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Everything posted by Zoraptor

  1. The difference between Clinton/ Yeltsin and Trump/ Zelensky is that Clinton was not asking Yeltsin to dig up dirt on Dole. US foreign policy doing favours for powerful companies has been so widespread it's coined a descriptor for countries of a whole geographic region- 'Banana Republic'- if US presidents were impeached for that there really would have been an impeachment per semi modern President. And given how much current US foreign policy is about pushing Raytheon/ Boeing/ Lockheed etc weapons quite possibly an impeachment per month. Frankly, the US would have interfered anyway, the chance to permanently break Russia via that vodka soaked sot and imbecile Yeltsin was simply too great. The problem with the Washington Times publicising US interference in 1996* was much the same problem people have with Trump outright saying he's staying in Syria to take their oil- you're not meant to say that sort of thing otherwise you face more resistance next time you want to do something similar. Yeltsin being reelected is meant to be the Russian people expressing their new democratic rights to freely elect their favoured candidate rather than an incompetent drunkard bribing his way to victory via IMF loans, overseas interference, overspending the spending cap by 1000 times and in places literal ballot stuffing. *before the election was over; once finished it was fine to crow about how it was 'the yanks wot won it for him', in a perfectly legal way and unimpugnable way, per Time.
  2. As the publisher 2k is, technically, killing Battleborn rather than Gearbox. For the latter, buying from somewhere that gives you offline installers has always been the best option- and if you don't, don't spend more than you're prepared to lose. You could also imagine all the people who buy extremely expensive DRMed products like Tractors at 250k a pop which can only be used at the sufferance of John Deere and friends for their entire lifetime...
  3. Steel and food production are also both genuine strategic assets, though not so much coal any more. Food is also a very good 'leverage' commodity for international use via USAID and to influence pricing overseas. There's plenty of good arguments for maintaining both above what pure market forces would require/ allow. I'd say that the main change for US farming under Trump is how much it's been targeted as a sector by retaliation for Trump's various trade wars largely because it is seen as a Trump voting bloc. Trump is exactly the sort of guy who will take that personally and has always said the idea is to use tariff money to prop up sectors that are being 'unfairly' targeted. And to be fair to him, China's modus operandi for 20 years definitely has been to flood a market with cheap goods, drive out competition then raise prices and drop quality as soon as there's no competition left (and if competition picks up again due to crap prices and quality, repeat step 1). For most agricultural products they simply aren't capable of flooding the market of course due to their huge population; not so much for steel.
  4. Week to week releases are probably going to be more common on streaming platforms as there get to be more streaming platforms. They will want you to stay signed up continuously, but there will only be so much you'll want to watch and so much money to spend on services overall. If you have to watch The Mandalorian week to week Disney will get three months (or whatever) minimum of subs from you; if they drop all the eps at once they'll get one. I'll probably get PrimeVideo* for The Expanse next year, watch The Boys and maybe The Back Episodes of The Grand Tour; then cancel it after a month. Depending on what intro offers they have at the time it might not even cost me a cent to do so. OTOH, weekly releases and I'd have to be subbed for 3 months, and at that point I might as well take advantage of their 6 month promo offer which is like getting 3 extra months for free... *We don't have an NZ native Amazon, so there's no bundling with Prime itself unless you have lots of relatives overseas.
  5. You can turn off automatic graphics driver updates in windows, it's just obfuscated. If I don't windows happily installs some ancient Catalyst driver over the top of my shiny new Adrenaline drivers which completely breaks pretty much everything since it doesn't bother uninstalling the Adrenaline drivers first. I doubt that's your problem though and not just because your card is nVidia instead but I'll dig out how to do it later since I don't have time now.
