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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Because secular democratic Kurds are much better than religious fanatics from Turkish government. http://youtu.be/80J0FCe69to
  2. Lolwut? Cost of Russian oil is ~ 10-14 US dollars per barrel. Do you meant they restore their 700% profit level?
  3. Because of this Russians don't want backward European migrants tourists into Russia. http://youtu.be/HTwbIDK5AVo http://youtu.be/bIcdFsDo9uQ Sadly we have highest level of social development in the world and can't be tolerant to nobody.
  4. Bump by Southern Russian "Muslim" province. https://vimeo.com/139567451 https://vimeo.com/154783246
  5. Moar of jihad from Europe http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3433995/Illegal-immigrant-arrested-murder-American-nanny-Austria-took-stop-deported-revealed-raped-underage-girl.html Meanwhile in "Muslim" ex-USSR Central Asian country (Northern neighbor of Afghanistan). http://youtu.be/wgPG0m_qsR8. http://youtu.be/yUn1_2e1gmk
  6. Enemies of the West. https://vimeo.com/154703866
  7. Freedom of Speech in US. http://www.wsj.com/articles/chechens-back-russians-on-the-ground-in-syria-conflict-1454960842 WSJ translate some moment from interview of Chechenian leader, but cut most important parts as usual. Yes they say about presence of Chechenian agent's on Syrian territory controlled by ISIS, but cut part with explanation how even they can infiltrate in ISIS structures. In Russian interview Ramzan tell how they take information about creating of new jihadist movement yet in times when nobody hear about ISIS yet. For check of this information they mass send Muslim agents in training camps of this new movement... and "suddenly" take reports about mass training of terrorists... on NATO bases by Western military instructors. Later these terrorists become known as ISIS... Nice censorship. Other event - how Murican security shut mount of journalist after wrong question about ISIS. http://youtu.be/8EuQx-zvLbA What Murikans think about such censorship?
  8. For us Western problems looks laughable really - Westlings firstly create all these religious fanatics for fight against secular left movements, but they cry now - after reuniting of fathers and their spawn. They create whole militant "Islam" http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2006/01/americas-devils-game-extremist-islam http://www.danielpipes.org/995/the-scandal-of-us-saudi-relations http://www.islamdaily.org/en/saudi-arabia/3308.saudi-america-–-servant-and-master.htm https://books.google.ru/books?id=KOMewMUw024C&pg=PA158&lpg=PA158&dq=mecca+1979+MI6&source=bl&ots=ywCKTTYyAO&sig=zj2BaePZMDtrLim1WyKW7vFwtoM&hl=ru&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwirmPfNj-rKAhWsHpoKHWDIC2k4ChDoAQggMAM#v=onepage&q=mecca%201979%20MI6&f=false They give power to Taliban and Al-Qaeda. http://www.bullfrogfilms.com/guides/breakguide.pdf http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/09/sleeping-with-the-devil-how-u-s-and-saudi-backing-of-al-qaeda-led-to-911.html They overthrow secular regime in Iran http://aangirfan.blogspot.ru/2008/01/shah-of-iran-was-toppled-by-cia-and-mi6.html They create Hamas for fight against secular Fatah. http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/ZER403A.html They overthrow secular Lybian government and create ISIS They support Islamic Turkish government in their fight against secular Kurdish movements. They support jihadists in their war against secular Syria now... In 70-s whole Middle East has been secular and Left-oriented. For preventing losing control over resources of Third World ( West is parasitic society who exist only by robbing of Third world ) they heavily infest Middle East by all these self-destructive cavemen and during 30 years changing everything. Happily, some Middle Eastern societies successfully clean yourself from this Western scum (as Egypt or Syria in process ), what cause fleeing of these destructive elements back into First world. When Europe feel hurt because consequences of own mistakes - it's wonderful really. And as usual - happy life of Syrians without this Western scum. So much haram in these photos, Europeans must be outraged by such non-tolerant behavior of Middle-Eastern people. Europe show example how tolerant people must be - just see this guy with ISIS flag. In barbaric Syria he can be killed for this, but this is civilized London - everything is ok (But if he wear PKK flag instead - he must be arrested, because secular movements are banned satanic commies don't have souls ).
