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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. lol Bhaal is alive and a greater deity again in 5th edition good thing i always chose not to become a god in Baulders Gate
  2. I'd vote for Sadiq Khan. Britain needs more Muslim leadership.
  3. Truth isn't truth.
  4. Fake news.
  5. Trump still thinks countries pay tariffs. How much did daddy pay to get him through Wharton?
  6. " You didn't know he was going to be an impulsive dolt who has no idea what he is doing and couldn't find the truth if it were painted on the wall in front of him . " uh-huh
  7. No wonder they can't win wars anymore.
  8. Johnson makes Trump look like Marcus Aurelius.
  9. Is there any right wing stooge that isn't a Putin puppet?
  10. Fresh Prince of Bel Air had great ending.
  11. I know Jefferson from Jefferson in Paris and Day of the Tentacle.
  12. Last good BLizzard game was Blackthorne.
  13. Gonna vote for a muslim for EU parliament.
  14. Alabama being Alabama, I thought they'd only ban the abortion of white babies.
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