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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Realistic survival horror about life in warzone.. http://youtu.be/3fv-iwk9DWc http://www.11bitstudios.com/games/16/this-war-of-mine Cultural superiority of Empire is obvious.
  2. >> "Russian Index loses 20 %" >> Market Bears activity >> Party of Bears buy everything You can't into markets, stop repeat media nonsenses.
  3. >>FOX, CNN real facts. Good joke!
  4. Price of confrontation with Russia - USA lose 100 billions dollars per day and it's only beginning. http://dailycaller.com/2014/03/14/russia-suspected-of-pulling-billions-of-dollars-out-of-the-us-feds-grasp/ http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-03-14/it-begins-past-week-foreigners-sell-record-amount-over-100-billion-treasurys-held-fe Meanwhile dear comrade Obama promise moar sanctions for god of sanction.
  5. All true Poles live in Russia. Poland for pussies.
  6. Lol, Polish threads become so funny because of Ukraine. Allies Lol, butthurt, they produce so many russophobic sh*t during last years and fear punishment now.
  7. +1 As I've said before, while Svobada certainly aren't the most agreeable folks the Russians who say, without irony, "Little Russia should be one with Big Russia again" or that "Europe is due to feel what it's like to have a Russian boot on their neck again" are no better. The Russian nationalists who are that quick to denounce the entire Euromaidan movement as "fascist" ought to look at themselves in the mirror sometime. What your problem, seriously? Society today have two choices - be socialistic, or be a fascist (any modern capitalism tends to this). West don't want socialistic Russia and support right-wing movements in Russia many years for this, but now they blaming Russia as a fascist state. It's just typical Western hypocrocity. If you don't want ressurection of USSR then shut up and be tolerant with Right-wing Russia (as all major Western businessmen do, Western corporations like Putin so much IRL). All these childish talks about "democracy", "human rights" and other populistic bull**** leave to yourself - Russians too pragmatic for this.
  8. Meanwhile Right Sector begin compaighn of terror in Eastern Ukraine. http://youtu.be/wvcPnY0QG7k But for Western people this is imaginary violence Suffering of Slavs is not important if this can make harm to Russians also.
  9. Insider info. Kiev sell everything in Ukraine to corporations Chevron (gas pipes system) and Ruhr ( metallurgy to German and Finnish filial's). Russia sign contracts for rebuild of Crimea with German and Finnish corporations - Kone, Metso-Valmet, Pöyry, Lemminkainen Group. Oh lol, participation of Ukraine IRL. As we known Chewron and BND create Maidan overthrow, while Russia cover these actions by invasion treat and Crimea annexation, this is just good cop bad cop play while our capitalists rob Ukraine.
  10. It's funny how Polish guys trying advocate Ukrainian Nazi. Meanwhile in Poland acts same Nazi and majority of Poles worship same ideology. http://www.snafu-solomon.blogspot.ru/2014/03/russians-conduct-administrative-landing.html#comment-form Nice! Most funny thing. We predict: when Liberator Russians come in future time into Poland for punish of these small right-wing bastards - in same moment Poles begin whining about bro Slavs friendship, liberal values and cosplay innocent victims of aggression as Ukrainians do now.
  11. I think how some Russians are so quick to denounce the entire pro-Ukrainian movement as "Fascists" to be a hilarious case of calling the kettle black given how many Russians think "Little Russia should be one with Big Russia again." Welcome to real world. Svoboda was condemned in an official resolution voted and adopted by the European Parliament. The document, titled “European Parliament of 13 December, 2012 on the Situation in Ukraine,” is available online. In section 8 of the resolution, the EU’s legislative body declares itself “concerned about the rising nationalistic sentiment in Ukraine, expressed in support for the Svoboda party, which, as a result, is one of the two new parties to enter the Verkhovna Rada,” the Ukrainian parliament. Stating that “racist, anti-Semitic, and xenophobic views go against the EU’s fundamental values,” the European Parliament “therefore appeals to pro-democratic parties in the Verkhovna Rada not to associate with, endorse, or form coalitions with this party.” http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=TA&language=EN&reference=P7-TA-2012-507
  12. RT show info about this. http://rt.com/news/crimea-shooting-military-center-646/ Two snipers, one run (or killed), other detained (probably right-wing extremist).
