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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. thanks for posting that deathspank interview, that was an interesting read sometimes its easy to forget that good games are coming out all the time, just none of them happen to be dialogue heavy turn based rpgs. world of goo was one of the best games I've played in years, thanks in large part to its weirdly rich yet minimalist narrative, I have high hopes for the future of gaming I also really like the politics analogy, how many years did it take before the liberals got back on top of the political world? 8 years? hopefully it doesnt take that long for really truly great dialogue and story to come back to the forefront. I will once again (i know i'm a bit of a broken record) make my citizen kane/ there will be blood comparison - sooner or later we will have epic artistic games with deep characters and thought provoking events coming out alongside whizbang blockbusters. I think we're still about 5-10 years away, maybe more. costs are still going way up, but the market is growing too, and eventually publishers will recognize the niche of gamers who want artistic games (just like big studio's sometimes publish small art movies that have shots at oscar nominations for increased skril factor and bragging rights) and they will start publishing a slow but steady stream of very high quality, but lower budget games that are the equivelents of films like american history x, memento, or closer. dont get me wrong, im not saying we're ever going to have Closer: The Interactive Drama Game About Morality, Love, Lying, and Humanity. But we'll have artistic games that explore those themes while still being fun to actually play (because its a game - which means you play it) I'm just talking about how those types of movies can come out and be successful enough that producers will make more of them even though there are no pirates or carribeans anywhere in sight. Whats going to need to happen is the larger group of gamers (lets face it - the fairly young) will grow up and their tastes will mature (as is already happening) and will ask "where the hell is my game that challenges me emotionally and intellectually", and the market will respond and say "here you go, a game where you play a man on death row reliving his life and all the horrible choices he has made and you have a chance to redeem yourself in your mind before going to the chair where you will be killed but maybe even though the world still hates you you've learned to live with your choices and if god exists maybe you'll be judged more fairly but we're leaving it open-ended and there is lots of Choice and Consequence so you can talk about it with your friends at work the next day and everyone will feel special and fuzzy for having experienced such a great game" One thing that we may need to have happen first for this niche to develope is believe it or not... an oscars! for games! one that brings attention to those games that are actually emotionally and intellectually challenging (the oscars blow chunks usually, but they still meet this goal a lot of the time). Once those games get attention so more people play them then people will start looking for them more and voila the publishers want a piece of the "high caliber oscar game pie" - just like every major studio wants to have at least one "prestige" film to release in november/december. one cool thing about having an oscars of games where the prestige titles actually get attention instead of Explosion 4: The Explosioning, is that it will become "cool" to play the prestige games so you can say you did, just like everyone's parents all want to make sure they see enough of the best picture nominees that when someone asks which one they liked they can say "oh i say that slumboy millions movie and it was so sad, i really hope they give an oscar to that sweet little boy who was in the movie - didnt he do such a great job!" anyway i've gone on too long but seriously - I am very confident that in 10 or so years, this stuff is going to be happening, for better or for worse. (and just imagine the fallout title that could be released then! ceasars legion and mormons would be just the tip of the iceberg!)
  2. i'd like to see a return of "knockout" attacks, when a crit to the head could knock an enemy out for a few turns before they get back on their feet. it would be a way of making targetted melee and h2h more worthwhile. plus a little more variation in the effects of hitting things is always a nice addition - hardly necessary (unlike good characters, dialogue, and story) but fun nonetheless. also, i will never EVER get tired of putting [intelligence] in the front of a supremely stupid and badly written sentence. why? because its goddamn funny. I actually hope that obsidian sticks one of those retard gems into the game somewhere as a joke.
  3. im really worried about my family so you say my family is dead how are you today?
  4. ALSO SAWYER PLEASE LISTEN: let us use the craft bench to add little things to the guns, like scopes on our hunting rifles, or silencers to our sniper rifles of course, please don't sacrifice story or character or C&C content for this, because ... well... you know.
  5. Guns should be more lethal and degrade more slowly
  6. I kinda like some bad dialogue in games, just not in my fallout please. I mean, on the brightside of the Beth dialogues we now have a classic to rival all your base are belong to us - in the form of "[intelligence] So you say you fight the good fight on the radio with your voice?" absolutely mind-numbingly brilliant that is. you jill the master of unlocking have really hit a home run here by putting the word [intelligence] at the front of that sentence a new classic i wonder if the person responsible for that gem got to pick up the best writing award and give a speech to all those awesome people who voted for him. "So you say I've won an award for my writing?"
  7. sacrilege! fallout 1 is still a pinnacle of gaming, fallout 3 is a fun diversion that in ten years I'll say "oh yeah i remember that game" you can have your opinion of course. It just kinda blows.
  8. oh and for the record, fallout 1 is not just "fun" like Fallout DC, its a goddamn work of art. edit: and i REALLY love that I can say goddamn here, not like those horrible beth forums bring on ceasars legion!
