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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Novaya Gazeta sponsors Medal "Freedom of Speech" (and money) from http://www.rooseveltinstitute.org/about award sponsored by Rosvelt institute http://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/ or by Soros, Rockefellers and many other "nice" people. http://www.muckety.com/Foundation-to-Promote-Open-Society/5095776.muckety Soros Funds again http://www.themoscowtimes.com/press_review/article/press-review/245041.html IPI Frea Media Pioneer award (and money) http://www.freemedia.at/index.php?id=235&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=4403&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=120&cHash=e0023fa9f5 award sponsored by http://www.muckety.com/Ford-Foundation/5000731.muckety Nice! Soros, Rockefellers, RAND, other neocons/CIA affilated organisations, just "Ministry of Truth"
  2. This traitor change side yet long ago and become pro-jihadist russophobic propagandist . He also is ethnic Ukrainian with butthurt after last events. He is not truthful source of information. example of his texts https://www.facebook.com/babchenkoa/posts/463943983705840 Here he do want NATO war against Russia. Imagine similar thing in US - some American "journalist" demand from China and Russia begin war against US and destroy your homeland. What reaction to such character can be in US? Russians just ignore this idiot.
  3. I'll admit - I'm caught with my pants down here. That's what I believed from the moment I've red one of his post while ago (it must have been something about how cool it is to live in a country that suppress the rights of sexual minorities, long before I tried to reason with him in "Poland uber alles" thread). But who the hell is he then? Who else than either some completely lost in his inner fantasy world Russian patriot (for way to long I lied myself that only kids are like that) or a laid off FSB employee could he be? "Troll" does not come within the definition IMO we must go deeper (forgive me the use of a tired meme) Google "Russian Ambassadors to meet Vladimir Putin's objectives on Ukraine within UN" for example. It's typical Russian behaviour now. If someone don't want be our brother (and even try become our enemy), then he become our slave. If you're not with us you're against us.
  4. Tell to me moar about Russians, its funny:lol: Alexander Blok, the Scythians, 100 years ago http://thescythianinexile.wordpress.com/2010/04/09/6/ http://youtu.be/2wVzZ49nivE Russian Anonymus, "Русские, не связывайся с ними" or "Dont mess with Russians", present days, same thing. http://youtu.be/AN7KB90wND0
  5. http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-113hr4152enr/pdf/BILLS-113hr4152enr.pdf His highness King Barack Hussein Obama II don't need proofs or trials for punishing enemies of US monarchy. Presumption of innocence? What is this?
  6. Poll: Nigel Farage's favourite world leader is Putin. Who's yours? http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/iv-drip/poll-nigel-farages-favourite-world-leader-is-putin-whos-yours-9226480.html Putin 82% Merkel 7% Obama 4% Cameron 2% Putin for President!
  7. Yeah, some Russians do see like this [ video removed ]
  8. Yep, Poland for Russians is just yet another rebelled province Vistula Land inhabited by traitorous separatists. Punishment of your country for this is just question of time. Russians never forgive and never forget. Meanwhile US for us is grand enemy, but respectable and honorable enemy, our hate to them is form of our sadistic love.
  9. Jelaous poorfags are jelaous.
  10. Cirkus never ended. Canadian kakols Ukrainians demand ban of Russian vodka. http://www.torontosun.com/2014/04/03/ndp-wants-ban-on-russian-vodka-sales-in-lcbo Lol, these idiots don't understand difference between private business and Russia as state. It's funny but today Russia looks much more capitalistic than West: even after sanction Russians don't punish foreighn business in Russia, low taxes, profit 200 - 1000 %, simplified procedure of citizenship. Meanwhile on the West local tribal warlord can (and do ) destroy (aka sanctions) any business without trial just because he want this, high taxes, low profit ( government want down oil prices to 50 $, but cost of US shale oil is 50-70 $ ) , etc.
