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Everything posted by SnickerSnack

  1. Great idea! Here's another suggestion: When crafting a component that requires other components that are not yet crafted but that you have the ingredients for, the component will automatically craft all necessary components in order to complete. Example: Say I want to craft an item that requires crude rope and I don't have any crafted, but I DO have enough plant fiber in inventory. Then the crude rope would automatically be formed in order to complete the item that I originally desired to craft.
  2. I agree with that idea. That is all.
  3. I haven't unlocked ladders yet, but what you are saying makes sense.
  4. I see. TBH I haven't gone looking for them much.
  5. @Wayne D Eggs aren't collected from killing ants, they are collected inside the ant tunnels... Just making sure you were aware of that
  6. Found fireflies last night in the hedge. Also found two crow feathers, one near the mysterious machine and the other further out in the grass field.
  7. I thought so too and then ran into two feathers in a single playthrough. Wasn't chasing them, just found them. Also found a horde of lightning bugs in the hedge.
  8. I know it's silly, but my favorite is the inquisitive jumping spider. I love those guys in real life... I'd love to have one as a pet in Grounded
  9. I couldn't find any BEFORE the shroom and doom update
  10. Good lord, that's an incredibly long list. Really great ideas!
  11. Ohhhhhhh..... gotcha Only problem is the scale would be way far off. Those swords are more like action figure size (I know because I used to equip my action figures with them - LOL), whereas we are the size of an ant in-game.
  12. I kinda like the new clay texture. But I haven't yet built anything with the pebblet foundation so I can't comment on it.
  13. I think a katana would be awesome! Also, with the latest update they allowed weed stems to float again, so it wouldn't be hard for them to introduce a weed stem raft. It would essentially be the same thing as the weed stem floor, only they would have to change the collisions to allow for the raft version to be built on water.
  14. Some games are so perfectly balanced, a perma-death hard core mode is awesome. Subnautica is the best example of this. Subnautica focuses on survival rather than combat, and conflict avoidance is a sound strategy. Grounded is built different. It is combat-focused, and it is nowhere CLOSE to being balanced enough to make this a feasible option. Too many powerful insects to ever make this a realistic possibility.
  15. On that topic, I hope they add some different weather at some point. That would be awesome!
  16. I mean, I'm not bothered by the current setup, but they should probably just make it optional for the player to sleep whenever they want.
  17. One more thing I would like to add on this topic: Organize buildables into categories - E.G. Grass-based walls/floors in their own category; Stem-based walls/floors in another category, and so-on. Otherwise, as we get more and more pieces, it's going to be endless scrolling trying to find the right one.
  18. Seriously, I laughed out loud when I saw the new Crow Feather Roof pieces coming in the next update... It would only take a couple of years to gather enough for one roof piece! (Jokes aside, I assume that this means they will be tweaking the spawn rates of the feathers in the next update).
  19. Yeah, a little spiderling... only make it furry and cute like Lucas the Spider!
  20. Yes, the quests are extremely basic right now, but I'm sure that the devs realize they need more content. I recently discovered the underwater lab and it's clear that they have much bigger plans in terms of story... I'm sure quests will be getting a much needed upgrade as well!
  21. Hmmm... maybe it's time I tried out the haze in 1st-person and see what all the fuss is about!
  22. I haven't tried 1st person view when in the haze yet. Is that the problem? Does it look different from 1st person to 3rd person?
  23. Most of the Grounded fans are on Discord. I prefer to submit my ideas here because I feel like they are more likely to be seen (less competition). But if you are looking for interaction, go to Discord.
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