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About Arunak

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. Great news for the localization, I'd love to savour PoE in my native language (also crossed fingers for it to be of good quality, we have our history of crappy translations)
  2. Thanks for the answer, Joseph. I cannot say I like the choice () to implement the system like that, but who cares...I'll get used to it and train my reaction time as a bonus ^^
  3. I only tried with "TimeMarginSlack" with no results
  4. Yep with english subs...I'll try to disable them and see if it gets better (I leave them on only to be sure I don't miss anything) I'll try to use the arrows keys too ^^ I'm still at the start (the 1st mission with Mina in SA, after the training) so *maybe* the super-fast countdown I got in one or two occasions were only issues\bugs. I'll probably prefer 2-3 seconds more, anyway.
  5. Nothing new? Sometimes the time is perfectly fine, other times (it may depend on how much dialogue there is in the last sentence, before the choice) you can barely SEE what are the options displayed (three ****ing seconds :|), and clicking with the mouse borders the impossible. TBH I expected at least ONE developer to follow this forum..is there anyone out there? :\
  6. Feel free to stop your head. The "unofficial patch", along with some major mods, have been all about adding content (official content in the case of the up) since several years.
  7. I've played the hell out of Bloodlines as my name might suggest, and having reinstalled and replayed in the last couple of weeks I can tell you you've got the rose tinted glasses on there. The writing on Bloodlines is good, but compared to the majority of modern games (Alpha Protocol included) it's facial animations are almost comical. That's the one part of AP's animations that are up to scratch. Maybe I've the rose tinted glasses on , but you (and your friend after you) probably can't see at all. Go on youtube and try to analize them properly, please. I know ME and AP dialogues animations are absolutely good (ME especially, having to be some sort of interactive movie), but just take a look at the gesticulation or the naturalness difference between the two. (I cannot explain it better than this, sorry) Maybe I was also influenced by the perfect voice acting (or you think I'm wrong here too ), but at least I wouldn't try to consider them "almost comical", bec that's a plain bs. *
  8. NO. Bloodlines is a masterpiece, one of the best RPGs of the videogaming history. Its writing and dialogues animation are still unmatched, and It's a way way WAY better rpg than AP.
  9. Can we stick this, and keep it as clean as it is now? It may be even useful for the developers themselves
  10. 1) Savegames NOT checkpoint based 2) Option to increase the dialogues countdown 3) Fix\extend key bindings 4) Engine optimizations
  11. They're both in there and in the main installation directory, with some differences. I've found no line with "dialogue" as a key...just this searching for "time" in "APgame": [Engine.GameInfo] ... MaxIdleTime=+0.0 MaxTimeMargin=+0.0 TimeMarginSlack=+1.35 MinTimeMargin=-1.0 ... IdleTimeOut=10.f
  12. Yep I noticed Hope someone will found a solution soon, I think I'll stop my playthrough until then
  13. As I've stated in my thread: One hour only, doing the evaluation process. Hardest difficulty, recruit. PROs: - Excellent variability in terms of choice & consequences (new quests triggers, influence modifications, different paths in the plot, different dialogues, etc..) - Gameplay components dedicated exclusively to deepen the background (ie hacking computers to read emails) - NPCs characterization and number of dialogues, for now. - Difficulty, for now - Quests feedback\rewards CONs: - ****ing checkpoints based saves - Minigames: zero use of brain, all they can do is make you blind - Engine optimization - Gameplay bugs and technical quality - Dialogues countdown too short. I use subtitles (at times I can't even read all the options, and I assure you I read fast)
  14. One hour only, doing the evaluation process. Hardest difficulty, recruit. PROs: - Excellent variability in terms of choice & consequences (new quests triggers, influence modifications, different paths in the plot, different dialogues, etc..) - Gameplay components dedicated exclusively to deepen the background (ie hacking computers to read emails) - NPCs characterization and number of dialogues, for now. - Difficulty, for now - Quests feedback\rewards CONs: - ****ing checkpoints based saves - Minigames: zero use of brain, all they can do is make you blind - Engine optimization - Gameplay bugs and technical quality - Dialogues countdown too short. I use subtitles (at times I can't even read all the options, and I assure you I read fast)
  15. The countdown is absolutely too short for me (and many other people), as I often have to read the subtitles and I especially like to give the answer I want and not a random one. I like the idea behind it, but it's too damn short for me to enjoy the game. (I also like to dig deep in the dialogues and background) I'd assume there's some little adjustment I can do in the configuration file.
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