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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Syria, Latakia province. Warm place, good climate, adventures with company of comrades..
  2. New Masters of Germany. An elderly man was attacked on the Metro in Munich this weekend by refugees after protecting a young female from being harassed. http://youtu.be/awRs0xcjFJk
  3. That isn't necessary the wisest thing to do. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/police-say-13-year-old-girl-was-not-kidnapped-and-raped-by-asylum-seekers-in-berlin-a6823836.html http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/29/world/europe/russia-dismisses-german-claims-of-exploiting-teen-rape-case.html http://edition.cnn.com/2016/01/27/europe/russia-germany-berlin-rape/ http://news.yahoo.com/raped-german-russian-teen-spent-night-friends-house-142011798.html http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/31/teenage-girl-made-up-migrant-claim-that-caused-uproar-in-germany I can't claim that I know what happened but whole case is now pawn of political games and actual facts are impossible to get and things aren't helped by news papers trying sell copies. 1. Bruce can easily google-transate from German language, but as usual - when he encounter truth not-fitted with his "Western values" he suddenly become dumb, can't read and understand nothing. 2. You post here wonderful links with mobbing of this poor girl in Western media. No investigation yet has been ended, but media blaming this victim of crime as Russian agent who trying ruin happy life in EU by false accusations against migrants. 3. Firstly German police refuse begin of investigation - they say nothing happen. In other words they just send this Russian untermench girl GTFO. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Later, police begin investigation still - after ****storm in community of ex-USSR Germans. Yet later they find proofs of group sex between this 13-old girl and a few migrants, but say this is not rape, poor innocent migrants just has been cheated by her. German authorities lie about this case from beginning and normal people don't believe to their words (and nobody wondering if yet later they say what this is Lisa rape these poor migrants). Next videos just show how real such situation (gang-rape of child by group of migrants) can be - but German police from beginning completely refuse such possibility. http://youtu.be/XdSsJQ-fvOU http://youtu.be/G21V-80uBzM
  4. German authorities send 13-old victim of gang-rape into psychiatric asylum. https://magazin.spiegel.de/SP/2016/5/142149732/index.html Just wow! Sure, after "correction" she stop accuse saint migrants. This **** happened not in scary Stalin's USSR 70 years ago, but in EU... now. My congratulations to Europeans - you are in real trouble.
  5. Pfff! http://youtu.be/JbhZ6MhnhXY
  6. Bump by Chechen girl. http://youtu.be/39oI8scyUso
  7. This guy remind me nightclub "Londoner" in Spain - visitors of this place consisted from Africans and Arabs only, not Brits ( who in huge quantities just drink in pubs around). I mean why some African guy (Mr Phillips) dictate to Brits how to live? Why Brits must obey to him? How can such foreign guy be considered as representatives for inhabitants of British isles?
  8. WTF?! By your words any monstrous criminal innocent like baby. It's not his fault it's life force him to do that. P.S. Sorry guys, but i so pragmatic person (as all Russians). I have sympathy for this Swedish girl just because i can considered her as theoretical sex partner. But this boy... i don't want boys. Sorry, i just not gay. Because of this i don't understand all these whining about this poor murderer. For me, personally, life of such girl ( as this victim is ) much more important than lives of hundreds of such boys as this killer.
  9. It's good time to remind about adventures of other migrant "boy" in Sweden. Just google Elen Krantz for info. http://www.thelocal.se/20110311/32538
  10. Meanwhile in Sweden. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3419094/Who-knows-horrors-Police-chief-sparks-anger-sympathising-Somali-boy-stabbed-refugee-worker.html Lolololo! Looks like Sweden do want be liberated.
  11. Let's continue funny news about European stupidity. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3418751/Danish-17-year-old-girl-used-pepper-spray-fight-rapist-near-migrant-asylum-centre-told-prosecuted-carrying-weapon.html Short explanation why migrants do want continue their rapefests. House in migrants homeland | Migrant's camp in Sweden | Prison in Sweden
  12. http://www.mod.mil.gr/mod/en/content/show/36/A93872 http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-israel-turkey-idUSKCN0V421N Bruce, why Western "democratic" governments so tolerant to ISIS backers? Financing and supporting of ISIS is too much even for unscrupulous Zionists. Bruce, where your "Western values", "democracy" and other bulls**t now?
  13. Brave Swedish police flee from migrants. http://vlt.se/nyheter/vasteras/1.3488614-poliser-tvingades-fly-fran-asylboende http://youtu.be/_61s62WKVio
  14. Moar news about Natural Selection in Europe. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3416343/Sweden-asylum-worker-22-stabbed-death-frenzied-attack-CHILD-migrant-centre-refugee-boy-15-arrested-murder.html Looks like she just refuse fikki-fikki with this poor migrant boy.
  15. Why thousands? In case of Ukraine EU/US start crying about regime change after 100 corpses on Maidan. Are you sure about that? 100 .....can you produce any links to support this view ? Ok, i feed you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_reactions_to_the_Euromaidan#States http://edition.cnn.com/2014/02/01/world/europe/ukraine-protests/ etc http://www.cbsnews.com/news/us-victoria-nuland-wades-into-ukraine-turmoil-over-yanukovich/ http://time.com/12476/ukraine-kiev-john-kerry/ Biden visiting Turkey now - feel difference http://ekurd.net/biden-kurdish-pkk-terror-group-2016-01-23 also tens of thousands dead - where your democratic intervention for preventing civilians massacre?
  16. Why thousands? In case of Ukraine EU/US start crying about regime change after 100 corpses on Maidan.
  17. Meanwhile in Turkey - Turkish army shoot peaceful civilains. Video (warning, disturbing images) So non-democratic actions! I'm sure in near future NATO establish no-fly zone over Turkey, send ground troops and overthrow this totalitarian dictator.... Oh shi! Turkey is NATO member, in other words Western democraties crap one's pants again. Just interesting how Bruce and other western neocons "democracy"-worshipers explain why in same situation Serbian/Syrian/Lybian/Ukrainian government must be violently overthrow, but Turkish government must be untouchable.
  18. In EU/US Jews/Protestants/Muslims force boys to cut their foreskin (Circumcision) - everyone ok about this. But if some ex-Soviets countries use shaving of beards as counter-terrorist activity - this is EVIL. Surely, Europeans just must don't interfere in Russian sphere of influence, European advises looks laughable here.
  19. Salafi fundamentalist detected. Potential terrorist you are. Any normal people can shave beard easily, but religious fanatics can not and can be easily recognize by this.
  20. Imam of Cologne blaming German girls for New Year's fikki-fikki. http://dailycaller.com/2016/01/20/cologne-imam-blames-women-for-being-assaulted/#ixzz3xrpc1biO
  21. Moar of jihad from Germany. http://www.welt.de/vermischtes/article151271806/Warum-wurde-dieser-Wahnsinnige-nicht-frueher-gestoppt.html
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