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Posts posted by Irrelevant

  1. Thanks for the help.

    Sorry for being so vauge; I made this topic because I was trying to learn how to buy these parts on my own; I learned a little but there was not anything like: "Here are the different parts of a GPU, this part does this and this part does that,ect." and how they would apply to helping one purchase something.

    I'm looking for a gaming computer that I wont have to worry about upgrading for a couple of years, hopefully on the cheap, I don't really care about graphics but from what I understand if I buying a high end graphics card from one or two years ago is about the same as buying a mid or low range graphics card today. noise isn't a big issue either since I will be using headphones.

    Aside from that is there a monitor that will allow me to plug in my consoles to it?(I think I saw one on Newegg but it did not show a picture of the connectors on the back.)

  2. A developer said that the close combat skill was easier to use in the game because it was not as usefull overall, this could have probably been worked around at the level up screen considering that the reason why I think AP was rated low is because some/most players expected the game to play differently than what it was.

    Pre Order:

    I rarely pre-order because the bonus is not worth it, it is usually something costemic that does not matter(a player that buys it will have pretty much the same experience that someone that does not)

    I think that this can be fixed by offering something that is cool but not so much that the people who will buy the game after it comes out feel screwed over;if DLC to do something like:

    The game is 60 bucks, DLC is 20 bucks, the special edition is 70 bucks and gives you the DLC for free when it comes out.You can also make the case and menu screens different- achievement pictures?)

    I think that an achievemts should hard,fun, or makes you do something that you would not have thought of.

  3. -Modify companion AI(Lego MINDSTORMS/Final Fantasy XII's gambit system)

    -I remenber that in the first Dungeon Siege there were robotic enemies that used electricity, having stuff based around this would be pretty cool.

    -This game can be different from diablo in that you can have non DPS classes(assuming you have classes) If you do have classes you can also let players modify them by spending skill points when you level up(If a skill is not worth spending points on because it would not fit the class it should be greyed out)

    -Scrolling combat/status window.

    -Vibration support(it is completely unnecessary but it subtly adds enjoyment)

    -I was reading some of the older posts and I think its usefull to note that you can bluntly point out game/skill inbalances in the information window that describes these(in the particular topic I was reading it was mentioned that the Energy Weapons skill in Fallout was not worth tagging because of the unavailibity of these weapons early in the game, I bring this up because in AP)

  4. If a record of my former post remains please send it to me(I lost my nerve)

    -Stealth class.

    -Enemies can grab/throw you(it is pretty rare for an enemy to attack you in any other way than to use a ranged attack or melee you which at the most will simply send you to the ground)

    -Difficulty changes according your party(enemies have certain resistances/vulnerabilites that change depending on the parties' ability to exploit them)

    -Reactive Cursor.

    -Do not focus on pVp or on a trading system because they would take too long to balance(cooperative game)

    -Option to pause time, this could consist of 4 buttons (Pause,.25,real time, 1.5)this would help you plan your attacks.

    -Add Modding support later(I think this is something that has become acceptable)

    -Passive environmental damage(class that does not use weapons or magic)

    -Weather that affects gameplay(dynamic weather if the gameplay supports it)

    -Status ailments(with little floating icons)

  5. For future games, I'd like to see someone tackle the idea that the only way to defeat a giant monster is to invade its body, thus the tunnels become various parts of the body where you fight monster parasites while trying to get to the organ to defeat the creature. Imagine fighting a monster that IS the tunnel!

    Ocarina of Time, God of War 3, System Shock 2 (?), Lost Planet 2, Halo 3, Gears of War 2 etc...


    This ain't all that original.

    Lost Planet 2 (and I assume that Mario game) are kind of based around this context(you have the option to kill most large monsters in lost planet 2 from the inside) and that Mario game I guess is completely inside Bowser.

  6. The greenhouse effect.

    somewhat unrelated:

    Also, I remenber some dude saying that satellites sucked at knowing temperatures(I assume because of the atmophere and its in space?)

    I also remenber the same dude saying it was stupid to take a picture of some shipping yard in a foreign country with a satellite because it would much cheaper to just send a dude a with a digital camera.

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