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Everything posted by Nepenthe

  1. The game is rated M, so the American stores shouldn't actually sell them to minors. No one really cares in Europe. Depends, if the PEGI hits 18+ (like I think it did), buyers should get 'carded'. I think they do, around here, of course I'm way too old to have ever run into the phenomenon myself. This is one of those situations where I'd be really wary of talking of Europe as a whole.
  2. Never underestimate the power of surgical removal of common sense during MBA studies.
  3. Because the publishers' release scheduling over-emphasises holiday sales at the expense of targeting periods of low competition. I doubt that all games would benefit from being released at a slow spell, but I'd say those that have some amount of franchise recognition (I remember hearing of the original Red Faction and a sequel at some point) and/or get super good reviews in the middle of one of these dry spells would. While a 'slow month' might not get you more buyers, a 'crowded holiday period' is pretty sure to cut into the amount of buyers who might otherwise consider it.
  4. My point. The only weapon I've ever fired in my life was an assault rifle (7,62x39mm), and it sure seemed like it would do more damage than 3. Of course, the Deus Ex weapon is probably made for your mincy nato 5.56s.
  5. Oh, I did. I've completed the game dozens of times. I still would have liked the AR to have a bit more sting.
  6. I dunno, I always found emptying clips of assault rifle ammunition at mooks on lower difficulty levels to be kind of... uncool. That's my only qualm with deus ex, really.
  7. No, I can't count so that doesn't quite work. (original post deleted)
  8. I'm talking on a general level, and not participating in any 'debate'. In fact, I don't participate in pseudointellectual 'debating' in general, and on the internet in particular.
  9. I don't think it's JUST that, people with an agenda will always cherry-pick, whether from a game, a movie or a song. Games are probably the easiest targets, because to most of the classical extremist groups it will be the only major medium they have no personal experience with - and thus the one they fear the most. Another thing about people with agendas - they often try to pass themselves off as 'journalists', a title that some people take as respectable, even if there are absolutely no qualifications for it (at least around here!)
  10. As far as I know, it's always the publisher who 100 % makes the call of a demo being made or not. So replace the 'Obsidian' with 'Sega' and you're golden.
  11. Obviously you're living on a different planet than I am. So far the only publisher to ever ship a PS3 version that was not inferior was Electronic Arts with Red Alert 3. And yes, they shipped that roughly six months after the other versions. I love my ps3 to pieces, but so far it's seriously dragging behind on multiplatform games. Partially because all the really good PS3 exclusive games use solutions - like deferred shading - that seem to work best on its peculiar architecture.
  12. I always measure things in celsius becuase it makes me look professional. Shouldn't you go Kelvin, then? Nothing like 'Wow, it's over 300 degrees today!' I don't like measuring in Kelvin because it makes me feel like a nerd. And posting here doesn't?
  13. I'm sorry it took me so long I just now checked the forums again and saw this... um... http://www.gametrailers.com/video/develope...-protocol/43183 Not seeing any PS3 in it... I mean, unless it's on the PS3 and the button was "greened out"...
  14. IMO this crossed the fine line between thread necromancy and thread necrophilia.
  15. I always measure things in celsius becuase it makes me look professional. Shouldn't you go Kelvin, then? Nothing like 'Wow, it's over 300 degrees today!'
  16. If I'm not mistaken, a lot of the early footage that was shown was done so with the PS3 version of the game if the PS3 button icons during the conversation scenes were any indication. I don't recall much talk about any specific version of the game. Been the X360 icons in all the previews I've watched. And my work rate over the past few months says that I've looked at a lot of them.
  17. I was really surprised that Bioshock didn't scare me at all. It started off so well, with that splicer trying to reach you while you're cowering in the bathysphere. But in the end, it failed to convey a creepy atmosphere. At least for me. Could be because splicers aren't that scary, SS2 hybrids were much better. Big tv, surround sound and a ****ty insomnia-causing job/relationship help. And it was 2-3 cheap scares over the whole game. I tipped the filter! Yay!
  18. I dunno, Bioshock gave me a couple of good scares, but they were more of the "WAAA!" when a splicer jumps on me from the darkness than actual psychological horror.
  19. Newp, the main character in ME is a girlie voiced by the AWESOME Jennifer Hale. Possibly, at least. Will the last reveal before the game ships be Michaela Thorton?
  20. I was about to post the same thing. She also had a male Finnish name (~john), which kind of prevented me from taking her seriously on any level.
  21. That explains not getting 'Deus Ex', too.
  22. Not reall, since you couldn't spell it right... Edit: And I couldn't spell 'really'. But I'm drunk. What's your excuse?
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