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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Lol, Kosovo, international monitors don't stop massacre of Serbians. Niet.
  2. In Russia we use term ZOG as synonym to corrupted US elite: bankers, military corps, milliarders. I use this term in post because this - American people is not same thing as American corrupted elites.
  3. Wat? Violation of its sovereignty? Ukraine is not sovereign state it's crypto-colony of US, because this can't be violation of sovereignty here. We just punch out American ZOG arses from part of our land. Because this Obama generate one butthurt per another, and because this Putin just ignoring him.
  4. http://youtu.be/JcIQIdu5Rrs Don't be so jealous. These guys for protection here, they don't have time for girls. And they must avoid deanon also ( its Anonymous Legion lol )
  5. Ukraine someday (23 years ago, after USSR dissolving), have 3rd army in the world and strong economics. After 23 years of neoliberal reforms they have nothing - no Ukrainian army exist for protect yourself, total poverty everywhere, Ukraine is one of most poor coutry in Europe - source of white slaves for pleasure of First world... Their future is dark. Watch of their failure and don't repeat their path. But this is not so bad, at last they generate lulz's for us. Ukrainians don't have forces for fight IRL - they begin fight in Internets instead. All internets filled by spambots, activists and just kakols with butthurt. All they spreads tonns of fat propaganda about near victory in war against Russia. They even spammed facebook page of American carrier! What a morons! https://www.facebook.com/USSGeorgeHWBush
  6. What new on the West? Your leaders stop butthurt, or yet try threatened our Evil Empire?
  7. New Ukraine is filial of Somali in Europe. Euromaidan supporters catch tourists. Yeah, after wictory they begin witchhunt. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=869_1394127737 New video about Ukrainian hero and Right sector. http://youtu.be/Qq47Mq5kZOA
  8. Yes, because only a Russian source could possibly have something interesting or some truth in it. In regards to your posts, this is an English forum, when you post whatever please either post in English or supply English translations. Half the stuff you post is lost on most of the people here. I'm sure I'm not alone here in not speaking/reading Russian (sorry, I'm not as awesome as you). Do you really think US sources from other side of world is more creditable than sources of Ukrinian neighbors? Meanwhile Russians can just make phone call to friends or family members from Ukraine and take truth from first hands. Creditable sources about Ukraine is Russia, Israel, Belarus. UK and US media just repost fairy tales about far country.
  9. Non-russian sources suck. But even here you can find some info about this. APC of Right sector http://youtu.be/_jD7noH5Fzg Andriy Parubiy. SBU and Ukrainian army obey to him. He can arm Right sector so easy http://www.channel4.com/news/svoboda-ministers-ukraine-new-government-far-right
  10. Notable Ukrainian opposition leader from Donetsk has been kidnapped by SBU and Ukrainian spetnaz. https://www.facebook.com/pgubarev/posts/823775847649162?stream_ref=10
  11. Ukrainian news. Usurpers don't trust to own military forces. For control of them they create Comissars, now all officers controlled by such Comissars from Right sector. They want also give to members of Right sector status of military forces (and weapons). 3 Generals don't want this and Ukrainian minster of defence fired them. Cool, we have situation Lybia - Nigeria now in Europe, right-wing terrorism are coming. Do want watch how spawns of European policy make raep to EU.
  12. Ukrainian helicopter landing here, two Crimean military helicopters (Crimea have own military forces now) patrol area. Later Crimean police arrest someone here. Other lulz Do he say threat to the National security of of the United States in Ukraine? He is seriosly? Someone show to him on map where is Ukraine and where is USA.
  13. Hospital. This woman from Crimea become victim of violence in Kiev. She has been beaten and tortured by Maidan activists, her backbone is cracked. Torturers promise to her repeat this with all citizens of Crimea. Somebody yet wondering why citizens of Crimea don't want obey to Kiev and ask Russian protection? http://youtu.be/sriyf8FFI80
  14. http://youtu.be/NfKMeEVlMuo
  15. Mercs and girls. It's looks like soon all national armies has been replaced by such mercs. Profit is too obvious - you hire them, but have no response to their actions. US, France do this long ago (Private military companies) in many countries around the world. US even send own mercs (probably Academi ) to Ukraine now, but obviously they don't show this in Western massmedia (American intervention in Ukraine, so shame).
  16. Snowden, Putin among nominees for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/rest-of-world/Snowden-Putin-among-nominees-for-this-years-Nobel-Peace-Prize/articleshow/31427018.cms
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_registration_plates_of_Russia Russian sell license plates so easy, corruptioon everywhere New info about Maidan leaders.
  18. Russian sells some amount of cars to Crimeans, what is problem? When you drive Japan car you become Japan guy? Many people wear German or US uniform in my hometown, they are Nato occupants by your logic. Do you considered any people with Kalashnikov as Russian soldier? It's just so stupid.
  19. Breaking news! Puppeteers are unmasked now. US want place bases with nuclear missiles in Ukraine. Kievan usurpers are US puppets, they want do permission for this. From this moment it's serious. It's Carribean crisis 2.0. Now all what happened in Ukraine is internal deal of Russia, any attempt of US or NATO intervene in this considered as declaration of war against Russia. Nuclear war, if someone dont understand. Say thanks for your warlike idiots from Western government's, they are just like monkeys with grenades.
  20. Breaking news. Crimean selfdefence is really Crimean secret army. Google history of Crimean separatism in modern Ukraine. Proof http://youtu.be/rZe9bLq50Js Imagine how Western politicans looks like after this. Yeah, they just live in "imaginary reality". Everyone love Putin, even FOX news. http://video.foxnews.com/v/3281428808001/ukraine-will-putin-win/?intcmp=obinsite#sp=show-clips
  21. John Kerry stop being drunk and US surrender. http://www.euronews.com/2014/03/04/john-kerry-calls-on-moscow-to-withdraw-troops-and-negotiate-with-ukraine/ http://www.atlantico.fr/decryptage/crise-en-ukraine-panique-bourses-occidentales-mais-profite-economie-russe-999796.html Ok, you can close this thread, nothing do here more. Next turn must do Chinese comrades. Buye.
  22. Derp! 1. Because revolution (Maidan) old Ukraine die. New state yet not formed, just chaos (Russian Empire <> USSR). 2. We (and US) not ratified this treaty, its just paper. Anyway its treaty with non existed today old Ukrainian state. 3. Derrp again. Crimea and East Ukraine never inhabitted by Ukrainians, this lands settled by Russians in XVI century. 4. Ok 5. Black and Mediterranian sea is not important. 6. Third side killing protesters and police 7. No, EU not needed yet another Greece 8. Putin is businessman, true capitalist and political genious. 9. Only in your wet fantsies.
  23. Very interesting article, looking forward to the continuation of it. What do you find funny there, it is obvious that the protestors in Kiev were trained and it's not hard to point a finger at who trained them. So why shouldn't the Russians do the same. Or just Crimeans hire some private army for protection in landsknecht style. But paranoidal West want scary Russian invasion. These pic show Russian soldiers really looks like (they are sleep, photo from military exercise week ago). Booo!
  24. Not needed more. After Markets fall Russian elite buy huge amount of cheap shares. It's "invasion" is just spectacle for manipulate of Markets. Putin so predictable IRL (for Russians).
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