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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. To be fair, there's usually a handful of cases of bubonic plague a year, and it is pretty much hammered by current medicine. It's just being considered newsworthy, well, because its 2020 and we constantly expect the other shoe to drop. With tentacles.
  2. Ennio Morricone dies, aged 91, after fracturing his femur in a fall
  3. If we're going to go there.. let's add in:
  4. "When the jaws open wide and there’s more jaws inside, that’s a Moray"
  5. "Sign outside the Chicago Bagel Authority on Belmont Avenue:"
  6. I was walking past a farm and a sign said: "Duck, eggs!" I thought: "That's an unneccesary comma - then it hit me."
  7. An epidemiologist, an ICU doctor, and a scientist all walk into a bar. I'm just kidding, they all know better.
  8. Well to be fair, the original creatore of Wonder Woman was an .. interesting guy. He was involved in a polyamorous relationship, apparently did talk a lot of things around the nature of submission and domination, wanted to create a superhero who revolved around "love" rather than simple "destruction", and supposedly based a lot of WW on his domestic partner, the triad of him and his wife. On the random, he also created the systolic blood pressure test after his wife noted the correlation of emotions to blood pressure. And for that classic quote about his work and from him:
  9. I think what's most bugging me about the issues with AC:Syndicate is that I got about 20-30 hours of gameplay without a single issue. Smooth play. Then this. suddenly no matter what I check, how I play around with the settings, it keeps suddenly ramping up to 100% cpu usage and having stutters that last 4-5 seconds ... and that can happen a dozen times in a single minute. Which fairly makes it unplayable. So half my afternoon has been spent chasing down what might potentially cause that, and doing all the extra health checks on my pc juuuust in case its some wildly weird random issue.
  10. As I was sorting a few things out, I suddenly realised that large chunks of my desktop PC are actually 7 years old. So I randomly wandered onto my local Novatech store and started poking at stuff. Then I lost myself in their "Build your own PC" customisable thing. Damn it, now I'm all squinty-eyed wrestling with temptation and going "hmmm. they do offer 6 month interest free payment plans....I could be a little silly."
  11. Had started up AC:Syndicate because I'd picked it up cheap in the sales the other month. Was getting into it..then it crashed. I rebooted, reloaded, got about two minutes further..and crash. Went through the process..got itno it, finished the mission got the rewards popup and the autosave starts... And it crashes. Now everytime I load it up it's full of stutters and pauses. Which is very weird, because AC:Odyssey runs as smooth as you like on the same settings. Still, uninstalled Syndicate, re-installed it, and still suffering those stutters and pauses. It's even happening when I'm in the menu's and not running around the game world. Trying to figure out what might be causing it.
  12. Ah well. Tis the center of many memes. Or maybe I just know too many people that only share memes rather than talk about their families on FB....
  13. I always remember Heinlein on E.E. "Doc" Smith...
  14. CNN - Senate strips provision from intelligence bill requiring campaigns to report foreign election help Well. Here we go...
  15. Well, you might as well have some fun...
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