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Everything posted by obyknven
Moar butthurt for god of butthurt. Actually in Russia everyone celebrate Crimean crisis. Putin do everything right, he is just genius. Other world leaders looks so pathetic.
USA stop please i can't laugh more! http://youtu.be/861DJLR4Cek USA waste $5'000'000'000 to Euromaidan! LOOOOOOOOOOSSSSEEEEEEERRRRS!!!!!! Muricans, why your governers are idiots?
I just leave this here. Typical US politics - make massacre somewhere. Also a bit of Ukrainian life. Maidaners beat citiezens of Kiev, because of "you are not from Maidan". http://youtu.be/4B0YYHDVUkU
Russia so bad http://youtu.be/MVd-DGMuHfM Lol, western politicians so disgusting. Why people of the West don't overthrow these liars?
Main difference between US peacekeepers and Russian occupants. In US created pro-Putin's movement, loots of people want to join. Main task is create of American selfdefence and help to Russian paratopters arrest NWO leaders (bankers, elites and other scum). Someday America become free.
Meanwhile in Crimea. http://youtu.be/78u77XAqk20 Ukrainian troops with Russian occupants Crimean selfdefence. Good old Fraternization WW1 style. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraternization Ukrainian media continue barking something about war against Russia... just idiots.
Continue Ukrainian reports. Armed Maidaners ( probably just masked Right sector - last time they awoid publicity ) occupy Odessa http://youtu.be/o_60KqkfrFQ Notable dialog Hooolyyy sh****t! It's just totalitarian sect of Holy Maidan! They all are brainwashed, seriously, someone break their minds and use they for take of power. It's explain strange behaviour of Maidan supporters during shoting video: they don't understand where they are and what they are doing. They acts as narcotized people, prabably good old "Baltic tea" recepient from times of 1917 Revolution - tea + cocaine = no fear of death. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPjRuAzDJMU Medics from Maidan uncover truth about Maidan leaders. If short - they used people as cannon fodder. Everything is f****d. http://youtu.be/fIgN3cyKMHE It's scary really. Someone turned peoples into zombies, it's serious - not too many organisations in the world can do such things. It's not ordinary rebels, it's yet another proof about conspirancy.
Yah. Moar of Polish drang nach Osten. http://youtu.be/z4uubVAZXwU
I predict few scenarios of Ukrainian crisis solving. This scenario is the best. Other scenarios is quite good also, but need war against Ukrainians, we IRL don't want this (yet no casulaties in Crimea is best proof about this).
Everyone against usurpers in Kiev now. It must be ended by joint occupation of Ukraine by NATO and Russia. Poland begin move military forces to Ukrainian borders. http://youtu.be/fpI32Bline4
Germany support Russia now. http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/europa/von-der-leyen-russische-militaeruebung-ist-ein-muskelspiel-12823313.html http://www.presseportal.de/pm/50325/2676887/luebecker-nachrichten-luebecker-nachrichten-missfelder-warnt-vor-krisenreaktion-wie-zu-zeiten-des/gn http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ukraine-krim-eu-das-dilemma-der-europaeer-a-956438.html http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ukraine-russland-krise-putins-plaene-fuer-ein-protektorat-krim-a-956445.html http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/krim-krise-ukraine-verzichtet-auf-umstrittenes-sprachengesetz-12826788.html http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/krim-krise-nationalisten-stiften-tataren-zu-anschlaegen-an-a-956033.html Vladimir Putin on Sunday accepted a proposal by Chancellor Angela Merkel http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/germany-putin-accepts-merkel-contact-group-idea-22740153 Result - Germany and RuSSia solve Ukrainian problem, meanwhile UK, Canada, US, NATO and EU stop anti-Russian rhetoric also. Lol, fair political games again.
Just great: Carnival in Crimea By Pepe Escobar http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Central_Asia/CEN-05-280214.html
http://rt.com/news/ukrainian-warships-leave-sevastopol-476/ It's not intervention. It's rebellion of Ukrinian regions against usurpers. Ukrainian army support this rebellion. I think we have short Egypt scenario here. Glory for Ukrainian army! Glory for Ukrainian people! Glory for Crimea! Hurrah!
Ukrainian Navy vs Russian Navy. Ukainian media fullfilled propaganda how brave Ukrainian army prepare for war against Russia, but IRL... All Ukrainian military forces in Crimea take side of Crimea. http://translate.google.ru/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fpanzerbar.livejournal.com%2F1570235.html%23comments Most of Ukrainian military bases in Crimea. Ukraine is game over.
Ukrainian Nazi's catch ethnic Russian. http://youtu.be/etVJUyLrCBk ARRRRRRRRRRRRR! We have all rights for begin of intervention, NATO, EU, US GTFO. Your whining is not interested for us, just shut your mouth!
Ukraine orders full mobilization of Ukaines armed forces to start at 8 AM . It's mean declaring war to Russia (on diplomatic language ).Russia can do everything now for protect yourself. Kievan usurpers are idiots.
From Russian Internets. Hi Guys! Do you want moar autonomy? Suddenly good mannered tourists
True story bro. Leader of Right secror is Dmitro Yarosh. Yarosh is Jewish family, originated from Yiddish word "yoyresh" - heir. http://www.yiddishdictionaryonline.com/ http://search.ancestry.myfamily.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?gl=REF_GUIDES&rank=1&sbo=t&gsbco=Sweden&gsln=Yarosh&gss=angs-c&so=2 Also he affiliated with SBU, probably he is just agent. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_Service_of_Ukraine The SBU closely tied with CIA and Yarosh is main architector of Euromaidan. Just imagine, jewish spy play role of Nazi antisemitic leader and overthrow democratically elected Ukrainian president by hands of retarded nazi mobs. It's just illustration how these movements ( and whole "Euromaidan" ) looks artifical. UPD. Another report about close relations between Ukrianian Nazi and CIA. http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2014/02/20/cia-use-nazi-strategy-ukrainian-right-wing-nationalists-unabated-since-cold-war.html
Muricans are Ukrainians today. The next is pro-Russian Separatism in Alaska :lol:
"Evil Russian occupant" Member of Crimean selfdefence force Crimean woman to bow.
Leader of Right Sector propose alliance to international terrorist and wahhabit Doku Umarow in war against Russians. Part of current Ukrainian government are members of Right Sector. Kremlin await comments from EU and US about this. http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/721610
Nazi terrorists from Right sector in Crimea.
"Russian occupants" force Crimeans make photos together. Kharkiv. Citizens rebels against Maidan and Nazi from Right sector! They win! Waaagh! http://youtu.be/zGNAQi7o0Ic
Pro-Ukrainian Terrorists begin shoting in Crimea. Russian troops yet not sended here, everyoone await Putin's Order. Crimean selfdefence control situation. http://youtu.be/aMvgzsTDReE