  11. Mcdonald’s suspends work in Crimea http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2014_04_03/Mcdonald-s-suspends-work-in-Crimea-9318/ Crimeans must be happy. Do want similar thing in other Russian towns. All other junkfood sellers ( KFC, Starbucs, Burger King, Subway ) must support sanctions also and close all own "restaurants" (hundrets of them)
  12. Menawhile West begin sanctions against citiezens of Crimea http://www.flightworx.aero/aviation-news-events/ukraine-route-closures-message Yeah, West trying punish Crimeans for their choice. Looks like this referendum represent real wishes of Crimean people and West can't forgive this to them.
  13. IMF chief Christine Lagarde on removing hurdles from a strong global economy http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/imf-chief-lagarde-hurdles-blocking-economic-growth/ We save Ukraine few months ago... and these bastards betray us after this. Russia make decision send them GTFO and cancel all privileges for Ukraine at last. Why some strange Western people have butthurt from this? No-no, fate of this small corrupt country is not our problem more, this is EU and US area of ​​responsibility now .
  14. Lol, you can't into capitalism. If some poorfag can't pay money for trade goods then he can GTFO. All these whining of beggars about too high price (485 $ for Ukraine vs 580 $ for Poland) can impress only Soviet States of Murica. Anyway these poor Ukrainians don't pay for gas ( debt 2 billions $ ) and soon Russia just cut gas for them. Nothing personal, just business.
  15. Old good classics can perfectly explain what happened in Ukraine. This text is an abridged version of Theotonio Dos Santos' paper "The Structure of Dependence", as printed in THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, vol. 60 (May 1970).( With Theotonio's permission. Róbinson Rojas) http://www.rrojasdatabank.info/santos1.htm Seven loose pieces of the global jigsaw puzzle: Subcomandante Marcos http://infochangeindia.org/other/world-social-forum/seven-loose-pieces-of-the-global-jigsaw-puzzle-subcomandante-marcos.html
  16. Natural selection, everything is ok.
  17. Russia increase gas price because of sanctions, we must compensate our financial losses, say thank you to Obama and EU. Anyway this is free market and capitalism, if Ukraine can't pay she can find another gas seller (or stop using gas).
  18. Europe want moar Ukrinian cheap prostitutes gastarbeiters. Just modern form of slavery.
  19. Ukraine start mobilization http://youtu.be/wi1o-BTp_Mg Alcotroopers. Meanwhile Ukrainian Nazi teach European Nazi how hate Russians . http://www.counter-currents.com/2014/03/white-nationalist-delusions-about-russia/ By his words Bolshevik Revolution was a revolt of Russians against European "White" masters. This is not true, but this is common point of view for Western culture and this mean - Western antisovietism = antirussianism. This is same **** as antesemitism is. If some Westerners hate USSR then IRL they hate ethnic Russians.
  20. Moar info and proofs http://youtu.be/AcZ7ReWkXNw http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/uu60061837#summary http://www.turnerradionetwork.com/news/389-pat Another side of medal. Leaked Capstone Exercise 2014 Scenario http://youtu.be/B28ozQXJcl0 http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2014/03/shocking-leaked-dhs-drill-military-veterans-capitalists-are-the-enemy-ground-truth-drill-nationwide-the-details-are-frightening-video-2926670.html
  21. I just leave this here. http://youtu.be/gMNAeZIeZhQ http://youtu.be/VR1bg_Yf0T4
  22. I am sure - before WW2 people say similar thing. http://youtu.be/-b1bjSTUFT4 But i can say about pattern of Russian military thinking today. On our path to conquer of Europe is only Turkey stay, only they have strong army. If they fallen nobody save Europe from us, in Europe only small US army (~ 60 000 ) can make tiny resistance, own European armies (exept friendly/neutral France) too laughable, some EU countries can even turn to our side even without fight. We plan good old Blitzkrieg ( actually this is yet old Soviet plan ), US in this case just watch from own continent how arrogant Europe is fallen. It's what really Russia plan to do. Sanctions?! Lol, we just take everything what we want by sword.
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