  6. Not exactly? The indications are that the US is going to pressure the UK to drop the NHS as part of negotiations for a FTA, and Boris swears blind that that won't happen. That is absolutely standard US practice, they went after Pharmac (NZ's single payer drug buying agency) as part of the negotiations for the Trans Pacific Partnership- but even that supine bootlicking jelly John Key knew it would be electoral suicide to give in on that. Then again, we have a 3 year electoral cycle, not the UK's 5 year one where a lot that happens in the first year can be forgotten by the time the next election rolls around. You can pretty much guarantee any trade negotiation with the US will involve them trying to force you to buy drugs from US companies at inflated prices because, lobbyists. The Tories have certainly systematically underfunded the NHS and are philosophically opposed to it on principle, but dismantling the NHS would be near revolution inducing and Boris knows it.
  7. Finished Prey2017. Excellent overall, though the ending twist was perhaps a bit obvious- and there was perhaps a bit too much back and forth fighting against the same set of enemies towards the end which was a bit of a drag and led to me sprinting past everything I could. I'd certainly replay it, and if it came to GOG or similar outright buy it. Now, on to Metro Exodus...
  8. Having an independent body rule that what Trump's doing was illegal multiple times definitively supports him marginalising that law. Indeed, repeatedly overstepping the law would be just about the definition of marginalising it when you're theoretically an upholder of that law and theoretically should know better. Doing everything he can to marginalise the 1st amendment isn't true in the literal sense, of course. (Twitter blocks though? What next? Dear Supreme Court, Donald J Trump kicked me from his Minecraft server...)
  9. He tried banning certain news organisations from the WH wholesale? Which got rescinded because it was unconstitutional? And worked around by 'just' refusing to issue credentials to some reporters? Or am I not remembering correctly? [OK looks like I am, more or less] (Trump's rhetoric is a considerable step up from Obama's spat with Fox News, but istr a lot of equivalent 'traitor' 'terrorist enabler' 'saddam lover' talk from Bush's White House directed at any media or reporters who weren't toeing the line with the War on Terror or build up to the Iraq invasion- but as with most neocon/ neolib adventurism there simply weren't many media organisations or reporters not toeing the line to be targeted. And, of course, outing Valerie Plame which was actively illegal revenge for her husband debunking of the yellow cake story in the media)
  10. Yeah, Gabbard is/ was the rumour. It's a Shareblue meme that she isn't a 'real' democrat and will run as a spoiler 3rd party candidate so I never put any real stock in it; but the reaction would certainly fit the term interesting and from some sections, crazy.
  11. There is one rumour going around that would certainly be interesting if true, though I put it down as Shareblue disinformation and still do.
  12. Battery power is already DC, wall power is AC and has to be run through a transformer to get to DC? So if the transformer (or rectifier maybe?) is bad... it causes fluctuating current and the over/ under volt protection in the laptop kicks in? I mean, I would have thought that would cause outright crashes/ dying rather than BSODs or revert to using battery power, but 'bad' power from a dying psu can give some pretty baffling symptoms as well. I've also had plenty of non computer stuff fix itself by changing a power cord.
  13. Yeah, it will be expensive for sure. The 3960/70 certainly are relatively expensive considering the prior threadrippers and Intel's price drops but they do have great performance. On clocks, most of the 3960/70X reviews did get to an overclock roughly equivalent to a 3900/3950X, though of course the cooling requirements were... significant and will only go up more as the core count increases. If they bin the 3990X same way I'd expect it to overclock up to the 4.5- 4.7 range at least theoretically, but you'd probably need an Intel style industrial chiller to do it. I'd have said it was a halo product mostly made because they can and because it makes Intel look bad much like the 3950x on AM4, but they always seem to find a market for more cores.
  14. No one could possibly believe Donald Trump had a heart attack, even at 70+ the man still has the physique of Rocky Balboa in his prime.
