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Everything posted by sotos

  1. I loved the KOTOR 1 story also i enjoyed it more because it did not had such nasty bugs as KOTOR2 Especially I loved the scene were the Player learns the he is Darth Revan What a great suprise for a game scenario!!!! It was so Cool!! While the story of KOTOR2 is a rushed release just to sell in stores I will never forget when the Ebon Hawk crash into Malachors mountains and at the end of the game after defeating Darth Trya the Ebon Hawk is Fully repaired by a miracle!! And then GAME OVER <_< Kotor2 story was a unfinished unpolished rashed sh*t from the story to the UGLIEST game bugs Also KOTOR 2 Graphic textures are uglier from KOTOR 1 ones Sorry Obsidian but my vote goes to KOTOR1 and Bioware
  2. Revan and Nihilus are my favourite I love the mystery and their mysterious dark powers
  4. I hate MTV. I've hated it since it stopped being about music videos and became a channel about nothing... absolutely nothing. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not exactly true It may not be about Great Music anymore but it's about Beauties shaking their A$$ and supposedly have some singing talents <_< Britney Spears has such a nice voice that's why they prized her for beeing the best pop singer....*cough* *cough* "SEX" and "Beauties" (according of course to what most people believe it's beautifull) sells and that is what MTV is counting for Singing and Great music are second objective if not a objective at all for MTV I hope they close these stupid unethical channel with G4 TV also They are BOTH TRASH and a bad example for Kids and Teens and not only for USA but for WORLDWIDE
  5. I care too but i did not find Kotor 1 and 2 bad from the graphics view Kotor2 was a little out of date from graphics (Mainly because of Obsidians bad choice of some textures) but was not ugly
  6. Well yes i agree in that too i know too many people (Especially in Europe and USA) with high self Esteem about what the other think about them and about their looks etc And they are PLENTY !!! Unfortunately these is a part in the Human Nature and of our times (and becomes worse with the years passing) Humans Thinking of themselves Beautifull, Lovable and special Men thinking of beeing Brad Pit or Superman and that everyone admires them or women thinking themselves as Top Models and beeing genious like Ainstain and everyone admires them The funny part is that even if these persons realise that things are not like that instead of losing their High Self Esteem and become depressed they act more Arrogant next time and they are thinking themselves even better than before I had seen it with my eyes and it is strange, instead of getting depressed they act even more selfish and thinking higher about themselves Well at least that happens to my country and especcialy to women It's very strange how pathetic and how self-centered human become with time thinking too much about themselves and acting worse But As about the game and Kreia i am not sure that apply
  7. Love and Manipulation is the same thing for Kreia She does not truly love Exile And does not know what true love is She loves him as a "valuable Thing" and not as a living person He is pricelless for her to fulfill her interests and to influence him to score for her own agenda He is the TRUE last of the Jedi and the last connection to bring balance to the force to a destroyed universe from the previous wars with Malak, Reavn, Mandalorians
  8. 1) 2) Malak was a older member of the Jedi order from The Exile according one of the sequences of the game So he was probably more powerfull Force user and a higher rank from the Exile During the Mandalorian wars Malak with Revan were the leaders of the Republic Fleet that attack the Mandalorians and conviced his less fellow jedi (and the Exile with others) to attack the Mandalorians If Malak was more powerfull and a older higher ranked jedi\Sith from the Exile (i already say what he does at the endof Kotor2) according the story and if Malak still lived what makes you think that he will not had chances against Darth Trya
  9. Kreia loved the Exile because (s)he had the power to bring the end of the force That is all... Malak was just an overgrown bully... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A Sith that loves?? From when a user of a Dark side knows what love is She\he betrays him and hides in Malachor 5 knowing that he will come for her while Darth Sion would be there to kick his a$$ And even if Darth Sion does not succeed he will use him as her new apprentice or else destroy him There is no love she\he just try to manipulate matters and she FAILS at the end
  10. The Exile won Darth Traya Traya tried to manipulate him and did not succeed but at the end he wins her and decide his fate didn't' he?? Who says that Malak could not do the same...
