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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. If you feel the showrunner and folks working on the WoT have no regard, care or understanding of the books...
  2. Line for the educated barbarian: "Congratulations. You've triggered my fight or flight response. Trouble being, I ain't got wings." [unsheathes two handed sword]
  3. Juggling things back and forth. Had a fairly positive feeling job interview at the start of the week, waiting to hear back from them. Dad got some scans back, and they've decided to give him an extra week of chemo in December, then start radiotherapy in January. All the joys of those side effects to be. Not sure if to take it as a good sign that the specialist did the "possible side effects 10 years after radiotherapy" talk, or if that's something they give everyone. I've been distracting myself from various things by trying to pickup some skills with Blender. Getting back into the CAD aspects and designing my own stuff to 3D print. Spent a few days banging my head against that wall to develop some of those techniques and then turning a Mando bucket from the swirling recesses of my brain onto the computer screen. A few more details to be added, some scale issues to be worked out, then I can find out how well it actually translates into printable designs.
  4. A couple of the potential issues they have with WoT... Having all "main" character share fairly equal time on screen and on character development so the audience can grow to like any of them - as opposed to making it the Rand show perspective and only having the others come to the forefront 3 years down the road... Having an actor play a five minute role in one episode, and have them return as a much more significant player 4 seasons later. Not really workable, so characters and their storylines will need to be shifted around if they do want to introduce them in the story. I think this is falling into one of those "inspired by" rather than a literal following. I'm trying to keep in mind it's a tv show, not my books, and that the showrunner has really been engaging with the fan community at large for the last two years to manage expectations and explain why and how changes are being made. Not just slapping you with a wet sock in the face and leaving it at that.
  5. I think if it gets averaged out, there would be one every six days of the year.
  6. ‘The Wheel Of Time’ Makes Strong Debut As Amazon Prime Video Doubles Down On Genre With ‘Mass Effect’ Adaptation & Prepares To Usher In ‘LOTR’ – Deadline
  7. https://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/international/anti-lockdown-riots-in-europe-making-remainer-feel-a-right-****-20211122214546
  8. https://winteriscoming.net/2021/11/22/the-wheel-of-time-boss-explains-big-change-perrin/ But yes, it's a mix of they've aged the characters up so that the audience skew it as a "young adult show" and not watch it. Which means some shifts to adapt to characters being 18-20 rather than 16 or so. They've compressed a couple of side characters into one, they've made Mat more grim with a darker family life, and a few other areas.
  9. The first episode pacing is a bit off to me. Episodes 2 and 3 do seem smoother and work better.
  10. Octopuses, Crabs, and Lobsters are Sentient Beings, Says Updated UK Law (gizmodo.com)
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