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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Ukraine leader says anti-terror operation under way in Donetsk region - CNN article. http://edition.cnn.com/2014/04/15/world/europe/ukraine-crisis/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 god comments. Even CNN readers don't eat such governmental propaganda about "anti-terror operation".
  2. Eastern Ukrainians are chthonic titans. i predict total defeat of Western Ukrainian alcoholics executors.
  3. Watch how Oleg Tzariov was nearly killed by an insane crowd in Kiev, and ask yourself a grave question — what's wrong with Ukrainian people? Who turned all these youngsters into some imbecile and infernal corn children? Russians? Or predominantly Russian East? Or your hateful propaganda? Your venal and covetous politicians? Or your own inability to tell good from bad, if it is not marked accordingly by your press? https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPR/status/453913005546557440 PresidentIal candidate Tzarev was beaten to a pulp yesterday by pro Western crowd, consisting of Right Sector thugs, who also gave ultimatum to Kiev govt to finish off East in 24 hours. And Oleg is a registered candidate for the coming Presidential elections. Is anybody still believing that May 25th elections will be free and fair? I am not. It was Tzariov who said just a few hours ago — "Separatists are those who split their own people [into 'pro-Ukrainian friends' and 'pro-Russian enemies'] ". To me, it was an understatement, though. I'd rather call such people 'fascists', for clarity and brevity. Yet, one more notion. Look at the stark age contrast. Most of 'pro-Russian rebels' that you see on photoes and videos are mature men who seriously consider the perils of today's political situation. To the contrary, the majority of pro-Ukrainian activists you've seen at Maidan, on Bandera and anti-Russian hop-hop parades, or thrashing the hell out of Tzariov last night, are unruly and aggressive youngsters. Have you read many weighed comments advocating today's Ukrainian policy here, on the Obsidian forum, or elsewhere? Very scarce and poor in both proofs and logic, yet again, utterly hostile towards Russia. To them, like to many of western observers alike, it is suffice to know that Russia is a baddie. That's why I'm under the growing impression that Ukraine is actually seized by some infernal corn kids cunningly manipulated by a devilish mastermind. And of course this wouldn't work without your tacit but strong support. http://youtu.be/5enoW2Y1sRI Watch how villagers stopped and disarmed army tank. Find Russian soldiers there... Nowhere to be seen. Russian involvement is a lie By last reports Ukrainian government concentrate tanks, artillery and terrorists from Right Sector for bloody suppres of protests in Eastern Ukraine. I wery impressed how Western politicans can lie so much, they naming this using ofmilitary forces against own peole as democratic and legitemable, but same f***ng politicans blame Yanukovich for using police against violent rioters few moths ago! They are just unbeliveable liars. Another sighnificant liar is head of NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen. http://www.aa.com.tr/en/world/264933--russia-allocates-its-resource-in-vain-rasmussen http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303603904579492950683945762 Lie! http://www.globalresearch.ca/obama-prepares-to-wage-offensive-first-strike-strategic-nuclear-warfare-against-russia-china-iran-north-korea-and-syria/5340299 http://rbth.com/news/2013/04/03/us_ready_for_preventive_nuclear_strike_on_russia_24567.html http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG403.html http://www.larouchepub.com/pr/2003/030224nukefirst.html IRL by NATO military doctrine they must attack first and exterminate Russia (or any other powerful country as China ) by single nuclear strike.
  4. http://youtu.be/2QSHafYXcoc We really surprised by German people. They use own minds, they are not similar to typical "democratic" brainwashed zombies from Eastern Europe. Sadly they yet occupied by US and Britain, but i think they become free someday.
  5. US warship visited Black sea but don't prepared for action against Russian empire of trolling. Two Russian trolls on warplanes use US destroyer as target for military training. After this incident US warship fastly retreat to Romanian port for replacing of dirty pants. Pentagon outraged and post own butthurt. Russians are happy and want moar. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_UNITED_STATES_RUSSIA_SHIP?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT
  6. Psst! I have dark to you. Yanukovich IRL is US puppet, he sell entire Ukraine to Chevron and Shell (you can easy find news about this year ago )... and Russia overthrow him by Euromaidan, Russia is true creator of this event (though stupid foreighn intellegence services do huge amount of work instead us) and modern Ukrainian Temporal government is Kremlin puppets - they destroy Ukraine as we wish.
  7. You forget about annexation of Poland and Alaska also http://youtu.be/eK9XTPR3-BY Paranoia is always so funny. But IRL Crimea stay independent state as Belarus, Armenia or Kazakhstan, Russia only provide military defence, citizenship and integration of economics. Russians make Tamriel Empire IRL and this is really so cool. Really nobody don't surprised by series of revolts in Eastern Ukraine - people do want live in independent self-governing republics istead of be part of despotic unitary Ukraine (where all taxes consumed by Kiev, regions has nothing, they even can't elect own regional rulers etc etc). And don't forgot - people really don't want live in Nazi state. http://youtu.be/g_dSz0hNVpU
  8. Good example how armed people can fight for own freedom. If people really do want this nobody can't stop them, even army. Heritage of Crimean selfdefence. http://youtu.be/DxfMbi0aCvM Professionals is not same thing as army/police member. Common people can be more skilled warriors. US militia in Nevada prove it. Do you think Abrams M1A1 SA don't have dU armour?I Bitch please!
