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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. BBC - Gylnis Johns passes, aged 100
  2. Yeah, that's, one of those cheesy, sentimental Rom-Com for a season types. If you're just wanting witty british comedy, that's a bit of a different focus. You might want to try Death At A Funeral, Hot Fuzz, Four Weddings and a Funeral leans into the Rom-Com side of things, Chalet Girl is an obscure one that's got some wit behind the rom-com as well. Or, really go old school and look up Kind Hearts and Coronets
  3. There was a whole slew of things that felt missing. On other matters, I caught No One Lives. An interesting twist on the slasher genre. A moderately wealthy couple traveling cross country get grabbed by a ruthless gang. Only for the reveal that the couple are in fact a psychopathic killer/kidnapper (played by Luke Evans) and one of his brainwashed kidnap victims. The rest of the film is him killing the gang in classic slasher style as they freak out and meltdown.
  4. Have to admit, I had Argenta doing mega damage by the end of the game. Nearly always starting combat with full momentum, being able to do the Heroic bit that then allows one extra attack every turn until the end of combat, throw in the use of the Wild Shot ability, and she was doing about 5 auto-burst attacks in a round and getting criticals on most of them. Ended up having to use Toybox to kick start Ulfar's quest properly and ran through that. Then finished off the game. The ending slides were a bit weird, some of them didn't seem to connect to others, and some referred to same characters with different things going on. Plus you had lots of the WH40k grimness in a "yes, you did a happy thing, that of course results in horrible death in 5 years" type of results.
  5. Not exactly. I saw a report that he got the agreement to do both versions from the get-go, so he apparently set out from the beginning to film two versions of the story. So you aren't going to get fans starting a movement, but the wait for that. Still, I'm wary, since usually R-rated means the gratuitous sex, or extreme violence. And I can't really see them adding the meaningful dialogue if it's just during sexy time between characters. Yes, the significant Kurosowa sprinkling is the Seven Samurai's aspect, the gathering of random heroes to defend a village.
  6. Rebel Moon, Pt 1. It's.. odd. It feels like someones pulled chunks of Warhammer 40k fanfiction, slapped a bit of knock-off Star Wars, rolled it around in some Kurosawa, splattered it out there and lost parts of the story. I'd heard that Snyder released this as a pg-13 version, but also shot an R-rated Director's version that will see the light of day at some point. I'm wondering if that's why the story feels so choppy. Things happen and you feel as if there should be 10-15 minutes of dialogue and scenes setting up the transition from where you last saw characters talking. Good actors, some great visuals, some interesting ideas, and lots of hollowness.
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