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Everything posted by somebody_else24

  1. Just to clarify what you mean here... Do you mean that it is currently fixed and those talents do affect DoT abilities and you just can't find where it was mentioned? Or do you mean you thought it was fixed somewhere in the past but it isn't? As far as I am aware none of the official patches have ever mentioned this issue. Another user, MaxQuest, has an unofficial patch mod that fixes it though. Maybe that's what you remembered?
  2. @Elric Galad Not sure if this is possible or if you'd view it as unnecessary or overpowered, but would it be possible to make the twinned arrows ability of the ranger also affect crossbows and arbalests? Probably won't be as strong as it is with bows, but might allow for some more weapon diversity? No worries if it's beyond the scope, just thought I'd ask.
  3. Does the buff to one handed style make it worth considering vs 2h or dual wield or is it just better but still pretty niche do you think?
  4. Fair enough. I don't have a tonne of time to try all of them any time soon. What about chanters do you think they're engaging and fun as single class or better as multi? Anyways. Thanks for the info!
  5. Thank you again. I guess while I have you here and you have insights on how the game works with BPM I'll ask another question or two. If I'm asking too much or my questions are annoying obviously feel free to ignore me, haha! So, while I'm leaning druid I guess I'm also curious about Chanter, maybe cipher and monk (though I've played it before without BPM). I'd like to do a rather full playthrough of the game without too much other modding, using only story companions and sidekicks. Among those classes I've mentioned what would you think fits in best in a party that I will probably be relatively often changing in and out with the different story companions and sidekicks (to get their full stories and dialogue etc.)? I imagine that's probably somewhat difficult to answer and has a lot do to preference, but I'm just curious. I generally lean towards wanting to go single-class with whatever I pick. Is sc chanter or cipher engaging enough to bother with?
  6. @yorname Very helpful info! Really appreciate the detailed answer. So you think Ancient is definitely the way to go over say shifter or fury, even with late game summons not necessarily being worth it versus spells like great maelstrom? A follow-up question then, you say Priest is slightly more essential for a party, but both Xoti and Tekehu are good as single class Priest and Druid respectively, and I would probably use one or the other or both from time to time - which class fits in better with more parties and is ok to maybe overlap? I guess I should mention I like flexibility but I probably do lean toward wanting to do damage. Again, appreciate your input.
  7. hello @Elric Galad, I'm a longtime fan of the mod. Big fan of the changes and balancing you've done. Just had a question about which class between druid and priest (single class) you feel is more powerful and engaging after all your changes, or even which is more fun in your opinion? Particularly In terms of the druid summons I'm curious how strong the later level ones (fire stag, aspect of galawain) are with your changes and how they compare with other high level summons. If anyone else who has played with them using the balance patch wants to chime in with their opinion I would appreciate it too.
  8. @thelee Hello! Thanks for your input here. Love your guide. Do you have any opinions on the choices between monk, priest, druid, and wiz for a full playthrough of both games? Thanks.
  9. @Boeroer cool. Thanks. I'm not married to ancient druid. Because you like maelstrom and avenging storm so much do you prefer fury or some other subclass? Do those things with avenging storm work with the community patch and (haven't fully decided) the balance polishing mod?
  10. Thanks for all the info chaospread. I've been running through with monk and having fun but I might try a caster for a bit too just to see how I feel. Do you think wiz is better than druid or priest? I didn't mention them but I suppose I should consider them. Mostly alongside trying monk I want to try a powerful caster. Damage focused but maybe capable of some other roles when necessary.
  11. @davoker I'm by the cell on the 19th before 2x but I get healing gloves instead. Maybe it's changed since you ran through. Frustrating.
  12. Hi Chaospread, I'll be playing with a party of story characters. What makes druids less powerful in poe2?
  13. Thank you very much Boeroer! Been a fan of your builds and info you share for years. Maybe a weird thing to say to a random forum person but oh well haha. Would the monk build you recommend for the first game be the witch doctor build you posted?
  14. Hi there! Longtime lurker here finally engaging with all you lovely people. I'm coming back to pillars after a while and am trying to choose what to play. I generally have a huge problem constantly restarting to try different builds, and then reading everything about them and then starting something new. It's annoying. So after much consideration I've narrowed down what I want to play to monk, priest or druid. This is for the first and second game. I will probably be using community patch and the balance polishing mod btw. I've beaten the first on hard and played through much of it on potd. I haven't played the second game as much but plan to go through it (after the first) on potd as well. But I just can't decide on a class to take all the way through both (for roleplaying reasons). Like I mentioned I settled on priest, druid, or monk. I know these are all good and strong classes in both games and I enjoy vancian casters as well as the monk's wounds system. I think I'd like to stay single class since... well I just like it more conceptually I guess? I don't know. Does anyone have any strong opinions on what's most fun or engaging for both games, but mostly the second? I think I'd go with priest of berath so I could mix damage and support if I went priest but I'm open to other options. Druid I'm less sure... Fury for blasting? Ancients for dots and summons and heals? The flexibility sounds nice maybe? Monk seems fun too but again I'm caught between mortar monk and forbidden fist tank monk. Serious decision paralysis. So ya, I'd love and appreciate if anyone could weigh in with what they think to help me decide.
  15. Hi, @Kvellen I hope you don't mind I have also tagged you here to ask for help making these portraits watercolour for deadfire. No worries if you can't. Anyone else is also welcome to assist me haha. I have tried to do it myself but have not succeeded. Thanks ahead of time!
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