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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. See, and here I am just amused by the "thoughts and prayers" point more than anything else... Maybe I should have just dropped that in funny things thread instead of here.
  2. Movieweb - Dune remake starts shooting, synopsis released
  3. For the random quote in the midst of general world news and blah...
  4. CNBC - DnD has found something its early fans never expected: Mass Popularity
  5. Well I've been settling into that slow adjustment period starting work. Trying to get the sleeping patterns into good order and all that. Slow going so far with all the on-boarding, and the projects caught in the scoping phase rather then serious work for me to dig into just yet. Finding out all the things I used to do during the week I now have to get done over the weekend. Also have some friends talking about going up to London Comic-Con in May, so I'm pondering just how geek to push it and whether to blow some of the newly acquired budget on some cosplay to be...
  6. Slate - The House of Lords just gave a charmingly spot on definition of algorithm
  7. For the weekend motivational...
  8. I will always remember the day when my mother picked up some Stargate Slash-Fiction to read without understanding exactly what that meant she'd actually be reading.
  9. Apparently.... Time Bandits tv show, gets Taika Waititi as a Writer, Director, and Producer
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUJoR4vlIIs
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