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Posts posted by Irrelevant

  1. I don't know if it was this way with you, but the reason I hate math is because they start with a basic foundation, give you 5-10 questions on it and then the rest of the questions made a minor jump in logic which I would almost always fail at(I kind of get it now but it made it so frustrating)

  2. Metal Gear Solid 4(Both the graphics and a bit of the gameplay) made feel that way. Hmm, I don't see the point of going any further than where we are now in how one plays or percieves a game; Since apparently we are not there yet, I want to get to the point in which technology is irrelevant and stay there.(Although this will probably never happen due to this cycle that we are in)

  3. Aww, I was hoping someone would point out how wrong I was and show me a bunch of games I've never heard of.-


    -By story did you mean story or how the game reacted to your actions?

    What kind of things are still out of reach at the current moment?(I agree with your statement on A.I. I really miss playing a game in which every battle(even when reloaded from the same savefile) was different)

  4. Well, we have to see this in a more positive light. Obsidian has basically free reign to completely reboot/recreate the DS setting. They can make it completely different from the predecessors without violating canon, because there never was any.

    This is what I wanted to imply with my first post.(Except for the we have to see this in a possitive light part)

    Oh yes, the dude that wrote that news story did so in such an unprofessional manner.

    I dont remenber it well, but a joke about Dungeon Siege is basically how it plays itself

  5. I agree with most of a Oblarg and Hurlshot have said about education, but I do think math is necessary because it taught me two things: 1. You will have to do useless/mindless tasks in order to get certain things done. 2. Even if you suck at something with enough time and practice you can become competent at it.

    I do not think that work ethic can be taught in schools, that is simply up to the kid and to the parent(I mean, you can teach it, but as it is now,(good grades requiring a strong work ethic)there are still alot of people that dont pass))

    Taking some lessons on why your going to school and what to do afterwards would certainly be usefull; Its odd to see people thinking about what do with their lives during college, not before.

  6. I have a PS3 which for some reason does let me type beyond a certain extent.

    I have seen more "Innovation" in Japanese roleplaying games than in Western games.

    Kingdom hearts is an RPG series with a hack and slash battle system

    Persona 3 and 4 are RPG's with dating sim elements

    Baten Kaitos/ Phamton dust card based battle system, the former is turn based the latter is real time.

    Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is the best co-op game I have ever played(4 players(I played it with 3) each one having different information about the map/monsters/reward system ect,)

    You can also combine your attacks in order to increase damage to your enemies!

    Firaga + 1!

  7. achieve, what its purpose is) then maybe some game would have higher ratings. Nightshape: "You're comparing AP to previous generation games. The problem is Splinter Cell was made 8 years ago, and Deus Ex 10 years ago, comparing the results to a game just released is wrong. Especially when the results are comparable to games of a previous generation of technology." What do you mean by this?\

    Games are only fundementally different when the point of the game isnt to isnt to tell a story(Adventure games and some JRPG's are good examples of this) Also, we reached a point some time ago technology is which technology is not a limiting factor in which one can hope to portray in both mediums(unless you want to keep pushing the graphics higher and higher) for some reason because games want to do this they have to keep targeting to the most common denominator because of how expensive it is to keep up.

  8. I disagree with hurshot's comparison of Splinter Cell to Alpha Protocol, Splinter Cell was more of a puzzle game(What do I need to do in order to get past this area,)with difficulty level determining which solutions there were and how many tries you would get before dying(an exeption is the newest game which looks like an action game ), where it looks like Alpha Protocol is about having a different experience each time it is played based on what choices they made with a Roleplaying game/ spionage gameplay style/setting. Well, unless I got confused and your comparing how both series(if you considering all of Obsidians game to be one) have changed over the years.

    I do not understand why Metacritic is used to determine a games quality, if anything it is simply a way to tell which game is the most popular(which would explain why some developers might use it in order to determine where to take a particular series) Also, If developers where more clear about what the purpose of their game is(what is it made to

  9. ITS A TRAP!!

    ::Pew! Pew! Pew!::

    (I want at least one gun in one videogame to sound like this)

    Any advertisement is naturally biased towards whatever product it is marketing(I would not say that the purpose of an ad is to trick you but to show you whatever aspects of a product are bound to entice someone to purchase it. If these aspects are so irrelevant or unrelated to whatever you are actually buying then it could be a trick. )

    I do not like watching trailers/interviews ect, on something like Deus Ex which I know I am going to try out and play when it comes out no matter what anyone says.

  10. There is no conspiracy; (although there is kind of a self fulfilling prophecy(cycle) regarding newer games to look better than older games which causes costs to up which requires the developer/publisher to market to the largest audience possible.) Most game review companies write to please the largest audience possible so it certainly makes sense for these companies to change their review of a game in order to please the audience they are writing for.

    Most of these people are not journalists either, from looking at the information most of them provide(on IGN,Kotaku,Joystic, ect) they seem to be average 20-30 year olds. Which is why some games are praised for the same reasons others are bashed for, qoutes taken out of context,quality(defined as how much a game does what it advertises to do/how much it has improved over similar games)ignored, numerical values, ect.

    On an unrelated note, most reviews ignore the fact that Alpha Protocol is an rpg and do not complain about the gameplay and instead focus on other

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