  9. OK, what was in the past that's better than Western civilization? You question so laughable. 12 April is International Day of Human Space Flight in dedication of the first manned space flight made on April 12, 1961 by the 27-year-old Russian Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. Gagarin circled the Earth for 1 hour and 48 minutes aboard the East 1 spacecraft. Non-Western cosmonaut on spaceship East-1 is first human in space lol. It's best reminder about how backward Western civilization really is.
  10. Supported by West Jihadist's capture some amount of modern Russian antitank weapon in Syria. Result we can see in Iraq. Obviously these pics are fake, Abrams can't be destroyed so easy by single shot, US stronk!
  11. Moar info http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/2014/04/10/the-world-against-the-feds-at-the-bundy-ranch-in-nevada/ http://youtu.be/RPXezBfrW3I
  12. This happen in Nevada today also. Looks like people just don't like government. http://youtu.be/rBq5VFm-oeY
  13. Own "Maidan" in US is started http://youtu.be/LhJ6H9vlEDA http://youtu.be/n-vZ48WSJrA Description of video Obama must be happy, democracy come to his country also.
  14. International Isolation of Russia make me lol Russia wants IMF to move ahead on reforms without U.S. http://www.bullfax.com/?q=node-exclusive-russia-wants-imf-move-ahead-reforms-without-0 And G20 ready to do this http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ef44385e-c0c1-11e3-bd6b-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2yZJuS2rw http://indian.ruvr.ru/2014_04_10/G20-ignore-opinion-US/ http://goingglobaleastmeetswest.blogspot.ru/2014/04/g20-agenda-joint-imfcg20-finance.html http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/2014/04/11/imf-victim-us-politics-lagarde http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2014-04/11/content_17427895.htm US stronk!
  15. Right Sector suck in Odessa. Лiл http://youtu.be/ug0_8gCCiiw
  16. Donetsk Republic! Moar of Odessa today http://youtu.be/6_1m_aqdYgI
  17. Odessa today. http://youtu.be/U6YIqLcwSHA
  18. Moar about Donetsk, Vice news reporting http://youtu.be/wetleAB1XmY
  19. I even don't want comment all these cool stories about economics. Just to say - by words of Western economists USA have first economics in the world, highest GDP blah-blah etc. But in same time US produce nothing ( exept arms ), all their economics is just virtual speculations on markets, real situation is totally different. But talks about economics with poorfags (aka typical citizen of the West) are boring, they just dont have trustful sources of information about this. I better post last news from Donetsk instead. People of Donetsk block bus with American merks. but these Americans are shy People await attacks of government forces today at night. streams from this place Donetsk http://www.ustream.tv/channel/donetsk-city News http://www.ustream.tv/channel/restream-antimaidan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgcnnUjlZzc http://live.russia.tv/index/index/channel_id/3 Lugansk http://www.ivideon.com/tv/camera/200-a09aab08eb06aee541bdb87eed7e3493/0/?lang=ru http://lc.lds.ua/#!/perekrestok-donbass http://lc.lds.ua/#!/kukolny-teatr http://lc.lds.ua/#!/dk-stroiteley http://krym.ru/vebkam.php
  20. http://youtu.be/xzoptZ-u_aE Cool!
  21. I lol'd, some guys do want ban me sanctions against me, because i am Black Russian. How same people can talk about democracy, freedom of speech, and other rights in same time i don't known. Meanwhile in Donetsk noticed english-speaking US Greystone merks, where they play role of punishers. Bit of info. Greystone is part of Xe Services LLC, or by other words they are just renamed Blackwater. Yeah, execution punishing of civilians is usual work for them. Kievan usurpers send police and armed forces from Western Ukraine to punishment of peaceful protesters in Kharkiv (local police don't want make war against own people). It's video show how citiezens of Kharkiv respon to violence from side of these punishers. http://youtu.be/yA4HddapXtM On this video citizens of Kharkiv report about punishers brutality, many people arrested and imprisoned just because they been in wrong place in wrong time. http://youtu.be/oqNz2QHVLHs
  22. Nonsense!
  23. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-04-07/russia-accuses-us-mercenaries-inciting-civil-war-ukraine Kiev send US Mercs dressed as Ukrainian soldiers to supress rebellion.
  24. Kievan usurpers send troops to suppres rebellion of Donetsk citizens. First units are arrived. http://youtu.be/LmmdFt7swa8
  25. Donetsk rebublic so cute! http://translate.google.ru/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Flifenews.ru%2Fnews%2F130745&edit-text=
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