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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/02/supreme-court-alabama-racial-gerrymander-roberts-kavanaugh.html
  2. It can be summed up as former special forces MP retired and living off the grid keeps finding himself in troublesome situations. Whenever a law enforcement official asks him what his military career was like, you invariably get the variation of "my job was the same as yours. But every suspect for every crime was a highly trained killer."
  3. It's basically Jimmy Carr being Jimmy Carr. He pretty much keeps to the equal opportunity offensive wit. You get what's on the tin when you choose to watch / listen to him. He does tend to like to play on the "this is a joke that is offensive and this is why, this is a joke that's considered offensive and this is why it works and this is why it straddles the line.". He likes really dark humor and heckler interaction, and he takes potshots at pretty much everybody equally when he runs through them all.
  4. On another tangent of background things: BBC - Jimmy Carr: Pressure grows over comedy routine but what do the fans think?
  5. 'Baseball is dying.' 'What do we do?' <_< >_> "WE LET THE F***ING STEROIDS BACK IN! WOO!"
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