  9. Poor Bruce has spermotoxicosis and hallucinate strippers in any random videos with girls. Oby where do live? Everyone says you not really Russian In real world analog of Inquanock.
  10. Poor Bruce has spermotoxicosis and hallucinate strippers in any random videos with girls.
  11. Western paid troll trying shift discussion to another themes. We just ignore his silly attempt and continue talk about Turkey and their Western supporters. http://youtu.be/UQjdoeT6Pok http://youtu.be/Qf89cnL-DpA http://ekurd.net/canadian-warrior-syrian-kurds-arrested-2016-02-04
  12. Kadath upon us - Murica under us. http://youtu.be/BCxyGcygaPU
  13. Do you talk about Syria? Secular Syria (aka pro-Assad) can't be considered as "Muslims". Modern "Muslims" are pure Western spawn. Syria. Europe.
  14. Meanwhile in Syria. Lattakia fashion week - when all moderate rapists jihadists suddenly flee into Europ. http://youtu.be/oZtnbkJv0co
  15. After fall of their terroristic spawns Turkey prepare full-scale invasion in Syria. http://in.sputniknews.com/world/20160204/1017260302/turkey-syria-military-invasion.html Can predict consequences of such actions. Syria much weaker (militaristic Turkey have second by power military forces in NATO ), Iranian and Russian forces here too small (Syrian army ~ 100 000, Syrian militia ~ 70 000, Hezbollah ~ 7000, Russians ~ 2000, Iranians ~ few thousands vs Turks ~ 700 000 ). In such situation solution can be only single - using of weapons of mass destruction. Most expected - Syrians using chemical weapons against Turks, or Russians (or Iranians) can nuke Turkish invading forces on Syrian territory, but this is most hopeful scenario, in worst case all Turkish military forces can be nuked. US don't interfere in this for avoiding suicide (it's small dirty secret - some weapon of non-limited force existed - because of this US and Russia never do direct attacks against each other for preventing certain death, but all other "Allies" don't have such protection and in case of war can be easily sacrificed)
  16. Some German woman participate in Ukrainian civil war on East-Ukrainian side. http://en.voicesevas.ru/news/analytics/2807-interview-with-german-journalist-margaret-seidler.html Here she laughing about German men who even don't try protect their women from rapists. By her words it's result of German education system - German men are so helpless now, they even can't named as men anymore. https://gloria.tv/media/LeKEZWkq8pb
  17. I just leave this here. http://youtu.be/i_wH5OXWTP4
  18. Oby its exactly because these countries aren't following Western values that we are in this mess to begin with. So the ME is facing the likes of ISIS because of the lack of Democratic institutions and disregard of basic human rights and the myopic view that certain governments aren't inclusive of all there citizens Don't blame the West for that Western blah-blah without real actions as usual. Western words means nothing to us - we judge West by actions - and West fully support IRL such terrible tyrannies as Saudi Arabia and Turkey - no matter what blah-blah they produce in same times. It's real reason why Russians send West with their "democracy" GTFO after 2000 year. Other news about "democracy" in Turkey. http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkish-academic-faces-jail-for-terror-propaganda-over-exam-question-on-pkk-leader.aspx?PageID=238&NID=94648&NewsCatID=339 So much freedom.
  19. Syrian army begin grand assault of Aleppo - they throw even a few of t-90 in battle. http://youtu.be/mA10s7Y3qfI Actually supply lines of terrorists to Turkish borders are cut now and insurgents in the city have no chances to survive. http://southfront.org/map-the-battle-for-aleppo-the-mother-of-all-battles/
  20. Syrian army modernize armor by active defense against anti-tank missiles . http://youtu.be/uVrtiwybou4 http://youtu.be/lJMzB_51rDo
  21. This thread needs much more of Liberators. https://vimeo.com/153480075
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