  11. manipulates those around her; betraying them as and when it suits her acording to her agenda. Malak was not subtle, he just burnt Revan as all Sith do their masters as part of their normal rite of passage (or die trying). She also betrayed Jedi and Sith before during and after the Mandalorian Wars, and she was herself betrayed (which seemed to be significant to the whole "Queen of Betrayal" growth) -- including Revan. Malak was just a garden variety psychopath. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Totally agree with metadigital.Malak got nothing special,despite the fact he has no jaw.He just betray Revan in a most critical moment cause he knew if he had face him he would have lost eventually.Furthermore,Kreia is way more powerful than him,and at least she knows how to manipulate others,and she had great padawans like Revan and Exile,while Malak got dumb psychopath Bandon. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Malak is not stupid at all Darth Traya is not so good with swordfighting only with Force powers while Malak is an Excellent swordfighter and he had a WHOLE Sith Fleet under his command Darth Traya is more like Darth Sidious (Emperor Palpatine) She tries to Corrupt others hiding in the shadows and strikes like a backstabber assasin and prefers not to fight She is not a real fighter, most like a powerfull force user was bitch and besides you shouldnt be posting that name on this forum. She was weak and pathetic, Malak knows war, does not she is an dillusional old woman who has her pathtic apprentices do her dirty work. At least Malak has the balls to annihilate all thsoe who oppose him, his speach is filled with hate noit cryptic words. She is Uber pathethic! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Kirrotu and Sophy are KOTOR Female fans maybe metadigital too " do not talk to them so bad about you will hurt their gender and their feelings
  12. The Assasin is NOT an all around character you are making a mistake His best chances of making bigger damage to the enemy is with stealth and not with swordfighting and force powers
  13. SITH LORD He has the best force powers but he prefers do not use the sword so much (like Darth Sidious) Marauder is the best swordfighter but his force powers are less...
  14. Play both good and evil I do not care what to play first
  15. As i voted What a silly idea and a really stupid thread "
  16. I do not like anyone particular in KOTOR2 Except the bad guys maybe like Darth Nihilius and Darth Sion all others (party members etc) suck or are boring
  17. Another Game bug probably A mistake of the 3d Engine of the game or a bad script
  18. NO I AM NOT SATISFIED I expected something really better from KOTOR1 The Reasons 1) The BUGS are awefull (worse from the bugs of Kotor1)!!! 2) Story feels incomplete especially in the end just to rush the game into the market 3) Graphic (textures) was better in KOTOR1 4) Party members in Kotor2 are not so interesting as was example with Bastilla etc with KOTOR1 5) Romance in KOTOR2 totally SUCKS It's almost lacking and is very poor mentioned 6) Kreia ruins the freedom of the game forcing the gamer to a linear path.... She is telliing the character what to do all the time and if the character do otherwise he gets panished with low score influence penalty Conclussion BIOWARE RULEZZZ, they are true professionals with Action RPG games :cool: OBSIDIAN BAD and a bunch of amateurs <_< By the way i am still waiting their High quality Movies and High quality Sound patch WHERE IS IT??
  19. Both use the same 3d Engine But KOTOR1 had better Textures Bioware had done a better work apparently
  20. Space Combat simulators just does not sell anymore they are DEAD The last good Space combat simulator was Freespace 2 if i remember well Everybody know prefers 1)World of kidscraft (eee Warcraft) kind of MORPG games with the cartoony graphics... 2)and the Football\racing games of xourse That is the games that sell most in the gaming industry lately these last dacade almost We are living in the years of dark stupidity Every year humans become worse from their lifes to even their choices in gaming 2005 is surely not different Fortunately there are some good games like KOTOR (even with bugs) for even the few ones which make the difference in these pathetic flood of stupid games out there and their stupid supporters\fans
  21. I changed it to something smaller
  22. For those that you have finished the game something that i did not understand Your Ship crash in the Malakor 5 right?? (stack between two nountains really damaged) and after it shows a cutscene that drops in a Canyon below How is it possible miraculus after defeating Kreia the ship to appear FULLY REPAIRED and takes you to space and then GAME OVER I still think the ending was a REALLY rashed Work (and not only that)
  23. For me KOTOR 2 is not bad as a story (except in the end which sucks) But KOTOR 1 was much more polished and with not so many serious bugs as KOTOR2 KOTOR 1 was not perfect but it was way more stable and the story more intriguing even in the end Except the bugs KOTOR 2 starts with a interesting story but from the middle (from when you face Darth Nihilius ) and until end it becomes like a patchy work with a really sketchy ending
  24. Yep i agree <{POST_SNAPBACK}> TIE FIGHTER still has great graphics ??? Are you joking right?? For that time YES but for today standards NO
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