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About Grand_Commander13

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    Curator of the Obsidian Order
    (5) Thaumaturgist

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  • Black Isle Bastard!
  1. Do you honestly think I'm so dim I don't understand the concept of defenses? If there's a spell I have (not one I get at level nine) that I'm not using, then that would be helpful (but incredibly unlikely, since my eyes have been over Durance's spell list so many times), or if there's an observation based on the experience of beating these enemies before, that would be helpful. Explaining what defenses are? Doesn't help me.
  2. On one hand I guess I should be happy that the difficulty seems to be my party build (though Aloth is so useless to me in the early game that he's now level five when the rest of the party is level eight, so putting him back in now would be really difficult). On the other hand, a lot of this is advice I can't take until I get back to my stronghold, which would mean a whole lot of walking. Those sirens though, and that paralysis they just spam: that's what's killing me. I Story Moded my way through this one fight, then found another fight with a siren that was too hard, so I avoided it until I got a plot item and now I have another fight with a siren that just wrecks me because, again, I can't resist paralysis.
  3. Ever since the backer beta I've known I'm not as good at PoE as a lot of people. Most fights in Normal are fairly easy for me, but the fights meant to be difficult are, and in White March part one I've actually encountered some fights I don't think I have the ability to beat. One was fine, fampyrs on the map that I didn't have to engage. However, I'm in Durgan's Battery and I've taken the workshop key, riling up all of the spirits. The main room of the mine warren, with two sirens and several wraiths, is kicking my teeth in, big time. To give you an idea how bad it is, I've started actually *gasp* using consumables, and while the flame shield seems to help I still get my front line torn apart eventually. Now I could reload the autosave and not do that, then use my rite to let me lockpick the door, or I could just drop the difficulty level, but what do I need to do to actually beat the encounter? I have a level-eight party with a cipher main character, Pallegina, Zahua, Maneha, Durance, and Devil of Caroc in my party. I could rest and get the +10 accuracy bonus against spirits (typical that the enemies change from vessels to spirits as soon as I use camping supplies), but I'm getting beaten hard enough I'm not sure that would put me over the edge. Usually it ends up with Durance and my cipher main character standing against a wraith and both sirens, and there's no way they can out-damage that.
  4. You're right, doesn't need music either. Or ambient noise. Wouldn't you say that's kind of a false analogy? Music adds at least as much, if not more, to the experience, and is far cheaper to add to the game. The same with ambient noise: there's a high bang/buck rate on those, up to a certain point.
  5. But they're already lumped into a shared subgroup: all of the unique items have enchantments you can't add yourself. The category already exists, so the only thing this does is make it easier to see, at a glance, which items in your stash have unique enchantments.
  6. With a character with three Might all scripted fight beginnings now involve someone helping the character unsheathe their weapons (a third of the time it is, for humorous effect, the person you are about to fight who has pity on your feeble efforts to draw a sword and helps you out), and every time you have a conversation with a party member after resting the dialogue mentions you struggling to open your eyes until they open them for you.
  7. Gaze of the Adradan. Let's see how high Thanos pumped Fortitude. Regarding the topic at hand though, the game even has a failure state where you kill a plot-vital character and so go mad because you couldn't deal with Thaos as a result. I agree that the game could better show you that you were losing your mind (the visions were great but they were too infrequent and really need to be supported by a better representation of our troubled sleep) rather than having characters tell you about it from time to time.
  8. I'm torn on low-int dialogue. It's a lot of effort for something that's good for a bit of a laugh, but on the other hand it's what gave us . Tradeoffs.
  9. That's an awfully specific edge case you're feigning concern about. Sure it would be a valid concern if this was something scholarly where you have to say exactly what you mean, but... Come on.
  10. That's just sampling error. They do a rolling survey of public Steam accounts to see what the Steam-using gamers are doing. It's great for information for comparing the popularity of games, not just owners but players and play time.
  11. One word: Mods. Yes, of course: mods! Why should a game developer bother trying to deliver a fun, well-designed game when they can provide the toolset and outsource all of that troublesome design work to the players? It's perfect! Of course toolsets are expensive, so prices will stay right where they are.
  12. It puts game designers on the horns of a nasty dilemma, it's true. Hardcore gamers expect to be rewarded for their additional "work", and even though you can reward them non-mechanically it's a lot more work on the designers' part. I suppose you could stuff all of the choices and consequences into the side quests, since it always feels good to see the game react to your actions later down the line. It's probably the best option, like how simpler games allow you to score attack.
  13. Preach. I managed three hours of Darksiders and I had to force myself to get that far. It's just so boring. I remembered it being a huge deal when it came out, so what happened? It's not that I hate action-platformers, because Dust: An Elysian Tail riveted me. Heck, even going AAA, Alice: Madness Returns was way better (I really enjoyed Madness Returns).
  14. Sounds optimistic. I believe Steam has about 80% of the market share for this sort of thing. So 300,000 is more realistic at this point. (I believe the physical non-backer versions are Steam also.) 80% is probably conservative. I'll be conservative too and say 85%, but my gut says 90%.
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