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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Now, I've ordered up tha tslew of replacement parts and pretty much doing the complete new PC when it all turns up in a week... And I've suddenly found it really hard to actually get any enthusiasm to play the games I'm currently doing... It's that "better memory, graphics, cpu" expectantly waiting, and that part of my head thats saying why play anything now when it'll perform so much better in a week or two....
  2. NYTimes - How play energises your kids brains
  3. Got told to take a 10 minute break by my line manager, because he thought I was getting frustrated and needed a breather. For something like the 4th time in a row , after sending a guy a data set with a "here is a mass of data, please tick "Y" in the column "in scope" so we know which to actually migrate for you, the guy has returned a completely different file with all the data structured completely different ways, marked with his own unique variants of "keep" "don't keep" "yes" "obsolete this"....
  4. Oh the juggle of politics vs funny...
  5. NASA - Study the cosmos with a stratospheric balloon
  6. TalkingPoints - DHS Chief says his federal agents are "proactively" arresting people in portland
  7. Tor - Neil Gaiman says Sandman season 1 will cover Preludes and Nocturnes, and The Dolls House In other words, "we wrote it for Audible already, dear God don't make us go through that again".
  8. Just for that hypnotic effect...
  9. For those who like their nostalgia.. WCNews - First Cut of Enhanced WC3 Clips released
  10. Now, I know it's from the Mirror, but it's coverage of one of the UK morning shows... Mirror - GMB Doctor explains U-turn on masks
  11. So out of curiosity, how many people actually put a Soundcard in their pc these days or who still relies on that fact that onboard Motherboard sound is pretty decent? I'm having one of those old gaffer moments of "when I was a kid, you had to have a soundcard or you'd only get 4 tones of beep from your pc"...
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