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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Best friends of EU planned something. Allahu Akbar! http://youtu.be/mubUlAyGIO8
  2. Oby can I ask you something...are you a women? If you were I would feel quite bad about how I spoke to you in the past because I would never be rude if you were women? Who knows?
  3. BruceVC stop answered to my posts. It's unusual behaviour for him and i start to worry. Probably his last butthurt has been too strong and he take heavy wounds/overheathing. Bruce, how are you?
  4. Western clip about horrific life in Gulag EU ( it's capital of Estonia -Tallin) http://youtu.be/nej-Dj016Lo
  5. Murikan military forces have some pain. http://usdefensewatch.com/2015/11/the-kool-aid-kings-and-queens-of-the-pentagon/ Sad story.
  6. Best army in the world. Someday they will liberate entire world. http://youtu.be/JLaVV-im8Ws
  7. Not much chance of that, rebels just broke the ceasefire. So long as you keep paying Erdogan he'll keep the tap off, while it's convenient for him at least. Plus Syrians aren't even a majority of the refugees anyway, they're roughly 1/4 of them. Albanians make up a greater proportion, indeed well known success story Kosovo has only slightly fewer migrants as there are Syrians, by itself. And Turkey can't stop them. It's looks totally strange for me - why Europeans just don't kick arses of these false refugees from their homes. One of members of my family is refugee. When after dissolving of USSR pro-West savages start massacre ethnic Russians (in some ex-USSR republic ) he flee, but he flee not to Europe/US - he flee as refugee to homeland, in Russia, because he is Russian and this is his home. I don't understand why some citizen of some random non-European country must be welcomed in Europe as refugees, meanwhile these refugees can easily flee in countries of their region/culture/religion/ethnicity.
  8. Just ordinary Russian popmusic without trollolo. http://youtu.be/Zki6xPc7hK0 http://youtu.be/DYvRyhZgaYw
  9. Just epic song http://youtu.be/030YR0Fwb4s
  10. PSHEEEE!!!! Polish devs make game about horrors of Soviets (So epic trolling Russians make, even after 20 years of "freedom" Polish people cant stop deliver lulz for us). http://youtu.be/eubXYCn5bjE
  11. This thread need moar of Russian decadence https://vimeo.com/162906548
  12. http://edition.cnn.com/2016/04/15/europe/germany-erdogan-joke-prosecution/
  13. Meanwhile in Sochi http://youtu.be/5Vq8RFckz5M
  14. http://youtu.be/mFLVG8-elrA
  15. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/apr/14/john-kerry-russian-military-incident-us-warship-baltic-sea US military ship come too close to Russian borders - Russians buzzling them for keep distance. And now this - Kerry make lol us by his threats. Russian official response. If some US military ship shut down Russian jet near Russian borders - such ship stay near of Russian borders forever. http://rusnovosti.ru/posts/416338
  16. I picture Oby as a hot blond scientist. Removed vid of hot blond russian scientist punching other russian to loud techno music ~ Gorgon. P.S. How to post coub videos here?
  17. Bruce, i'm so sorry! How i can forgot about all good things what Europeans do to people of Africa! I think this picture is much better fit to modern Western ideology.
  18. The first flight of the person in space which was made by Yu. A. Gagarin by the East-1 spaceship on April 12, 1961. Today only ex-USSR contries celebrate this day, meanwhile westlings don't celebrate this because of butthurt. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmonautics_Day
  19. Best stewardess uniforms ever.
  20. http://youtu.be/vlUR09yRHZU
  21. You just don't understand Ukrainian sacrifices for democracy/US/EU . All what they do last few years ( coup, civil war and destruction of own country, selling own people into slavery in EU) - they do for pleasure of Western masters, Just imagine how they feel yourself now. About selling people into EU - it's not hollow words. Ukrainian 20-year old silicon girl become a playmate of the year in EU. http://youtu.be/DdW7yvKnYWY Ukrainian women for Europeans http://youtu.be/lywgCmrrkDU After all this reject of EU-Ukraine partnership by Europeans (who just too lazy for move own arse to referendum ) outraged many Ukrinians.
  22. You just don't understand Ukrainian sacrifices for democracy/US/EU . All what they do last few years ( coup, civil war and destruction of own country, selling own people into slavery in EU) - they do for pleasure of Western masters, Just imagine how they feel yourself now.
  23. Just enemies of NATO (East-Ukrainian rebels) http://youtu.be/RPj6MTbSsic
  24. New Ukrainian thread because of latest news. http://youtu.be/BrwqiAdqQMY http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35976086 Discuss.
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