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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. The "refusal option" really does seem to be something they put in for all the people who complained about how Shepard wouldn't have just accepted "Star Kids" word.. but at the same time is still pretty much a "screw you" to the people that wanted that. It's pretty much a fancy "you lose" option.
  2. I did see something about how the studio actually did shift Prometheus, so the script isn't meant to be "prequel to Alien" but more stand-alone with potential connections to the universe in general.
  3. I enjoyed most of the Black Company, although as you say it gets a bit twisty as it goes along in the following books. The one thing that's always struck me as a touch awkward though is how the language used is very.. vietnam war film transposed into a fantasy world .. When you get the soldiers discussing how to "frag the officers" or such like.
  4. And of course 1.3 is now live and working. So they've added some more graphical functionality, and supposedly also made improvements on it so lower-end machines will work even better in handling it. They've added a slew of "Character Options" to the Legacy component, so rather then opening them up for every alt you have on the server, they'll only be available to specific characters. But you can use them to tailor extra xp awards to specific areas. So if you focus on Story Quests beyond everything else, you'll be getting more xp for those, and thus won't need to do so much other stuff to stay levelled.. Or for PvP warzone, or Flashpoint or.. etc. Also a bunch of "convenience" options to improve affection gain from Companions in different situations, the likelihood of getting criticals when crafting.. Pretty much just a few small "goodies" rather then anything too flash. Although the ability to get a Speeder at level 10 rather then having to wait till level 25 is probably going to be a wee bit useful... I really dislike not having a speeder when I first arrive on Nar Shaddaa...
  5. Having a rather odd day. I don't know why just have that odd lost/adrift sensation as if I'm not actually tethered to anything in my life. Trying not to get overly involved in things with the relatives over at the moment, and almost randomly poking at some work related things to see if my mental processes kick in any forms of genius.
  6. Oh you can get "life sentences", it's just that it's quite often x decades rather then actual "life".
  7. Well after a really nice chilled out two days where I got to relax because relatives and family went off to visit other family together that they hadn't seen for a few decades.. They arrive back and hand me a "family project" to look into. In that "oh, you're good at research and knowing how to use the internet.." - apparently a certain black sheep relation who we all thought was dead.. is actually serving life in jail for rape and murder. So they want me to find all the details.
  8. Heh, I actually had an Aliens marathon over the weekend, got all four in. Alien 4 is kind of interesting in that it's written by Joss Whedon and he has remarked a few times how they followed the script in general, but in every scene he wrote, they've emphasised the wrong element and removed what he'd planned which has it coming across in ways he never imagined it could be done. Does make me curious as to how he had it sketched out originally.
  9. The Rocky Horror Batman Show?
  10. I think the original point was that the trailers were all gung-ho action, whilst the film is pretty much not an action film. The complaint was that the trailers gave you the wrong impression of what the film was about...
  11. I guess this means I might try finishing my second ME3 playthrough then.. oh and some multiplayer to get that War readiness up a few percentage again... I've kind of been ignoring it all until this was released..
  12. It really depends on your playstyle and your level of ocd... If you get in a couple of pvp matches and a few starship missions here and there to break up the play of missions you can easily skip the bonus series, or even chunks of the world missions. I have to admit, I push that myself because I find I loathe hitting Nar Shaddaa and not having (relatively) quick access to a speeder... Here's looking forward to 1.3 and the legacy option that will let you pick up Speeder licence at level 10...
  13. They were read by 8 year olds. The comic book market as a whole is getting aimed more at the late teens, and twenty-somethings in general.. At least Marvel and DC tend to push that slightly more emphasis rather then the pure kiddies.
  14. Elfhome - Wen Spencer A nice little mix of fantasy meets sci-fi..
  15. I'm sentimental about books, regardless of whether they're easily available or not. Plus it's a bit of a waste of resources in general if all you can do is burn them... Edit: Yeah, the link was playing up earlier, but I think it was something to do with the vancouver sun website, it was glitching even from googling the story. But I think it's all up and running again now.. Also -
  16. Vancouver Sun - Thirty Ton Book Collection to be Burnt
  17. Well I've wrapped up the Sith Inquisitor and Smuggler class stories, both had some quite entertaining moments. Although I think the Smuggler's peaked before Act 3. I'm actually enjoying the mix of competition/revenge of the Bounty Hunter through the prologue and Act 1 as well. The Jedi Knight story in Act 2 seems to get a little wonky, but I've only made it to Quesh so far on that and I'm curious how the whole "Emperor's Moon" thing plays out... I've got to say, the Sith Warrior's storyline seems interesting so far, but I've only just started Act 1. Hm, I have to say the way they have the Sith Warrior's Mentor with the massive intelligence network and a Jedi padawan with the force ability to see "the heart of men" sets up a few potential twists to come. Although I will say, much as I want to explore that further I just can't face Balmorra again at the moment. Considering I ran through it imp side the other week with my BH, and Republic with my Jedi Knight a few days ago...
  18. For the really random trivia, late 1800's the colour scheme was reversed. Pink was a traditional boys colour and blue (at least the lighter shades) was used more by women..
  19. I took a short break from research and odds and bods to jump online today around lunch. Heh, and even though I use an east coast server from the UK, it was interesting to see there were still around 80-100 people populating both Republic and Imp fleet stations. And the assortment of people doing the "hey, I'm originally from x server, who else was on there? " and people connecting their old friends lists again and the massive shift in guilds and wotnot...
  20. I have to admit, whilst I like a lot of the ideas King has developed, I've found most of his actual writing to be kind of crappy. There's a few gems, but most seem (from an enjoyable read viewpoint) kind of dreary and more in the make a serious effort to turn pages then a sit down and read in some flowing hours...
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