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About Lumenadducere

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    (3) Conjurer
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    Sweet Sweet Californ-i-ay
  • Interests
    Reading, Writing, Hangin' Out With Friends, Playing Video Games, Listening to Music


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  1. I chose the last three. Dialog and plot are my chief concerns with RPGs, and if a game is bug-free then it ensures that it's a good and hassle-free experience. Complex quests and multiple ways to solve 'em are important, but they're not as important to me as the other two. I don't care if a game has a big, open world to explore or not. Most of the dungeons in Oblivion wound up being the same thing over and over again, even if it was a nice gimmick at first. Exploration is nice, but if there's too much focus on it then it winds up taking away form the story and quests.
  2. I'd love to see Bourne, but somehow it doesn't seem likely. The problem is that Bourne is very proactive, whereas Bond is re-active. In gaming it's difficult to have the player be pro-active and set things up like Bourne would, whereas it's easy to set things up and have the player react like Bond would. So we'll probably see Bond instead of Bourne.
  3. Get in some QA time. Many of the producers I know worked their way up out of QA, and even if you can't get the promotion right from there, you'll better understand the realities of the industry. And Tale, I'm not sure if he'll get your answer. It's been three years.... Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it! I'll be looking for summer internships and I'll look for some QA jobs when I've graduated. I'll chime back in if I find an internship or two with info for others interested.
  4. Let's see, I have...6 characters? And so far 4 have completed everything through to MotB. My Ranger is almost done and my Warlock is to follow...and then I'm going to make a bard, so that'll be 7.
  5. I'm also curious about this as well. I'm a sophomore at UC Davis in California, and I've just started contemplating a job as a producer. I've read what I can and I've got a decent idea of what the job entails and whether it suits me or not, and I think it's something I'd really enjoy. Does anyone have any advice besides getting an internship?
  6. Really?! (w00t) Any more info or links? Crap...might have to quit City of Heroes/Villains if that's the case. Can only do one subscription MMO at a time. :'(
  7. Right now I'm playing: - Final Fantasy III (got it from roomie for Christmas - yay!) - Final Fantasy XII - .Hack//GU Vol. 1 - City of Heroes/Villains - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (third time...then going to play II once Restoration Project is done) - Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (trying for 100% on EXPERT...freaking hard!) - NWN 2 (second time) - Shadow Hearts (Covenent afterwards) - Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (thid time) I go back and forth on these, spending a couple hours playing a day depending on what my mood is and whether my roomies are on the PS2 or not. Now that the Winter Break is here then I'll get to spend some more time on 'em and knock a few out.
  8. Ah man, reading this makes me want to start up Bloodlines again...good thing it's Winter Break and the quarter is over so I've got time to do so. Yay! I personally love the Malkavians and the Tremere - Malks for the hilariously awesome dialogues and Tremere because they're mages and I mages. Best part of the second playthrough: talking to the thin blood Malk and going, "Oh. THAT'S what she meant." We should all write to White Wolf and tell 'em they need to get a developer to make more WoD CRPGs. I'm not familiar with the setting, but I love what little I do know. Mage the Mage setting if not the Vampire one...hmm...
  9. Same here...and the fact that a majority of the work seems to be done is definitely a nice addition.
  10. Yes, but some response or post from the team would be nice. Doesn't help that the website doesn't seem to be working. I was really looking forward to this, along with the Restoration Project. Totally would have gone out and gotten a copy of KotOR II again (sold back my old one a long time ago). Heck, I think I'll get one anyways because of the Restoration Project. At least that's still going...
  11. Yeah, keep on going through the sound files, and let us know what else you find. I really wish these had been included and LA wasn't being dumb by pushing up the release date. Still, we've got what we've got, and I just hope we manage to find the answers to our questions.
  12. Interesting enough as he died in K1. Another Zombie then <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Only if you were DS. LS had everyone alive and well.
  13. *bump* So people who are still confused can read this and (maybe) get some peace of mind. Key word there is maybe.
  14. There's another thread that has a lot of information that helps to fill in the plot holes. I believe it's called "Filling in Plot Holes." KotOR II was much more a personal story than a save-the-galaxy story. Some people like that type, some people don't. As for the rest, I recommend checking out the other topic thread and looking in there, then perhaps posting whatever remains unanswered in there.
  15. Obsidian. Keeping in mind that I only watched a friend play and am waiting for the PC version, I also think that if Obsidian had more time KotOR II would have been better. From what everyone else has said, everything was just as good as, if not better, than KotOR except for the ending which felt rushed. Obviously the rushing wouldn't have happened if LA didn't push up the deadline and Obsidian actually had the time to do what they wanted... If anyone from Obsidian is reading this, please include in the PC version what you wanted to in the XBox version.
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