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Posts posted by Oner

  1. I don't really care what system is used as long as it allows me to build my character how I'd like and the gameplay is enjoyable. I thought the effects of skills on firearm accuracy in Bloodlines (for example) were pretty un-fun. There's something irritating to me about pointing at a wall ten feet away and hitting something 45 degrees off from the center of my crosshairs (it's been a while since I've played Bloodlines, so it might not have been that extreme, but it was nutty). New shooters are inaccurate with handguns, but Bloodlines' implementation both stretched the boundaries of realism (not necessarily top concern for me as a player) and made for frustrating gameplay (biggest issue). I completely disliked Morrowind's melee combat for similar reasons. Actually, that was more bothersome to me than Bloodlines' firearms because in Morrowind you would actually see the weapon hit the target but you'd still miss. Were the gunplay abstracted and removed heavily (as it is in Fallout 1 and 2), it probably wouldn't have been as irritating. F1 and F2's implementation only irritated me with things like flamethrowers at two hexes, but edge cases and wacky weapons will always cause problems unless you just get rid of them, which is sort of like cutting off the nose to spite the face sometimes.

    In Bloodlines, only the more basic firearms were like that, the mid-high end guns were pretty accurate.

  2. Red Sonja wasn't dark fantasy (it was heroic fantasy, to be precise), but not very happy-go-lucky either, and Sonja was a female warrior.


    for chrissakes, don't take away from us the chance to mock asian games.

    Mocking looses it's purpose when the mocked people don't care, I think.

  3. Femshep is voiced by Jennifer Hale, who has also done Fall-From-Grace, Deionarra and Bastila along with a billion other things. She has an awesome voice. There's even a
    on youtube.

    Too bad Bastila herself deserved the opposite of praise, and the good voice acting didn't help her case either.

    Nice vid btw.

  4. I couldn't care less about being respected.

    Oh, he is so dashing and carefree. He's my hero.

    If I was carefree, than I wouldn't mind having to cope with someone's expectations. :nuke:

  5. A nation whose greatest contributions to the civilized world are badly drawn cartoons and porn so vile that its use in armed conflict would be considered a warcrime. :nuke:

    A certain cartoon about the children of a pair of legs, a chicken and a cow, of whom the former repeatedly falls into the nose of the latter and emerges with snot dripping from his whole body, and they are sometimes fighting against a devil who constantly shows off his ugly ass isn't made by japanese. Oh and please don't tell us your country is sooo superior. :)

  6. The long awaited E3 episode is finally up. A truly awesome episode filled with killing hype and shattering dreams.

    Hey, he didn't bash AP. Victory to the just!

    It wasn't at any of the press conferences. I'm sure he'll bash it when it comes out :lol:

    Postponed Judgement Day isn't bad either.

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