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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. It's disgusting
  2. Well that's maybe because the average American can't afford some natural food in the first place.
  3. "US" dollar is in fact nothing more than worthless scraps of paper. http://bankofamericasuck.com/
  4. Game is over. In case you missed it, earlier China announced that its foreign currency reserves are excessive and that they need to return to
  5. yeah U.S. economical power: 14 % manufactured goods and 75 % speculation.
  6. US has Silicon Valley, MIT, Harvard etc. yeah this is why NASA is buying Russian rocket engines made in 60's, being unable to even copy 50 years old technology.
  7. Russia will share its uranium enrichment technologies with the United States. Russian technologies are more advanced and energy-saving as compared to US diffusion methods. America is seeking Russian technologies, as its centrifuge program has ground to a halt. US currently 10-20 years behind Russia. Russia uses 10th-generation separation devices, and this new factory will use 9th-generation devices. US is a very backwards country. http://english.ruvr.ru/2011/03/24/47915974.html
  8. 41% men to 59% women in Russian population. Ugly girls can't be married in Russia. They become "Russian wifes" in other countries.
  9. Why has NATO not disbanded yet?
  10. Russians just dont want American wifes.
  11. Russia is strong. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_fP9WOOGIM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wkfYOMAbzE
  12. Russia is strong USA is weak
  13. Bloody dictator arming civilians. http://af.reuters.com/article/libyaNews/id...E73K1AB20110421
  14. Yes. France opposed the formation of a pan-African union. Without Gadhafi, the pan-African movement is dead. He was the only prominent voice driving that movement. He was keeping those ideas alive. There
  15. The Pacte Coloniale Agreement enshrined a special preference for France in the political, commercial and defence processes in the African countries. On defence it agreed two types of continuing contact. The first was the open agreement on military co-operation or Technical Military Aid (AMT) agreements, which weren
  16. My Top 10: 1. Roberta Williams 2. Al Lowe 3. Brian Moriarty 4. Lori Ann Cole 5. Christy Marx 6. Ron Gilbert 7. Tim Schafer 8. Dave Grossman 9. Ken Rolston 10. Mark Nelson
  17. All the time west is talking about repression , repression , repression in other countries who are not white and Christian. when you repeat a lie ten times it becomes the truth I guess. who gave them the democratic authority to bomb other countries, be the drug dealer, posses nuclear bomb and at the same time accuse others of being the terrorist? the truth of the matter is western citizens do not like to see others progress and leave peacefully in their homeland. that
  18. http://www.wassonartistry.com/armor.php?w=15thcent
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