  13. By other info sniper not killed and arrested alive. He is 17 old guy from Western Ukraine, Lviv, he shot at Ukrainian soldiers and Crimean selfdefence.
  14. You too serious. This pic from public "Putin vs Reptiloids" they are not WH40K experts, they just trolls make poster where their beloved warlord lead Russian army to war against aliens from Niburu. http://vk.com/advicereptiloid
  15. Insider info without proofs. Sniper shot at ukrainian base (kill officer), after this he shot Crimean selfdefence (militia) also. Very fast arrived Polite people ( green masked troopers ) and kill sniper, after this they search Ukrainian base and territories around . Result - one ukrainian officer is killed, one crimean selfdefence member is killed and two wounded. Investigation begin (police, detectives etc) - but this is clear - Ukrainian soldiers has been betrayed by own government - this is provocation. At this base nothing interesting, just bunch of mapmakers, russians have no reason for sturm such pathetic target and kill unarmed officer.
  16. Moar inspired by Crimea pics from Internets Liberator is coming, prepare your... everything Emperator, Sunfaced, Mr. Dragon and other names of our ruler. Putin's speech http://youtu.be/ZXAugWfVb0E Yeah, we feel this vibration of universe - war is coming.
  17. You are laughable. Imagine your maxims in Baator, in Russia your maxims looks same way. Laws have absolute values, while good/evil morality is imaginary thing. For example Ukraine want cancel treaties with Russia, but if they cancel treaty about CIS creation - this mean cancel USSR dissolving also - and all Ukraine become Russian territory de-jure - Russia is official USSR successor. In same second we invade Ukraine, but not before, all our actions are justified, we lawful nation (yes we can pervert laws and use them in own interests, but we don't break them as West do, we fair players and better partners because this).
  18. Lol, East Ukrainian armed groups make ultimatum to Kievan usurpers. If Kiev don't remove troops (they concentarted in two rebelled cities Donetsk and Lugansk), and ultra-right extremists aka National guards from East Ukraine, or begin other violent actions against East Ukrainians - in this case East Ukrainians begin war against Kiev. They well armed, quite trained and good commanded - looks like huge part of Ukrainian army after Maidan send Kiev GTFO. I think days of Kievan usurpers are numered, this make West a looser too, because they so support them. http://youtu.be/6E_Tx1ZtxnQ
  19. The War Nerd: Everything you know about Crimea is wrong(-er) http://pando.com/2014/03/17/the-war-nerd-everything-you-know-about-crimea-is-wrong-er/ Not bad! Not everything is truth, but in comparison with other Western media it's quite good.
  20. Brainwashing IRL. One Nation One Ukraine One Fuhrer (in original Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer), Kill Russians, who not jumping - they are Russians, etc http://youtu.be/fo6_uJrmLxE
  21. It's map without proofs and this is just lie. By Independent and creditable sources (i post link to research in previous thread) 60 - 80 % of Ukrainians use Russian language instead of Ukrainian language. It's easy can be noticed during news - everyone (Maidan-supporters also) talk at Russian language.
  22. Niet. Quality of life in Ukraine is worse even than quality of life in Albany. Citizens of Ukraine is very-very poor. During my visits in this country i always feel yourself as white master in some banana republic - everything and everyone so cheap (for me). After Maidan everything became even worse - government has no money, business flee from country, Ukraine is just failed state. Many Ukrainians want become Russians instead (majority of Ukrainians are descendants of Russian colonists at least ) , - no surprise here.
  23. Take easy guys. We have some time for relax until Ukraine don't attack Crimean republic (lol, they really planned this - they concentrate troops (tanks, artillery etc ) around Crimea, Kievan government so crazy - prime minister is scientologist, while acting "president" is other religious sect member ). Just funny pics from internets about Crimean crisis. Crimean Prosecutor's fanart from Japan and from Russia.
  24. EU and US cancel Iranian Oil embargo for EU consumers, but... Iran is ready to ban oil exports to Europe...... http://edition.cnn.com/2012/02/07/world/meast/iran-oil-exports/index.html?hpt=hp_t3 Allahu Akbar!
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