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Everything posted by obyknven
pics But Siberians are not Mongolians. Though Mongolians live in Russia also.
It's not Siberia, it's Russian Far East.
No, we not paint this as second spanish war. It's more about old Russian military joke - China begin offensive by small groups few millions men each. China easily can flood Ukraine by waves of volunteers, in such situation Kiev can only surrender. I wrote also about presence of Chinese troops on Ukrainian border (or European border ) yet at summer. Current Ukrainian crisis is more complex than western society even imagine, just to say Russia (boogeyman!) in this crisis play role of hired mercs or assassins, who must reshape world for pleasure of new masters. Big, really big changes in world are coming and real events even don't begin yet... And you all are unprepared for own future.
In Eastern Ukraine arrive vanguard of Chinese volunteers. Cool.
His point is butthurt, it's obvious. .... Meanwhile Turkey prepare military forces for invasion into Syrian Kurdistan. https://news.yahoo.com/turkey-deploys-tanks-border-lawmakers-mull-anti-action-154214785.html Everything as planned.
? ? indeed, since Exxon Mobil is Rosneft's partner in that discovery. More like Murica talks the talk about sanctions but won't walk the walk when their economic interests are at stake (Exxon, Boeing, rocket motors for spy satellite launches etc etc), Europeans are ??? as to why they follow what the US preaches but not what it does. US = pragmatic, Europe = stupid. But Obama forced Exxon close all projects in Russia, and this is laughable situation - Exxon must kick yourself from this very valuable market. Comrade Obama is the best ruler evar. http://newstwenty4seven.com/en/news/vlasti-ssha-potrebovali-ot-exxonmobil-svernut-proekty-v-rossii-
? Russian meme in stryle "Poland can't into space". http://www.standartnews.com/english/read/former_bp_chief_antirussian_sanctions_threaten_to_turn_round_against_west-5296.html and now we see what US shale oil IRL is fraud, no profit exist here. Add to this how Exxon Mobil has been kicked from this new biggest Arctic oil deposit because of Obama's ban.... It's looks like US government don't understand what capitalism is and how capitalism works. It's a bit funny when most powerful capitalistic country in the world acts so... non-capitalistic.
Murika strong! http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/630658d8-47ba-11e4-be7b-00144feab7de.html#axzz3EiWSWkGf Russia weak. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-09-27/russia-discovers-massive-arctic-oil-field-which-may-be-larger-gulf-mexico Murica can't into capitalism again.
First up - props for having the stamina to deal with this.. but US saving Russia.. From what? Germany? We were so lucky that those two states decided to murder each other, if not then Europe would have been a dictatorship, facist or communist... America didn't win this war, they swept up the remains. What they did do however was win the postwar cleanup, the Marshall aid etc was a genius move and the treatment of Germany was really inspiring - and to many in Europe the reason why we still rally behind 'em. But saying that America saved Russia is a joke, they broke Germany's back almost completely on their own. Luckily for us they they almost broke their own back in the effort and were weakened enough not to take us on afterwards. Ros, I think that's a bit simplistic. War's aren't fought with just men. And effort isn't measured in just war graves. The United States and Great Britain both donated equipment which the USSR couldn't build at the start of the war. Trucks, tanks and... radios. I don't mean to diminish Russia's war dead, don't confuse a dramatic notion - that the USSR was some mighty colossus - with the truth - that the USSR was a viscid mass of confusion fear and blood. A blind terrified animal that could not even bring itself to acknowledge the sacrifices of its own returned PoWs, let alone filthy capitalist assistance. Offtop mode on: USSR during WW2: Trucks Out of total 205,000 trucks produced, 150,400 were consumed by the military. So, on 22.6.41 Red Army had around 270,000 trucks, and received another 745,000 during the war. Out of these, 150,000 were new domestic production, 221,500 trucks drafted from the industry and agriculture sectors, 60,600 captured enemy's trucks and 312,600 lend-lease trucks. 312,600 lend-lease trucks it's about 30 % of trucks used by Red army, but if we consider all USSR trucks (852 000 in 1941 + 745,000 received during the war ) it's only 19%. It's sighnificant but not critical numbers. Tanks During WW2 USSR produce 89 701 tanks and other armored vehicles, meanwhile they imported 15 550 armored vehicles. It's around 14% if we consider only newly produced vehicles, or 12 % if we add 23106 Red army vehicles in begining of war also. Not sighnificant aid really. Radio - ok, this is sighnificant help. Don't find info about pre-war quantity of radio in USSR and about production during wartime, but... Moskow factory â„– 203 has monopoly on production of radios for tanks and planes. This factory normally produce of 400 radios per month in pre-war time. Other factories produce other types of radios also. During 1941-1943 years Soviets lose 71 000 radios in battles. Meanwhile Lend-Lease was delivered only 35,800 radio stations during all wartime. It's