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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. It's because of civil war in Turkey, just democracy realpolitiks. EU and Turkey exterminate Kurds together. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3327550/First-Briton-convicted-trying-join-fight-AGAINST-ISIS.html#ixzz3xOT8hlB6 http://rudaw.net/english/world/23102015 http://ekurd.net/civilians-killed-turkey-kurd-conflict-2016-01-10 http://ekurd.net/turkey-probe-tv-kurdish-callers-2016-01-11 http://ekurd.net/turkey-declared-war-against-kurds-2016-01-13 http://ekurd.net/turkey-kurdish-woman-politicians-killed-2016-01-06 http://ekurd.net/eu-court-rejects-end-curfews-turkey-2016-01-14 http://ekurd.net/turkey-detains-academics-over-kurds-2016-01-15
  2. Meanwhile in Ukraine. Ukrainian butthurt ( because EU prefer African and Middle Eastern migrants ).
  3. Bruce - your constant mania about strippers looks... non-normal. How old you are? Maybe you must find a love and marry to this woman. Family, Bruce, it's much better than any your purchased "love" of cheap migrants. You so similar to Murika, you crying about how stronk you are, but IRL your behavior looks just pathetic.
  4. Iran continue deliver lulz for us. http://youtu.be/Qr7LbW9iibc Don't find this video in major Western media. Freedom of speech Also story about US fail probably is more epic than we can imagine before. http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/01/10_us_sailors_held_by_iran_confirmed_freed_comments.html P.S. Obama is not weak
  5. Iranians release pics of stronk US warriors. They force US military girl to wear proper Muslim clothes also.
  6. Why you so butthurrt hate of Russia? We actually do nothing hostile against Murica yet - what reason for such anti-Russian talking do you have?
  7. New Russian Post-Apocalyptic Survival game inspired by sci-fi works of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. http://youtu.be/k1gmBupfIZg http://store.steampowered.com/app/435530/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arkady_and_Boris_Strugatsky
  8. US president say: https://medium.com/@WhiteHouse/president-obama-s-2016-state-of-the-union-address-7c06300f9726#.fx5ga6lgs But later... Two US military ships surrender to Iranian navy. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/01/12/us-sailors-boats-held-by-iran-in-persian-gulf.html Do US really so stronk?
  9. http://youtu.be/A21w1QWU8Wc
  10. Typical German Merkel-supporter. Hungarians continue giggling about Germans.
  11. Meanwhile in German internets
  12. Lol. Do you even imagine what force can replace him? Trust me - such liberal pro-west politician as Putin is best choice for members of your tribe. Any other alternative ended by gasenwagen for you.
  13. http://youtu.be/IeUSNgwgZyI
  14. http://youtu.be/vPcic-bnmI4 http://youtu.be/3IxBPQpceyM
  15. Russia. Patient sexually assault nurse, and doctor kill him for it. http://youtu.be/EsGcRUlvgQE Gayrope. German people do want make militia against rapists, but police say GTFO: http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2016/01/anti-immigrant-militia-formed-by-dusseldorf-residents-3273626.html
  16. Russian Germans worry about stupidity of German authorities. http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2016-01-06/germany-s-russians-are-wary-of-new-arrivals
  17. "Cold" War = WW III. Only on major battlefields of Cold war die around 20 millions of people. Greek Civil War (~158,000) First Indochina War (~600,000) Malayan Emergency (~11,000) Korean War (~4,500,000) Suez Crisis (3,850–5,000) Southeast Asian wars (~7,890,000) Guatemalan Civil War (~200,000) Congo Crisis (~200,000) Bay of Pigs (~4,300) Indo-Pakistani War (~3 000 000) Angolan Civil War (750 000) War in Afghanistan (~1,623,000) Ogaden War (13,000) Total death toll of cold war ~ 40 000 000. http://muse.jhu.edu/login?auth=0&type=summary&url=/journals/nep/v002/2.3marcos.html
  18. But she is European refugee who has been forced by capitalism to flee from homeland into land of non-civilized savages (where she must play a role of girl for pleasure). P.S. Russian music about hard life of Caucasian migrants http://youtu.be/TP5Br2WUBNs
  19. North Korea Has Detonated Its First Hydrogen Bomb. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/01/06/world/asia/north-korea-hydrogen-bomb-test.html?_r=0 Our military forces prove this information also. It's expected consequences of Western "democratic" crusades around the world . P.S. Everyone have preparations for 'hot' WW IV now, main question is when this war begin (it's insider info from Russian military forces ke-ke-ke)
  20. Imperial Legio Cybernetica appeared in Syria. http://youtu.be/HE3f7oNFTlE http://in.sputniknews.com/russia/20151225/1016873886/Russia-Syria-army-military-robots.html
  21. Our terrible evil Empire still is coolest place for live in the world. We can't flee from our beloved Hell. https://vimeo.com/14710861
  22. Guys please don't assume I am as ignorant as some about East European countries I am just amazed that you think admitting you Polish is something that you need to keep secret, I never told you I have had several Polish friends in SA. One of my ex-Girlfriends was from Poland. Her name was Alicja Grakalska (spelling on surname )..anyway she was a really nice person and she was a professional pole dancer. I always use to tease her when I saw her and pretend to speak Russian...but she had no accent, she always use to laugh. When she got married to a good friend of mine we had a South African and Polish wedding You see this is one of the problems with the EU and why some of you guys feel threatened by the Syrians , there is this bizarre historical resentment of Germany and then you guys think that the fact you come from East Europe somehow is a bad thing because of historical biased from some European countries ..." look its the Slavs " ....alum actually thought I was suggesting the country of Hungary is genetically more inclined to commit rape Sorry I'm not going to suggest there is something wrong with you or suggest you are all ignorant. There is nothing wrong with any of your countries but the fact you seem to think there is actually a self-repeating stereotype. You are all white to us in Africa ...you are all European to us. It makes no difference ....be proud of where you come from I am not trying to make you feel guilty but I live in a country where large numbers of people have a real lack of confidence and feel they have no heritage.... http://www.mpdslifestyle.com/en/pole-dancer-story-alicja/ I known her also
  23. why so butthurt? p.s. bump by Russian cosplay
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