  15. Syrian government has claimed it was them, but... they said they did the bombing in the morning when it actually occurred in the evening which is a fairly big mistake to make, and their claim was nearly a full day after the fact too. Targets and M.O. strongly suggest it was the Russians since the targets were bodge job oil refineries similar to those which Russians went after strongly when they were bombing ISIS (and see also bottom for another potential reason), they're economic targets and there was no chance of Turkish soldiers being collateral damage. Plus no one knowing who it was and the number of targets means it pretty much had to be them or the US (who have no reason to), Syrian airforce could hit that many targets for sure but it's highly unlikely they could without anyone identifying them. They do have precision high altitude capability via their MiG29s and possibly some Russian donated Su24s, but throughout the whole civil war there are only two cases where they have been known or strongly suspected to have used them- assassinations of Ahrar ash Sham's and Jaish al Islam's leadership. I suspect the Russians did it but want to maintain deniability so there isn't any political fallout. The Turks have been ignoring their occupation zone boundaries and trying to take the important road junction towns of Ain Issa and Tel Tamir, and they've been mixing Turkish troops in with their proxies to dissuade against retaliatory artillery or air strikes. Rather more conjectural, but one of Erdogan's sons was allegedly involved in some shenanigans including oil smuggling from ISIS into Turkey, if he's still involved in oil smuggling it may well be a bit of a personal warning and hit to the back pocket to the Erdogans directly.
  16. 64 core/ 128 thread Threadripper 3990X has also been announced. Has more cache than my Pentium III system had RAM. Guess there could be a 48 core 3980X still to come since there's a gap in the numbering scheme, but who knows.
  17. Someone bombed the Turkish supported rebels in Syria last evening and despite it being fairly extensive- 9 sites reported so far- seemingly no one knows who it was. And with rather appropriate timing, a leak of documents pertaining to China's Uighurs/ Xinjiang concentration camps in the past day.
  18. Reviewed decently but didn't sell well I'm afraid. Arkane's founder was forced out after and the studio refocused away from strong narrative SP games, hence the disposable Wolfenstein games they've worked on recently. Keeping up the Looking Glass successor tradition of making some great games, but never getting great enough sales.
  19. Google search algorithms are bought and paid for and youtube is owned by Google (well, alphabet but they're the same thing); and private companies always have and always will manipulate content with or without pressure from government agencies. No surprises there. Indeed, much as I loathe FB/ Google/ etc it's a damned if do damned if you don't situation with Google being criticised for too much 'censorship' while FB gets criticised for too little (or too much when they get criticised for censoring nipples in non pr0n settings). Use an alternative search provider or even google.[country]/ncr. If anyone wants to be concerned about anything they do on a computer and government agencies then I'd present Intel's Management Engine and AMD's Platform Security Processor- NSA backdoor chips they're obligated to put into every processor they produce. That's way more concerning than Google downplacing Bernie because Sergei Brin et al are frightened of being taxed and would prefer any milquetoast status quo Bidenesque 'moderate' who can be guaranteed to suckle at the corporate teat instead. Actual governmental social media manipulation is usually pretty obvious- brand new accounts on reddit/ fb/ whatever that get botted for exposure, eg the thousands of new pro Bolivian coup twitter accounts that recolved to... Virginia, which I'm sure isn't home to any interested US parties whatsoever- and mostly is attempts to immediately frame narrative followed by suppression of any and all dissenting geopolitical views as being 'pro Russia'/ 'whataboutism'/ 'gaslighting' or whatever; in the full knowledge that there are plenty who will parrot what they read without being paid. (5 eyes is of course absolute crap and has 100% been used for industrial espionage, illegal monitoring and the like and is set up specifically to get around limitations on domestic spying- our spies request stuff that would be illegal here from the NSA/ GCHQ/ ASIO/ (no idea who the Canadian equivalent are)).
  20. I've been playing Prey (2017) since I have time left post TOW on gamepass. Don't know how far through I am but it is very much System Shock (2) (2017) rather than an updated Prey. I rather liked the original Prey so I might be disappointed, but I loved SS2. Hard difficulty actually is hard, enemies actually require more than a bit of pew pew to handle, plenty of exploration, skills and alternative approaches and the atmosphere is genuinely unsettling- maybe not X labs from Stalker unsettling, but pretty close. Even more of an absolute steal for $1NZ than TOW was. A great shame that it sold poorly because it's 100% my sort of game.