looks like help from allies is not too sighnificant again. Other important thing - Lend-Lease begin working only after Soviet victories over Wermacht. Speaking about the role of the Lend-Lease to the Soviet victory, do not forget about two points. First, the vast majority of machinery, equipment and supplies were delivered to the USSR in the years 1943-1945. That is, after the turning point in the war. For example, in 1941, under the Lend-Lease was delivered goods worth about $ 100 million, which represents less than 1% of the total supply. In 1942, the percentage was 27.6. Thus, more than 70% of Lend-Lease occurred in 1943-1945, and in the worst of the USSR during the war Allied aid was not too noticeable. As an example, - cars: they are on April 30, 1944 was delivered just 215,000 pieces. That is more than half of the lend-lease vehicles were delivered to the Soviet Union in the last year of the war. Secondly, not all delivered under the Lend-Lease equipment was used by the Army and Navy. For example, out of 202 set in the Soviet torpedo boats, 118 and did not have to take part in the hostilities of the Great Patriotic War, as they were given in service after graduation. All 26 frigates also received the USSR went into operation in the summer of 1945. A similar situation was observed with other types of equipment. Offtop mode off:
In other words they do want destroy Syrian property and important Syrian economical structures. The Terror against civilian objects It's usual strategy of NATO (and his predecessors - during WW2 they bombed peaceful German towns instead of military objects by same way), we see many examples of this during war in Serbia, Iraq and Libya. As usual your understanding of these events is horribly misinformed ISIS controls certain energy resources in Syria, the airstrikes are designed to weaken and destroy ISIS ability to generate revenue and wage war. Therefore obviously this gas plant is a legitimate target as by destroying this you reduce the military effectiveness of ISIS as they have less money to fund there operations Wat? How ISIS can use this gas plant if they're don't have ports and surrounded by hostile countries from all sides? What profit they can have from this if they can't sell this gas to somewhere? If they don't have profit from this how they can be weakened by destruction of this plant?
As predicted US use airstrikes against ISIS as covering for war against Syria. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/air-strikes-on-islamic-state-target-syrias-largest-gas-plant/story-e6frg6so-1227073500147?nk=f4a0392d7d63ec3e51198cdef1f57af6 In other words they do want destroy Syrian property and important Syrian economical structures. The Terror against civilian objects It's usual strategy of NATO (and his predecessors - during WW2 they bombed peaceful German towns instead of military objects by same way), we see many examples of this during war in Serbia, Iraq and Libya.
This thread need moar Finno-Ugric beauty. http://youtu.be/x3yrBeCdgX0 http://youtu.be/kKthRXSWXCY
No-no Hamas is spawn of Israel for fight against FATH. Even today Israel periodically use Hamas as cause for bombing of Palestinians into stone age and prevent their development. http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/11/israel-and-the-u-s-created-hamas-hezbollah-and-other-terrorists-via-blowback.html Anyway Hamas backed by Arabic monarchies, Iran don't support them. Iran back only Hezbollah, but even they are spawns of Israel politics. http://yalibnan.com/2014/01/13/creation-of-hezbollah-is-sharons-most-enduring-legacy/ Other thing you posted about evil Iran is laughable too. It's tolerant country where Shia Muslims, Zoroastrians, Christians and Jews peacefully coexist. http://www.iranjewish.com/Essay_E/Essay_e1.htm Even more, this Iranian president and enemy of Israel has Jewish origin too, his ancestors are Iranian Jews. Do someone can imagine Palestinian president of Israel? I can't lol. If someday West bring "democracy" into Iran as this happened in Libya and Syria all these non-Muslims are die from hands of "democratic" pro-Western jihadists. I scientist also and this is reason why i can't like country who assassinated scientists. http://www.jpost.com/Diplomacy-and-Politics/US-pressuring-Israel-to-stop-killing-Iran-nuclear-scientists-343977 I can't like non-tolerant country filled by violent nationalists. http://youtu.be/l0X_t15H274 I can't like non-tolerant country where all non-jewish religions can be attacked. http://www.juancole.com/2014/04/settlers-christian-village.html http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/gazas-christians-and-muslims-grow-closer-defiance-israeli-attacks-372261379 http://electronicintifada.net/content/israeli-settlers-increase-their-attacks-palestinian-christian-sites/11756 I can't like non-tolerant country where people with non-jewish appearance become targets of police violence. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4071264,00.html I can't like non-tolerant country who spread ethnic and religious hate in entire world. http://mondoweiss.net/2014/04/explores-intersection-islamophobia http://jewishvoiceforpeace.org/content/islamophobia-israel-the-war-on-terror http://politicsweb.co.za/politicsweb/view/politicsweb/en/page71619?oid=697683&sn=Detail Sorry, but Iranian religious fanatics looks much more civilizied people than "civilizied" Zionists from Israel.
