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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. She played a regular cast member who was the Doctor to one of the fey courts, and the occasional lover of the main protagonist of the show. Edit: I did try and find some of the good scenes of her character in the show, but youtube is full of the mashed up fan music video montages of her and the lead girl teasing love sequences and kissing rather than the other acting.
  2. It can be quite funny, when certain cast members from one show get married to cast members in another show, and then they start doing guest appearances and cameo slots in things... (yes, SG-1 and Andromeda I'm looking at you for the history there). But it can be interesting to see how someone who is a main character in one show can turn up as a re-occurring member in another show that are both being shot at the same time.
  3. I think DC movies are in a spiral, but Wonder Woman might save them.. especially if Justice League manages to carry the sense of fun. Mavel is keeping fairly happy with general popcorn fun that audiences are content with, so that's going to carry on for a few more years. Fox is bouncing with the X-Men stuff, but now they have Deadpool as well, so some mixed potential there.
  4. It's been getting a lot of "the bits of it are good, it just doesn't turn into a whole thing" or the lines of "it's pretty much Escape From New York with a team of almost-Snake Pliskens and a slice of bad Joker."
  5. So the guy jumps from 25,000 feet without a parachute, aiming to land in a big net... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOBavry0K2E
  6. Ah China... China will prosecute foreigners in South China Sea
  7. I'm liking the upgrade to It's when you start realising that certain chunks of the cast come from Lost Girl. Of course, part of that is that the whole sci-fi / urban fantasy tv shows can be a wee bit incestuous almost with all of the actors living in and around Vancouver so there can be a whole lot of cross-over and intermingling.
  8. Not your Michael Bay version... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQUG3oawBbs
  9. So Splash is getting the remake. And apparently they're switching it around so Channing Tatum is playing the Merman?
  10. Ah, the sweet joy of working with method actors... Will Smith on Jared Leto
  11. From the blog of an author who lives down there...
  12. This might be a thing to consider...
  13. No, that's not false, I was being literal. I've got a bunch of American friends who in conversation with me over the last month have all said something along the lines of "I don't like Hilary, she's the lesser evil so I'll be voting for her because I don't want Trump as President. It's not a false argument when that's their perception and reason why they happen to be voting the way they will. The reason they think that is open to argument, but not that they said that to me.
  14. It was.. interesting. They took Dracula and wrapped it around an oddball mix of steampunk concepts, and Illuminate conspiracy. It was fairly glossy and lush with some quirky ideas. Edit: I've just binge-watched the last of Blacklist season 3, and have moved on to watching Dark Matter season 1.
  15. So apparently Netflix has picked up Dracula (the Jonathan Rhys Myers vaguely steampunky one) to do the 2nd season after NBC cancelled it the other year.
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