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Posts posted by Irrelevant

  1. I and many here are glad that Obsidian is just about the only non-indie American game company left that would dare to try something as "old school" as creativity in their game.Those who bought into the marketing and hype were taken in hook, line, and sinker. Only to be further exploited by this new micro-DLC business model that encourages developers to include in-game advertisements without any qualms about old-school concepts such as immersion.

    I do not know much about PC but Capcom has taken some risks, there are also some games being made by what is left of companies after they died.(Ensemble/Platinum/Valhalla) Mr. Kojima is apperently working on something that will be controversial, considering he is Japanese it is probably a PC game or some type of Hentai adventure game. I think SEGA is trying to take risks(or simply taking whatever they can get) but the failure of the Dreamcast has scared them.

  2. That is the price of choice, that what is available to you depends on what you do, making everything fair makes choice worthless.(Although I guess a way around this is to let a player access almost the same content through other means, this would work for everything except for character/faction specific quests, maybe seeing a quest from a different perspective based on how you found out about it)

  3. Hmm, ok, I will go to the library tommorrow to see what parts I should get, also, Do I need to get Vista or 7? I do not see the point, is there any game that won't run on XP? (I heard that Halo 2 was but that was patched pretty fast) Based on Mrekus' suggestion on RAM, should I just get 1 four gig stick, or 2 three gig sticks? (2 four gig sticks?) Also, how the hell does hardware manage to break software?

  4. Sorry(kind of) for getting the way of your conversation/argument but I heard that the people in QA are in a pretty good position to request changes to the game(and that they tend to know the games better than the developers themselves) how is this so? I also think that when New Vegas began development they probably decided what they were and were not going to do, and it looks like adding item descriptions is not part of their plan.

  5. Recommend? compatible with SLI/Crossfire would be nice(also, lets say I have 2 500mb DX9 cards if I put them on SLI/Crossfire will DX10/11 suddenly become available to me?) Oh man, I remenber reading articles on the naming conventions ATI and Nvidia used, they've actually managed to make it worse?(Oh, technology...)

    Hardrive: what has better performance? an 2TB HDD by itself or an SSD coupled with an external drive(I have all of my music/movies/low memory applications in the external drive and when I want to play I game I move it from the external onto the SSD, disconnect the External drive and start playing)

  6. Thank you very much for your help, this is exactly what I wanted.

    Case: I think I will defer this to you guys, what about getting a big case with more than enough space than I need?

    Motherboard: What advantages are there to running dual BIOS? Would SLI/Crossfire be the best option because I can simply one midrange card now and then in the future buy the same card?(crap I din't even think about Wi-Fi) Are there upgradeable motherboards? Lets say USB3 comes out, its used for some critical game application and I don't have it, will I have to get a new motherboard? What exactly is SATA? from what I have read it just a new standard for hardrives(I think)

    RAM: At what point does the MHz/GB per dollar increase significantly? I think whatever RAM sticks are available in this range would be best.

    Proccessor: Is there any point to having more than one core what will I notice between 1-2 cores and 4 cores?(Is there a motherboard that has built-in extra cache for the proccessor?)

    GPU: what expensive 1GB card would you

  7. A more specific budget would help. :lol:


    as for the monitor, doesn't consoles use hdmi (apart from the Wii). Most modern monitors have hdmi these days, so that should be easy to come by.

    Damn, I can't access Newegg(speaking of which, are there any other sites like these?)

    Budget would be 600-1200(peripherals not included) as in, why are the components in the $1200 computer better than the components in the $600 computer?

    I don't care about HD when it comes to the monitor thing, as long as I can hook up the composite cables plus the audio+ a headphone jack its good.(if its too much trouble then I'll live with just my tv.)

    I'm interested in learning both performance plus how it works(I want to be self-sufficient when it comes to this)

  8. Well i find it very important to announce that pvp is a crucial part of a mulitplayer game, DS 2 didn't even have pvp and we had to mod it first.. ;)


    If u want a long lasting game my points are very important to take with u.

    Well, is balance something you care about? would it matter to you and your friends if it was something that was just tacked on to be fixed later?

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