100 years ago Ukrainian nationality has been invented by Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. In 1893 year in US appeared newspaper "Freedom" created by immigrants from territory of modern Ukraine. Here is archive. http://www.svoboda-news.com/arxiv.htm In 1893-1914 years they named yourself as Russian people. Only in 1914 year when Austro-Hungary begin war against Russian Empire these Russians suddenly begin named yourself as Ukrainians. In same time Austro-Hungarians invent Ukrainian language and other Ukrainian cultural things (mostly consisted in non-natural anti-Russianism). Ukrainian artificial "nation" as project of Austro-Hungarian intelligence services for war against Russian Empire has been created in this time. In other words Ukrainians are nothing more than Russian traitors. Even original Ukrainian flag is actually copypasted flag of Lower Austria. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lower_Austria Unsurprisingly during WW1 German Empire fully support these Ukrainian puppets against Russians. Later during WW2 Germany recreate this anti russian movement again (at least fuhrer has been Austrian guy and Austria join to 3 Reich by free will and play significant role in life of EU predecessor). And same story repeated again now. As wrote nationalistic Ukrainian president Kuchma in his book "Ukraine is not Russia" about Ukrainian people: '''Who are Ukrainians? It's difficult question, but we can be sure Ukrainian is not Russian, Ukrainian is antipode of Russian'. It's perfectly explain why they blaming evil Russians for all own failures , because they are created as haters of Russians, without Russians they're just lost reasons for existence, national hate is their national idea. Obviously such artificial construct as Ukrainian nation can't exist long time and always ended as fail
Medieval backward jihadists is better than tolerant democratic hi-tec Iran. Obvious Zionist so obvious. Similarity between zionists and jihadists. 1. Both prevent progress in Middle Eastern countries, both kill scientists, teachers and destroy schools. The goal - Muslims must be backward hopeless losers. 2. Both spreading hate and war between different branches of Islam. The goal - Muslims must be divided and weakened. 3. Both make war against secular governments of Syria, Lybia and Egypt. The goal - enemies of Israel must be exterminated. 4. Both make war against Left freedom fighters as FATAH or PKK. Even more - all these jihadists has been created during Cold War as weapon against Left movements. The goal - - prevent progress of Humanity and World Revolution by any cost. 5. etc. Meanwhile Iranian Shia Islam is one of most tolerant and democratic branch of Islam. Iran is a prosperous progressive science-advanced country with highly educated tolerant society. Butthut of bunch of Zionist invaders caused by this independent country is not reason for me to dislike of Iran. http://vimeo.com/105001986
I just leave this here. US planned ground invasion into Syria. http://www.military.com/daily-news/2014/09/26/dempsey-airpower-not-enough-but-no-us-ground-forces-now.html Photos from Turkey (reminder - Turkey is NATO member and US satellite.) Turkish border guards with ISIS members. Turkish border guard and Kurdish man.
Make photo of your workplace and post here. All different posts are offtop.
It's clear now that ISIS has just been a covertly supported excuse to finally start bombing Syria after Russia blocked the US / Israeli / Saudi ambitions there. Once the bombs start falling, almost anything can be said to be an ISIS-held target. Meanwhile, US funding the "good extremists", who will now have air support. While ISIS undergoes more name changes until, in six months, the general public forgets them completely. First important thing - ISIS is not state, it's secret network fitted for hybrid warfare. They do not have such weak points as rear or rear servicies, their infrastructure can not become of target for airstrikes. All what US can do by these airstrikes it's destruction of Syrian military objects, Syrian property and kill some amount of civilians. It's looks like pure terrorism really. Other important thing these airstrikes is absolutely non-effective. We see this during last war in Gaza strip, when IDF destroy big amount of Palestinian civilian infrastructure and kill thousands civilians, but reach nothing and retreat. We see same situation in East Ukraine now. Why US do this then? Explanation can be only - main goal of these strikes is defeat of Syria, destroy their country much more, exterminate Syrian military force, state structures, Syrian economics etc, US just continue own 20 year-old expansionist politics in this region.
Kim Kardashian attacked at Paris Fashion Week event by Ukrainian journalist Vitalii Sediuk. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/kim-kardashian-attacked-paris-fashion-week-carpet-article-1.1952644 Ukrainian patriots attack opposition members. Just yet another usual day in Ukraine. http://youtu.be/UMlPqDH0eL0 Yeah, can not wait until Ukraine join to EU and these Ukrainian barbarians flood European and US cities. This is must give epic amount of lulz to us.
Do you are kebab? Tell moar about your work, i'm really intrigued.
BruceVC with russophobic propaganda is too slow. Everyone blame Ukraine per lie and warcrimes now. Germans about lie of Ukrainian Junta. http://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article132448944/Kiews-zweifelhafter-Umgang-mit-der-Wahrheit.html OSCE about killings of civilians by Ukrainian military forces. http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/124216 New York Times about how Ukrainian regime arrest random civilians for exchange to prisoners. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/25/world/europe/ukraine-prisoner-swaps-russian-separatists.html?_r=1