  21. GTAO has been wildly successful, so it's no surprise they'd be aping it. CDPR are, after all, a company interested in making money and they'd want something to capitalise on C2077 better than Gwent did with TW3. They do of course rather make a rod for their own back by pretending to be all consumer focused, all the time. There's clearly never been any prospect of it being 'free' multiplayer in the way people might have thought of it a decade or so ago; it's way too big a projekt for that.
  22. Getting to ~10 million while on a 6 figure salary for 40 years shouldn't be too hard if you're careful and make decent investments. I'd also presume that like our politicians here US politicians vote themselves a decent benefit package for transport and accommodation costs and people on decent incomes also tend to pay relatively less tax via having decent accountants. IIRC Biden as a senator was known for not being at all extravagant personally (used public transport etc up until being VP or something like that? of course checking that sort of thing is what google etc are crap at). Making decent investments could of course involve some privileged information use that isn't available to the random as opposed to specific Joe, but that's very much 'could involve', not does involve. If he'd just bought houses in New Zealand the capital gains would have tripled his investment over 20 years, let alone 40. As for Hunter Biden, he should never have accepted the position but it's on him that he did; neither Biden sr nor Obama could literally stop him, and I cannot see any way they wouldn't have advised him to refuse the position. It's an awful look for a country you were meant to be trying to reduce corruption in to have your VP's son given a random but well remunerated directorship for no discernable reason and if Biden sr had any future political ambitions it would be an obvious point of attack.
  23. Way things are going it could have been the equally double take inducing "Arsenal boss Jose Mourinho" in a few weeks if he didn't go to Spurs.
  24. Classically Anarchism is neither left nor right, but right wing Anarchists are usually (self) described as 'Libertarians' nowadays which leaves a few left wing groups like syndicalists or Apoism plus the antifa types and they are all leftists. China is only communist in name though, it's probably the model example of 'state capitalism'. Many of its policies are not recognisably 'left' or 'communist' at all, and some are almost the complete reverse. Not just false equivalency. There's plenty of working back from a conclusion to the evidence that supports said conclusion as well; and the conclusion is that any problems China has have to be fomented by 'External Forces' and not be due to anything China herself has done. So the systematic sinofication of all areas with local non Han/ Mandarin majorities (not just the well known Xinjiang and Tibet, even a lot of the resentment in HK is due to Cantonese v Mandarin) doesn't cause any problems, any resentment has to be manufactured by FG/ CIA/ Turkey/ Britain. So for example the Uighurs in Syria (TIP; Turkistan Islamic Party) had the choice of fleeing China or being Room 101ed, and chose to go to Syria to establish a new 'free' homeland. TIP is not deserving of sympathy as they're borderline ISIS in terms of theology and happy to steal other people's homes to establish said new homeland, but they have a 100% legit beef with China and 100% have lost their actual homeland; they even have a decentish reason for being radicalised in the oppression they have suffered- unlike the average westerner who becomes radicalised because they're bored and unimportant. They have also never been sponsored by either the CIA or Turkey in Syria and I say that as someone who has no sympathy at all for either Turkish or CIA conduct there. The CIA and Turkey happily armed and supported an array of ethnic cleansing loony wahhabist takfiri head choppers cannibals and child executors, but neither supported TIP*. You'd have to be pretty naive to think that the CIA isn't fomenting unrest in China, but you'd have to be equally naive to think that the CIA are the major cause *TIP will have got some CIA vetted/ Turkish supplies via Al Nusra/ Al Qaeda's control of the border crossings and them taking a share of every supply run made to the 'moderate' rebels, but as with Al Qaeda the vast majority of their funding comes from wealthy individuals' patronage rather than country contributions.
  25. Yeah bandwidth exceeded. IIRC Cherry MX Red are roughly equivalent to Logitech's Romer-G, if you want the closest alternative used in Corsair/ Razor/ ASUS etc.
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