party and have a massive HP pool. When I fight a mage, most of the fun comes from figuring out how to get past his defensive spells, protecting myself from his debilitating offensive spells and then taking the mage down quickly. Chipping away at his health pool while he becomes invincible at certain points, then fighting his summoned minions then rinse repeat seems tedious and not challenging. 


    Is this the "final" chapter of the sexy-but-not-too-grimdark  DA-series? or is romancable Bioware hoping it to be a love-interest neverending series like emotionally-engaging Final Fantasy?



    *Tried remove the Bioware-speak filter, but the words just seemed to come back no matter what


    I've never played any FF games, what would you recommend for the PC. I like  an interesting fantasy RPG setting


    You should play FF6. It's the only one I can replay without rolling my eyes constantly. All the characters have good story arcs, the villain is deranged and evil, and there's a good mix of comedy, action and tragedy that the 16 bit graphics somehow convey better than more modern iterations. It's probably the awesome music. 


    I believe there is a version for android now, but I'm not sure what the reception was like as I usually take to my DS to play the GBA port of the game when I get an urge to play the game. 

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  4. Since it hasn't been posted, DA:I's emo/boyband party member.





    "All Cole knows for certain is that the world is full of pain and he must find his place within it."

    He looks kind of sickly. darkspawn taint?


    So three rogue types: Varric, Sera and this guy

    Three warrior types: The Grey Warden guy, Cassandra and Iron Bull

    Three mage types: Vivienne, Solas and ???

  5. I was low level and playing D&D for the first time. 


    Actually I think BG1 was the first western RPG I ever played. I was living in Korea at the time and mostly playing Starcraft and fighting games in arcades. 


    I ran headlong into traps before I figured out I could detect and disarm with a thief. Took me a while to figure out all the rules. The mine levels were a good learning area. 


    Anyways, the what I've seen of the camera in DAI looks pretty good. 

    • Like 2
  6. Well Baldur's Gate did have some truly terrible encounter designs. The Naskel mines are especially bad.


    IMO DAO's combat would have been vastly improved with more enemy variety and fewer but more interesting and/or large battles. Fighting a moderate sized squad of darkspawn gets Turing rather quickly.

    I loved the Nashkel Mines. 


    Cramped corridors, traps, pesky fire arrow shooting kobolds, spiders.


    The first time I played it I died horribly. Then I began scouting with my thief very carefully, set up ambushes around tight corners for the kobolds, ran away when necessary. I thought it was great fun. 


    I might be in Monte's give me more fighting in tunnels camp. 

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  7. I guess what worries me most is the action combat in a party based system. 


    I found actively dodging things in DA2 a little cumbersome when you have to switch back and forth between party members. Though I didn't buy any DLC, I watched some let's play videos and it seemed difficult moving your party members out of the way of charging darkspawn, or navigating them around obstacles like the final battle in Legacy. 


    Huh, looks like we'll be visiting the Black City. Which would be cool and not entirely unsurprising, when I think about it, which I hadn't. :p

    the black city will be:




    when those wizards saw the fugly, tacky and boorish monstrosity that were the Creator's "heaven," they were disappointed and mildly appalled. in a fit o' pique, the Creator cursed the mocking intruders-- turned 'em into the first darkspawn.


    what? you really think bioware will come up with something better?


    HA! Good Fun!


    I am not opposed to the idea of the Maker being a petulant, child like entity. 

  9. The palace looks especially good. 


    Also, aren't proper nouns that are a singular entity followed by a singular verb? I keep seeing "Bioware are", "Bioware have" increasingly in website publications. I'm pretty sure that is incorrect in American English, but maybe it's different elsewhere. 


    Anyways carry on. 

  10. I like Enoch's idea. 


    I've always wanted to play a story driven single player RPG where your party is composed of eight individuals and they travel with you throughout the entire game. Combat would consist of having different party formations for different combat encounters and half the challenge would be getting to the enemy lines before combat even starts. 

  11. I guess a few things I don't want to see in combat are:


    Enemies running past my strategically placed warrior without facing any consequence or somehow running past even though the warrior is placed at a chokepoint like a door or narrow hallway. Have party positioning actually mean something.


    HP Bloat in humanoid enemies. I expect dragons and demons to take a beating, but not regular humanoid enemies. They should have roughly the same HP as your party. 


    Enemies and your party should have access to the same combat skills. This was my main gripe with DA2, even more than the parachuting enemies and reused areas. I hated that enemies seemed to have one set of skills and your party another. 

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  12. Are the characters pictured in the Last Supper-esque screenshot, all of your potential party members?


    I'm looking forward to it. In addition to regular RPG character development it seems like you'll be able to develop the Inquisition along some main pillars: espionage, politics, merchants and military. I hope you can appoint certain party members to head those factions and their abilities will determine how effective each faction is. It doesn't have to be exclusive to one character either. For example, you wouldn't appoint Iron Bull to the military just because he looks strong. You can appoint Leliana and your soldiers will become better archers, or appoint Cassandra and your soldiers become better sword and board fighters. Varric might seem the obvious choice to head merchants, but you can appoint a mage and gain access to rare magical supplies etc. 


    Don't know if that is actually in the game though. 


    I am hoping game events are influenced heavily by what direction you take. 


    Will probably pre-order at a later date as things become more clear.

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