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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. I looked up Memoria since Tale said it was tear inducing. 


    Definitely looks like a game I would enjoy. Will definitely purchase, but not at the moment since I'm finishing up Arkham Origins (I had a blast) and next up is The Last of Us. 


    I stopped purchasing games until I know I will play them next. Keeps my backlog of games manageable. With the new Broken Sword game coming out and Deponia next on my list, I might just go on a adventure game binge after The Last of Us. 

    • Like 1
  2. Playing Batman Arkham Origins. 


    So far I like it a lot. I think I'm about halfway through the story and it's been really fun.  It's not a vast improvement over the other 2 games, but here are some things I like. 


    - Large environment with lots of places to just explore around. It incorporates the Arkham City environment, but enough work has been put into that it feels new. You'll see familiar buildings and locations, but with a different feel. 


    - Fun boss battles. So far I've faced Deathstroke, Copperhead and Bane.  Each of these battles has its own little flair to it and bosses won't do stupid things anymore. For example, I thought the Bane boss battle in AA was pretty dumb with Bane running willy nilly into walls and stunning himself. He still charges you but will stop short most times before hitting a wall. There are nice surprises too. When I shot the bat-grapple at Bane to see what might happen, he grabbed it and pulled me towards him in a counter. Each battle has you incorporate your various gadgets into the battle, so it keeps things interesting. Plus its a lot more fun going up against enemies with similar skills as Batman instead of the somewhat monstrous and mystical bosses in the two previous games. Mr. Freeze being the exception.


    - I think the characterization for the various enemies is good. They did a much better job with Bane, who seems like a legitimate menace to Batman instead of the ridiculous caricature he was in AA. The voiceover work is good as well. Though I miss Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy, the two replacements do a great job. 


    - So far I like the story. I think the pacing is a little off, but overall it's kept me engaged and I'm eager to see where the story will go. 


    - Combat is still as good as ever. I think the enemies might be slightly more aggressive in attacking you. There's really only one type of new enemy, which is the martial artist. They can counter your moves, so you have to react quickly to keep the flow of your combat going. It's a lot of fun when you have a good mix of enemies and you have to think quickly and carefully on who to attack next, where you'll be after the attack and when to use your special maneuvers and gadgets. 


    - Nothing new on side missions. You have your Riddler puzzles, and then going around destroying canisters, stopping bombs etc. Same as the previous game. 


    All in all, I'd put it right on the same level as the previous games. I haven't run into any bugs or crashes, though I've heard some people have had trouble. I'm having a lot of fun with it.

  3. The game is made with a super deformed style in mind, hence the "cuteness" in the character design. 


    Yes, the titans are supposed to be naked. Here is the example from the source material:







    Perhaps its due to the low graphical and polygon quality that makes the titans look very odd indeed.

    Source material pic gave me the shivers.



    Having BG always on my pc, I decided to check. No new rendering of old locations, it's exactly the same, except that those JPGs are of low quality.


    Just to clarify we are talking about BG2, are you saying that BG2 EE won't have additional areas to explore?


    It's not what I said, no. Azure said that old areas have been re-rendered in a different way. That's not the case.


    Yeah, I was mistaken. Seems like it is actually "remastered area artwork from original renders"

  5. Sounds pretty awesome. I usually go for a warrior type on my first playthrough since I'm into martial arts and strength training in my actual life, but I may play Cipher on my first playthrough. 


    I find as I grow older, I enjoy the paths of intrigue and cleverness to solve problems rather than brute force. In games that is. I wish could brute force my way through certain parts of my life. 

    • Like 1
  6. For an RPG, my greatest immersion breaker is not being able to pursue actions I think my character has access to.


    For example at the end of DA2, [spoilerS AHEAD] You care given a choice to support the mages or support the templars. Throughout the entire game, both sides are portrayed as extremist and dangerous, with the more stable, reasonable members being killed by the very people they are trying to protect. Your title is the Champion of Kirkwall. You protect the city and its people, but you are never given that choice at the end. You can't tell both factions to go eff themselves and that you will go and protect the people from the chaos. You can't give an ultimatum you will kill any mage or templar that is harming innocents as you try and restore order in the city. I understand that some players will have motivations to support either group, but for me, it was more about leaving the crazies to their own conflict and protecting the people from their idiocy. When I realized I wouldn't get that choice, I almost stopped playing. [END SPOILERS]


    I think Obsidian has been pretty good about player choice and agency in most of their games so I'm not too worried. The only thing I can remember that annoyed me was the binary choice between Sand and Qara in NWN2. 

    • Like 2
  7. Definitely. When I played with friends it was much more enjoyable, but its hard trying to schedule gaming sessions with friends as we get older. We usually end up playing a quick game of Left4Dead2 before calling it a night. 


    I probably would've played swtor a lot if it had come out during my college days. 

  8. Good combat system. Players and enemies fought under the same rules. This made for fun, challenging encounters and didn't feel cheap.


    Good NPCs. I liked most of them. They had their own motivations and spoke up during the storyline. 


    Good sidequests and locations. The Unseeing Eye, Firkraag, Planar Sphere all great. 


    Good humor. Edwin and the Nether Scroll, Minsc (hey, don't judge, I found him funny!) Jan Jansen and various other party interactions made just walking around fun. 


    All combined into a awesome game.

  9. Gotta agree with Oerwinde. I stopped playing swtor because I found the overall gameplay and filler quests pretty boring. I would also buy a single player experience if they repackaged it that way. I liked the story portions of the game, but it just took so long to get to them.

    • Like 2
  10. I like playing on the hardest difficulty, if it's a game type (i.e. gameplay) that I'm familiar with. UNTIL it's just plain stupidly "difficult." Like... DA 2. The first boss in DA2 was ludicrous on Nightmare (or whatever the hardest setting was). I expended all the potions I could afford, and used the utmost strategy, and could only get him down like 1/4 of his health before everyone died and I was out of healing.


    When the difficulty just beefs up the attrition-level of everything, I don't like it one bit.

    You should try the act 2 boss battle on insanity. 


    HP bloat is just plain bad. 

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