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About Howardtheduck12

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    oklahoma USA
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    (Obviously) games, movies, legos, and 80s 90s junk.

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  1. Try building a d&d style dungeon in the playground cave!
  2. I’ve been saying this for months!! Thank you!!
  3. Yes, they count for everyone. If I made a world, then got about 7 milk molars, then a buddy joined, they would have 7 milk molar points to spend.
  4. This was my submission, super bummed it wasn’t picked, but those runner ups were pretty cool.
  5. Maybe, but the grounded team is only so big, I mean, it took them 3 years to get to where we are now, and who knows how long in pre-beta! The idea of another yard may sadly just have to wait until grounded 2
  6. Go to the garbage heap. On top of the trash can, there are meaty gnats that are slower, lower to the ground, and drop more than a normal gnat
  7. You should be able to also cancel all blueprints ever! My chopping list is full with blueprints that I can’t find!!!
  8. We should totally get to paint grass walls with paint!
  9. Yea, I’m the item descriptions, every one is like “this item is neat, you can not be beat” when all we want is just “ this item does X,Y,and Z” don’t get me wrong, some of them are really funny, like the cookie sandwich bits, but I would like a little mini description telling us what it does.
  10. What about attack dog ants?? Or mite guards? they are smaller bugs, and I personally feel like it would be more likely they get that update, rather than a huge bug like the bee or moth
  11. Yes!! Love it!! ’small’ problem tho, the yard is kinda full… where would a greenhouse fit?
  12. Whoa!!!! Looks so cool!! gameplay-wise, I don’t think it would be very strong, but would probably have poison damage on enemies, because the monarch is actually very poisonous. however, killing a butterfly doesn’t seem so hard of a fight, so making it a tier 1 or 2 would probably make sense. absolutely love the concept art tho
  13. You guys(and gals) have done a really rad job on the game called grounded! It looks stunning and plays really well. No doubt about it. This sweet little game is rad. So when I heard about the possibility of a tv series coming soon, I practically peed my pants in excitement! (not really tho) but…. it has been a year since the announcement, and I wonder why no new information has been released about it. The game is great, don’t get me wrong, but it has little to no replay ability, so adding more to the experience like a tv show would bring more people to the game, wouldn’t it? Anyway, the idea of a tv series is wicked awesome, and I hope to hear more about it, even if it remains a fantasy. love y’all’s work, keep on making very fine games
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