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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. I've been playing for short bursts. A Rift here and there before bedtime. 


    I am quite enjoying the experience, dare I say, almost as much as my D2 days. I still find the account bound legendary system quite restrictive as I want to give some items I've found to friends. Surely Blizzard can find some kind of compromise such as if someone is on your friends list for 30 days or so, you can trade freely with them.  

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  2. Is there a reason all legendaries are account bound now? I understand taking the auction house down, but being unable to trade or give legendaries to fellow players or friends in-game seems too restrictive. 


    I recently found a new leg. belt and thought I'd pass my blackthorne belt to a friend of mine who had the trousers, but I could not. It was a little annoying.

  3. I've been playing and it's been fun. I seem to be getting legendary items much more often and on the whole they have been much more useful for my character. I think they've increased the rate of legendary drops for rings and amulets as I've found several while playing with loot 2.0, but never had one drop previously. I found a really helpful one that makes me immune to arcane damage and heals me for 20% of the damage I would have taken. It makes the arcane orb spawning elites REALLY easy to deal with. I just stand as close to the orb as possible and hack away with my barbarian.


    What happened to the rune descriptions? They used to give much more specific information (like % of weapon damage), but now its just a general description. I haven't played in a long time, so was this changed in an earlier patch?

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  4. I'm looking forward to the game. I like most of what I've seen so far. 


     - Large, but discrete explorable areas. It reminds me of the IE games where each area was unique with some kind of interesting encounter. I hope Bioware expands on this concept.


     - Better Camera


     - I like the weapon animations so far. The two handed swords actually have heft and speed now. I like the sense of momentum. 


     - Branching paths within the gameplay that have consequences, but also allows the player to achieve optimal results if they play well enough. 

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  5. I guess my most disappointing RPG would be Lionheart. I thought it'd be something like Icewind Dale since I saw the Black Isle Logo, but it wasn't. I did enjoy the first chapter, meeting famous people in an alternate history, but the game quickly turned too simplistic and boring. I never finished it. 


    I like Jade Empire for what it is but it never felt like a wuxia game. To me it was more of a western fantasy game with an eastern aesthetic. I do not mean that as a bad thing. I would actually like to see the setting expanded upon, where the Jade Empire is forced to deal with other nations across the sea (the country where Sir Roderick came from perhaps) , in some kind of eastern-western fantasy imperial RPG game. 

  6. Yeah, I found there were two HDD slots in my laptop, so I figured I'd fill both of them. 


    As for SSD, I like having more space than speed. I've never felt I waited too long for something to happen on my laptop.

  7. I voted yes, but some more elaboration would be be nice, such as the current progress, timeframe until release etc. If Obsidian thinks it can deliver more quality content in the current timeframe, I would be happy to help fund additional content. 


    As other posters have pointed out, I would rather have a higher level of polish and increased reactivity in quests and companions rather than just more content. 

  8. I have the first Drakensang (sp?) game and I never get past the first chapter for some reason. I always stop playing in the first town. It seems like the type of game I would enjoy, but I can't seem to get into it. I've started a new game three times in the past, hoping that it would engage me but it never did. 


    I'll try another time in the future. 


    Also Lexx, what game is that? Looks cool.

  9. So I got back into it during Thanksgiving and started a Jedi Knight, now Guardian. 


    I found I enjoyed playing tank because I get to control combat encounters somewhat, keeping the heat on me and letting the healers and dps do their jobs. 


    You guys told me the Jedi Knight story was epic but so far I'm a little bored. Still in chapter 1 going around trying to rescue two Jedi Masters. I'm actually over-leveled at this point because I grew tired of the story and just queue up for flashpoints and craft during the waiting period. While things are cooking I just read or watch some Netflix. 


    Flashpoints are pretty enjoyable and I found out what happened to Revan and the Exile finally. I thought it was handled as well as it could have, though I still wished they had gotten a full fledged sequel. I always thought the leveling problem could have been solved through Revan/Exile posing as a different character class as he/she infiltrated the Sith empire, with the game allowing you to access your Jedi levels at key points in the game. But oh well, it'll never happen at this point. 


    The lure of better loot has me pretty engaged and I do love the Star Wars feel when the music kicks up at the right time. I'm on the Bastion server if anyone wants to play together. 

  10. I love some Japanese and Korean movies, but they are often way too emotionally exaggerated for me, to the point where their characters come off as childish. I watched about half of Old Boy, but got annoyed with it for that reason.. So in this case, I'd rather see the Spike Lee remake.


    I totally agree with you.

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