  9. Beth has nothing in my opinion to apologize for, except naming fallout 3 fallout 3, if they had named it fallout: DC - I imagine most hardcore fallout fans (myself included) would never really have gotten that riled up to begin with, after all we already had BOS, compared to that game, this most recent spin-off is like a piece of heaven. seriously though, beth does what they do, they make very fun, but broken, open ended action games with rpg-like stats. nothing on par with deus ex, or fallout, but fun nontheless as Ive always said, a game doesnt need to be perfect to be fun. and i had fun playing fallout DC (or 3 as beth unfortunately labeled it) so I'm greatly looking forward to fallout DC 2: NV (now with story and characters!)
  10. to be honest, perfectly honest - I do not believe it is possible for a person to pick up and play fallout 1 for the very first time, without looking at ANY help (like faqs/walkthroughs/friends advice) and beat the game without dying at least a few times. anyone who says they have done it I will consider a liar. no matter how much they claim otherwise.
  11. I have a serious question: has anyone tried playing fallout 3 without using VATS at all? Is the game more fun that way? why? I ask because I'm thinking of trying it
  12. I died way more times beating fallout 1 than beating fallout 3. maybe some people define challenge differently than I do, but fallout was harder than fallout 3 when it comes to staying alive. (at least on a first play when you dont use a walkthrough to tell you where the power armor is)
  13. for some reason killian, your last post made me extremely depressed. Smoking and drinking coffee in a fancy shmancy restaurant in paris while wearing expensive clothes and gloating about your superiority is one of life's finest pleasures. You are really missing out. if the masses are so retarded, then they'll just buy what is marketed to them, regardless of difficulty, all the developers really need to do then is throw in a "very easy" mode that keeps all the good stuff but lowers the enemy hit points to 1. then any ol retard can just play on that mode (see metal gear solid 3 very easy mode) and not feel bad that their new "super cool elite awesome game of the year game that everyone at school is playing" is too hard for their little retard brain. this lets the developer make the game as challenging as they want also, fallout nv should feature all the groups and characters intended for van buren. I actually am of the opinion that most people who plays games can handle a little challenge, so long as the challenge derives from strategic and not arbitrary causes - if a person can see why they failed and can then think of ways of avoiding that same failure next round, then the person will keep playing because strategy is fun.
  14. I don't know if this is already in F3 or not, but I'd like to see a full body gib for when an enemy is critically hit with a rocket in the chest. not just the limbs falling off, but having the entire body and all its limbs explode into bloody chunky vapor. Yeah I know that request doesn't fit in with the rest of what I want (ie story/characters/dialogue/choice and consequence), but I really got sick of seeing explosions just knock limbs off of people like legos off a lego building. and no more slow-mo vats make slow mo only occur on critical hits, or never
  15. I just want (for now) a steady stream of info about the new game from the e-mouth of one J.E. Sawyer. One tidbit every day would be so much fun. Like throwing scraps to ravenous face-eating chimps. Actually... that's probably why we don't get tidbits.
  16. yeah its weird how the people talking looked better in fallout 1 than in 3. I need to throw in my 2 cents: Fallout 1 and 2 are my two favorite games ever. I loved fallout 3. fallout 3 was (in spirit, not name) a sequel to oblivion, NOT to fallout 1 and 2. It corrected many flaws oblivion had, but was not perfect. Games don't need to be perfect to be fun. Fallout New Vegas will be an improved fallout 3. I'm looking forward to it. For the record, I dont think we will ever have a true sequel to fallout, same as torment. I want one too, but I'm not going to give up on modern games because they don't make em like they used to. It would be nice to have ten more writers working in games with the skills of chris avellone though. I imagine as games grow more popular a niche of well written games will arise. After all, in the movie world we can have fun fluff like Iron Man come out and do well, as well as movies like There Will Be Blood. Sooner or later the game world will have as much diversity. also how do I ignore gromnir on these forums, I can't stand that he posts as a character.
  17. I really hope that Robert Ghoulet will now appear in the game somewhere. Or at least a grave with his name on it.
  18. My expectations for fallout 3 was an improved oblivion, which is exactly what I got. My expectations for FNV is an improved fallout 3 (with characters this time). I don't ever expect I'll see a game like the original fallout ever again. I'd be stoked if it happened, but I'm not expecting it. Same goes for Torment (though I thought the charactarization in KOTOR 2 was about halfway to Torment levels). I cant wait till we get some info. how about it JE? E3?
  19. Hi everyone. I, in echoing the sentiments of many others, would enjoy, and expect, FNV to be having the same gameplay as F3, but with some mild tweaks, like adding ammo weight, cleaning up VATS a little bit, and maybe including a few outlying areas that require map travel ala F1 and 2. The main difference I'm expecting is the inclusion of characters instead of cardboard cutouts. I would have preferred to have Van Buren, but frankly I'm just happy we're not getting BOS 2. who knows, maybe fallout will become such a successful brand name that we'll get another "side game" that is an above view strategy rpg complete with text box, superb dialogue, and real action points... wouldnt that be amusing in an ironic sort of way. but for this game: i basically want this to be what KOTOR 2 was to KOTOR 1. same gameplay, better characters and dialogue.
  20. yeah i think the movie was star wars and the character was han solo. oh you need a lift, ok. what you need me to save the galaxy from the empire? i guess if i have to...
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