I love the game as well, I got the ps3 version. I have been looking forward to it for a long time but recently I was somewhat skeptical about it being any good...all of those negative reviews...I mean, they made it seem like its the worst game ever. I was undecided between this and RDR but in the end bought AP and on the way back home I was kinda thinking...."Hmm...maybe I messed up. I paid full price for this and dont really know if its gonna be good, GOOD?! ****."
But when I actually got to play the game...well at first I did notice that its kinda rough around the edges but it gets better the more you play it. The negative stuff was blown out of proportion. It aint a big deal. At least, I havent experienced atrocious bugs and what not. I am playing as a stealthy guy for the most part and playing on hard. Maybe thats kind of closed off some bugs from appearing.
Not sure...either way, no problems so far.
The graphics, at parts, especially at the very beginning dont look that well...kinda like a very nice looking xbox1 title. But, things improve later on and you get used to the small stuff. I mean, theres some small graphical glitches...but like I said, you get used to it. Characters are well done and the animations are not that bad. Actually, I dont see it as being bad at all. Other then the crouching walking thing, which aint THAT weird as i had read, it all looks smooth to me...also, characters expressions and voice acting mesh together really well. They got subtle stuff down. Its a really nice touch.
I love the way characters interact, the dialogue stuff, all of that. I havent even really started the game yet, I just got to the first hub and tested the waters with one of the missions, trying out different outcomes at the intro of it and heh...the very small peak I have seen so far, regarding choices and consequences...looks good.
I cant wait to see how the rest of the game plays out. I feel like the money was well spent. Lets see if I continue to feel that way...I think I will...